cowardly1 adj qorxaq, qorxacaq, ürəksiz, cəsarətsiz; ağciyər; ~ conduct qorxaq / cəsarətsiz davranış cowardly2 adv ürəksiz, qorxaqcasına, qorxa-qorxa,
Tam oxu »I. i. coward, craven; ~ olmaq to be* coward / craven II. s. cowardly, fainthearted; ağayana adam a cowardly man*
Tam oxu »I. s. irresolute, indecisive, cowardly, faint-heart(ed), craven, poor-spirited; ~ olmaq to be* coward / craven II. z. cowardly, faint-heartedly, crave
Tam oxu »I. s. cowardly, faint-hearted, craven, poor-spirited; ~ adam coward / cowardly man*, faint-hearted / chicken -hearted follow II. z. unwillingly, with
Tam oxu »to be a born coward / Cf. to be born in Cowards-ville (Cowardstown) родиться в селе Трусы (быть трусом, постоянно трусить)
Tam oxu »I. i. coward, craven II. s. 1. cowardly, craven, fainthearted, chicken-hearted; timid; ~ adam cowardly man*, faint-hearted / chicken-hearted fellow; ~
Tam oxu »I. i. məc. coward, a faint-hearted / chicken-hearted fellow II. s. cowardly, faint-hearted, chicken-hearted; ağciyər olmaq to be* coward / faint-heart
Tam oxu »coward1 n qorxaq, ağciyər; to be ~ qorxaq / ağciyər olmaq coward2 adj qorxaq, ağciyər, ürəksiz, cəsarətsiz
Tam oxu »s. 1. cowardly, faint-hearted; ~ olmaq to be* cowardly / faint-hearted / timid; 2. impatient, short-tempered, hot-tempered; ~ olmaq to be* impatient /
Tam oxu »...become* / to get* dishonest; 2. to become* / grow* / fainthearted / cowardly
Tam oxu »adj. pusillanimous, cowardly, timid, craven. ГЪЕЙРАТСУЗВАЛ n. pusillanimity, cowardliness, recreancy. ГЪЕЙРАТСУЗВИЛЕЛДИ also. гъейратсуздаказ.
Tam oxu »adj. pusillanimous, cowardly, timid, craven. ГЪЕЙРАТСУЗВАЛ n. pusillanimity, cowardliness, recreancy. ГЪЕЙРАТСУЗВИЛЕЛДИ also. гъейратсуздаказ.
Tam oxu »adj. pusillanimous, cowardly, timid, craven. ГЪЕЙРАТСУЗВАЛ n. pusillanimity, cowardliness, recreancy. ГЪЕЙРАТСУЗВИЛЕЛДИ also. гъейратсуздаказ.
Tam oxu »no coward / not of the timid serf / made of stern stuff / plucky soul не из трусливого десятка / не из робкого десятка (смелый, небоязливый)
Tam oxu »to play the coward / Cf. to be in a pretty funk / to show the white feather / to get (have) cold feet / to turn white-livered / to cry craven труса пр
Tam oxu »to play the coward / Cf. to be in a pretty funk / to show the white feather / to get (have) cold feet / to turn white-livered / to cry craven труса пр
Tam oxu »to play the coward / to be in a pretty funk / to show the white feather / to get cold feet / to turn white-livered / to cry craven труса праздновать (
Tam oxu »...weak as water / Amer. weak sister / a chicken-hearted fellow (a coward man) слаб в коленках / заячья душа (слабовольный, малодушный, трусливый, слабы
Tam oxu »to play the coward / Cf. to be in a pretty funk / to show the white feather / to get (have) cold feet / to turn white-livered / to cry craven труса п
Tam oxu »to read, mark and inwardly digest хорошо усваивать про-читанное
Tam oxu »quietly to oneself (inwardly) / Cf. to make mental note of smth. про себя (мысленно)
Tam oxu »deep in one’s heart / in one’s soul (heart) / at heart / inwardly / inly в глубине души (сердца)
Tam oxu »s. (ürəksiz) coward, craven, undecided, indecisive, irresolute; ~ olmaq to be* coward / undecided / indecisive; Cürətsiz olma! Don’t be scared! Cürətl
Tam oxu »...courage, to lose* heart, to be* despondent; to become* faint-hearted / coward
Tam oxu »Cowards die many times before their death. / Cf. A man can die but only once. / He that fears death lives not. / We shan’t die before we’re dead. Рань
Tam oxu »z. inwardly, intuitively; ~ əzab çəkmək to suffer inwardly; ~ hiss etmək to feel* intuitively
Tam oxu »...word; ~ olmaq to be* rude / impolite II. z. rudely, impolitely, coarsly; ~ danışmaq to speak* rudely / impolitely
Tam oxu »adv. in, inside; inwards, inward; inwardly; inland. КЪЕНЕПАТАЙ adv. from within, from the inside; on the inside. КЪЕНЕПАТАН pref. en, endo, intra.
Tam oxu »adv. in, inside; inwards, inward; inwardly; inland. КЪЕНЕПАТАЙ adv. from within, from the inside; on the inside. КЪЕНЕПАТАН pref. en, endo, intra.
Tam oxu »adv. in, inside; inwards, inward; inwardly; inland. КЪЕНЕПАТАЙ adv. from within, from the inside; on the inside. КЪЕНЕПАТАН pref. en, endo, intra.
Tam oxu »...hares may pull dead lions by the beard / a bully is always a coward молодец среди овец, а против молодца (и) сам овца
Tam oxu »...Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. / A bully is always a coward. / Every dog is a lion at home. = Дома - петух, на улице - курица. / Ср. Молодец
Tam oxu »...confidant; рикӀ авай кас man of courage ; ажуз рикӀ авай adj. cowardly, fearful, craven; дар рикӀ авай инсан adj. miserly, niggardly, cheap or stingy
Tam oxu »...A man can die but only once. / He that fears death lives not. / Cowards die many times before their death. От судьбы не уйдёшь. / Никто от своего рок
Tam oxu »...yaşayan kişi); 4. bandit; muzdlu cani; ◊ A bully is always a coward at. söz. Dələduz həmişə qorxaq olar bully v 1. qorxutmaq, qorxuya salmaq; tabe /
Tam oxu » / to cut dirt / to pull foot / to make a run of it / to turn coward / to do bunk / to sling (slip, take) one’s hook / to cut dirt / Amer. to show
Tam oxu »