n 1. əyrilik, əyri-üyrülük; 2. qeyri-müəyyənlik, qeyri-səmimilik; ikimənalılıq; 3. əxlaqsızlıq; 4. k
Tam oxu »n. curvature, act of curving; flexure, act of bending; tortuosity, quality of being twisted; curve, bend, twist.
Tam oxu »n. curvature, act of curving; flexure, act of bending; tortuosity, quality of being twisted; curve, bend, twist.
Tam oxu »n. curvature, act of curving; flexure, act of bending; tortuosity, quality of being twis ted; curve, bend, twist; чам квай adj. cabriole, bent, curved
Tam oxu »