i. 1. innovation, novelty; newness; texnologiyada ~ innovation in technology; ədəbiyyatda ~ novelty in literature; 2
i. innovator; istehsalat ~si industrial innovator
I. i. innovation, innovating II. s. innovatory
f. 1. to be* defeated / conquered 2. resign oneself
s. invincible, unconquerable; ~ ordu invincible army; ~ iradə invincible will, iron will; ~ adam invincible man*
i. invincibility
i. juvenile; adolescent, teenage
i. adolescence
I. i. zool. rac(c)oon; amer. coon II. s.: ~ dərisi coonskin; ~ dərisindən tikilmiş palto rac(c )oon coat, coonskin coat
i. bishop
top.i. 1. episcopacy; 2. (yüksək rütbə) episcopate, bishopric
s. tremendous, huge, very big, too / very large; enormous; ~ ev an enormous house
s. newest, quite new, very new
I. i. 1. earth; ~in səthi earth’s surface; 2. (səyyarə) the Earth; Yer Günəş ətrafında fırlanır The Earth goes round the sun; 3
i. the Earth and the heaven; the whole world, everything around, all around; ◊ Yer-göy qan ağlayır All around are crying bitterly
i. place of residence, the whereabouts; Onun yeri-yurdu məlum deyil His / Her whereabouts is unknown
s. underground, subsoil; ~ keçid underground passage; ~ partlayış underground explosion; ~ işlər underground working; ~ nüvə sınağı underground nuclea
z. 1. thoroughly, in detail, at great length; əhvalatı ~ danışmaq to detail the story; ~ etmək to place (d
z. from everywhere, from every quarter, from all parts
z. thoroughly, in detail
z. 1. when, while, as; Getdiyi yerdə ... When he / she was going ... Yatdığım yerdə ... While I was sleeping
i. 1. transference, shift, displacement; cəbhənin ~si shift of the front; 2. geol. dislocation, displacement; 3
i. zool. shrew
s. reserved, reticent; secretive; ◊ Suyun lal axanı, adamın yerəbaxanı zərb.məs. ≅ Still waters run deep
s. circumterrestrial; ~ orbit nearearth orbit; ~ fəza terrestrial space
i. bot. ground-nut
f. 1. to be* brought; Şəhərə ordu yeridildi The troops were brought into the town; 2. tib. to be* injected, to be* given an injection
i. change in gustatory sense (of a pregnant woman)
f. to feel* need in sour (of a pregnant woman)
f. to go*; to walk; ağır-ağır to go* slowly; qol-qola ~ to walk arm-in-arm; Uşaq doqquz ayında yeriməyə başladı The child began to walk at nine months
z. on the spot; ~ durmaq to stand* on the spot
z. just on the spot; ~ öldürmək to kill just on the spot
qoş. 1. instead of, in place of; qardaşımın ~ instead of my brother, in my brother’s place; 2. instead of (+ger
i. 1. walk, walking; gözəl ~ a graceful walk; iti ~ a sharp walk; 2. gait, step; yüngül ~ a light step; cəld ~ fast step, rapid gait; yavaş ~ slow gai
s. (i.s.) with walk / gait / step; gözəl ~ with graceful walk; məğrur ~ with proud walk / step / gait
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to walk (d.); 2. to ask / to cause smb. to bring (troops); 3. tib. to ask / to cause smb
f. 1. to lead* (d.); uşağı ~ to walk a baby, to help / to cause a baby to walk; 2. to bring* (d.); şəhərə qoşun ~ to bring* troops into a town; 3
I. i. carrot II. s. carrot (attr.); ~ şirəsi carrot juice
I. i. navvy II. s.: ~ maşın earth-moving machine, earth mover
f. 1. to be* placed / accommodated; 2. (yük) to be* stowed; 3. (ordu) to be* quartered / billeted; Əsgərlər yerləşdirildi The soldiers were billeted;
f. 1. to place (d.), to put* in order (d.), to accommodate (d.); 2. (yükü) to stow (d.); 3. (əsgərləri evlərdə) to quarter (d
f. 1. to settle; to make* oneself comfortable; 2. to be* situated / located; Təzə məktəb bu küçədə yerləşir The new school is situated in this street;
I. i. (fellow-) countryman*; (bir şəhərli) fellow townsman*; (bir kəndli) fellow-villager II. s. 1. local; ~ dialekt local dialect; ~ vaxt local time;
z. d.d. 1. completely, perfectly; entirely; wholely; 2. flatly, point-blank; ~ imtina etmək / boyun qaçırmaq to refuse point-blank
z. 1. by the root; ~ qoparmaq to tear* up by the root (d.), to uproot (d.), to root out (d.); 2. bax yerli-dibli
z. thoroughly, in detail, at (great) length; əhvalatı ~ danışmaq to detail the story; bir işi ~ görmək to do* smth
z. bax yerli-yataqlı
z. out of place, irrelevant, not to the point, in season and out of season; bir şeyi ~ demək to say* smth
i. localistic tendencies pl
f. to become* aboriginal