f. to ram (d.), (yüngülcə) to tamp (d.)
f. to be* rammed
f. bax toxaclatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to ram (d.)
f. to hoe (d.)
f. to be* hoed
f. bax toxalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to hoe (d.)
i. satiety, satiation, repletion; ~ etmək to overeat*, to eat* too much
i. beetle, a large wooden hammer
f. to beetle (d.), to beat* with a beetle (d.)
f. to be* beetled, to be* beaten with a beetle
f. bax toxmalaqlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to beetle (d.)
s. (i.s.) with a beetle, (i.s.) having a beetle
s. (i.s.) without a beetle, beetleless
I. s. easy-tempered; calm, quiet II. z. quietly, calmy
i. calmness, quietness; ~ vermək to calm (d.), to quiet (d.), to soothe (d.)
f. 1. to calm / to quiet / to settle down; 2. to reach (the place), to arrive (at a place)
f. to calm (d.), to quiet (d.), to soothe (d.); to reassure (d.), to set* at rest / at ease (d.), to set* smb
I. i. weaver; textile-worker; (iynə ilə toxuyan) knitter II. s. weaving, weaver’s; textile; ~ dəzgahı loom; ~ sənəti weaving; ~ fabriki textile mill
i. weaving; the job of a weaver
i. 1. seed; bir kisə ~ a bag of seeds; narahatlıq ~u məc. seeds of trouble; ~ səpmək müst. məc. to sow* (d
f. 1. to weave (d.); (iynə ilə, corab və s.) to knit (d.); corab ~ to knit stockings; (qarmaqla) to crochet (d
i. seed grower
I. i. k.t. seedage, seed-growing, seed-farming II. s. k.t. seed-growing; ~ təsərüfatı seed-farm
f. to seed, to go* / to run* to seed
s. seed-bearing; ~ bitkilər seedbearing plants
s. seedy; ~ portağal a seedy orange; ~ badımcan a seedy aubergine / eggplant
I. i. seed; ~ üçün saxlamaq to keep* for / as seed; soğanı ~ üçün saxlamaq to keep* onions for seed II
I. i. sower; seeder; məc. disseminator II. s.: ~ maşın seeding-machine, seed-drill
s. bot. seedless; (i.s.) without seeds
i. the state or quality of being seedless
i. seed-cleaning, seedsorting
i. seed-cleaner, seed-sorter
i. riyaz. tangent
f. to knock together (d.), to bring* (d.) into contact (with); d.d. to bring* together (d.)
f. 1. to touch; 2. to trouble (d.); to disturb (d.); məsələyə ~ to touch upon the problem; bir kəsin mənafeyinə ~ to infringe upon smb
f. 1. to be* touched / troubled; 2. to be* woven; (iynə ilə) to be* knitted
s. 1. inviolable; untouchable; ~ hüquqlar inviolable rights; ~ ehtiyat untouchable reserve; 2. enjoying special protection; ~ şəxsiyyət protected pers
i. inviolability; (diplomatik) immunity; şəxsiyyətin toxunulmazlığı inviolability of person, personal immunity; diplomatik ~ diplomatic immunity
s. kind of knitting / crocheting, knitting; crochet-work
f. bax toxutmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to weave (d.) / (iynə ilə) to knit (d.) / (qarmaq ilə) to crochet (d.); to have* (d
i. turner, lathe operator; ~ olmaq to be* a turner
f. 1. to fall*; to overflow*, to spill*; to go* to pieces; to pour out, to run* out; yerə ~ to fall* to the ground; 2
i. belt; qayış ~ leather belt; təzə ~ new belt; ~ sını bərkitmək (daraltmaq) to tighten one’s belt; ~ sının altını bərkitmək d
f. to belt up (d.); paltonu ~ to belt up one’s coat
f. 1. to wrestle by gripping each other’s belts; 2. to beat* each other with a belt
s. with / having a belt