f. 1. to carry (d.); çamadan / kitab və s. ~ to carry a trunk / a book, etc.; uşağı qucağında ~ to carry a child in one’s arms; yük ~ to carry load; 2. (külək, sel və s.) to carry along (d.), to drive* (d.); 3. (rəhbərlik etmək) to lead* (d.), to conduct (d.), to direct (d.); to run* (d.) dərs ~ to conduct a lesson; dərnək ~ to conduct / to run* a circle; iclas ~ to preside over a meeting; iş ~ to run* a business; Bu yol hara aparır? Where does this road lead?; mübarizə ~ to struggle (against, with), to carry on a struggle (against, with); elmi iş ~ to do* scientific work, to be* engaged in scientific work; müharibə ~ to wage war (on / against); to fight a war; təşviqat ~ to carry on propaganda; kampaniya ~ to carry on a campaign; söhbət ~ to have* / to hold* a conversation; danışıq ~ to negotiate (with), to carry on negotiations (with); özünü ~ to conduct oneself; özünü pis ~ (xüs. uşaq haq.) to misbehave; özünü yaxşı ~ (xüs. uşaq haq.) to behave (oneself); Özünü yaxşı apar! Behave your self!; 4. (ötürmək) to take* (d.); uşağı məktəbə ~ to take* a child to school; uşaqları kinoya ~ to take* the children to the cinema; 5. (oğurlamaq) to carry off (d.); d.d. to lift (d.); (qızı) to abduct (d.); (avtomobili, təyyarəni) to hijack (d.); (adamı) to kidnap (d.); 6. id. to win* (d.), to gain (d.); oyunu ~ to win* the game; ləkəni ~ to remove a stain; yuxu ~ to be* asleep; to fall* asleep; qan ~ to bleed* to death; fikir ~ to become* lost in thought, to be* taken away with thought, to give* oneself up to one’s thought; ağlını ~ (dəli etmək) to drive* mad (d.); (heyran etmək) to charm (d.), to captivate (d.); Onun gözləri mənim ağlımı apardı Her / His eyes captivated / charmed me; vaxt ~ to take* time; çox vaxt ~ to take* a lot of / much time; f. qulağını ~ to din (d.) in one’s ears


Значение слова в других словарях

гласи́ть завши́веть незаслу́женный перемори́ть перета́птывание разва́рка сабу́ровый сердю́к выстра́иваться лёгкие отва́рка отстреля́ться охолону́ть проше́ние пря́жечка шу́бка мудрый acrolect age mate bum oil nut platform scale sacred mushroom viniferous завертеть