i. the state / quality of being thornless
f. to be* built
f. to ask / to cause smb. to build (d.)
f. bax tikdirmək
i. piece, slice, bit; (qənd) lump; Bir tikə də yox Not a bit (for); Dişim çəkiləndə bir tikə də incitmədi It didn’t hurt a bit when my tooth was pulle
z.: ~ etmək to break* to pieces (d.), to tear* to pieces (d.); ~ olmaq to be* broken / torn to pieces
I. i. building; (möhtəşəm) edifice II. s. 1. sewn; 2. ready-made; ~ ayaqqabı ready-made shoes; ~ paltarlar ready-made clothes
i. 1. fashion, style; 2. sewing
f. 1. (paltar və s.) to be* sewn; 2. (bina və s.) to be* built; Yeni məktəb tikilir A new school is being built
I. i. building, construction; yol ~si road building; yaşayış binası ~si building / erection of (dwelling) houses II
I. i. sewing; needlework II. s. sewing; ~ maşını sewing-machine; ~ emalatxanası sewing workshop; ~ fabriki clothes factory; ~ iynəsi sewing needle
i. embroidery; fancywork, fine needlework
i. (kişi) embroiderer; (qadın) embroideress
i. the profession of an embroiderer / broideress
f. 1. (bina, körpü və s.) to build* (d.); to erect (d.); to construct (d.); ev ~ to build* a house; 2
i. splinter; barmağına ~ batmaq to get* a splinter in one’s finger
i. rod, fishing-rod; ~a düşmək to swallow / to take* the bait; məc. to fall* for the bait
i. talisman; enchantment; spell; charm; ~ə düşmək to be* bewitched / enchanted, to fall* under the spell (of); ~ə salmaq to enchant (d
i. magician, enchanter; (qadın) enchantress
i. the business of a magician / an enchanter
f. to enchant (d.), to bewitch (d.); to charm (d.), to cast* a spell (over)
f. to be* / to get* enchanted, to be* / to get* bewitched; to be* / to get* charmed
s. enchanted, bewitched; spellbound
s. spell-binding, (i.s.) having a charm / spell
i. cold (in the head); elm. coryza; ~ olmaq to catch* (a) cold (in the head)
I. i. crocodile II. s. crocodile, crocodilian; ~ dərisi crocodile leather
i. bax misal
I. i. corner; ~ də on / at the corner; Mən səni tində gözləyəcəm I’ll wait for you on / at the corner II
i. k.t. seeding; sapling, young plant
s. typical, characteristic
f. to be* typified
f. to typify (d.)
f. to get* / to become* typified
i. typicalness, typical nature
s. bax növlü
i. (işçi) printer; (maşın) typograph
i. typology
s. typological; ~ dilçilik typological linguistics
I. i. log, beam, girder II. i. (açıq) shootingrange; (örtülü) shooting-gallery
z.: ~ əsmək to tremble / to shake* all over, to shudder (at); ağcaqayın yarpağı kimi ~ əsmək to tremble like an aspen leaf*
i. 1. (istiqraz) draw; ~ı çıxmaq to be* drawn; 2. (dövri mətbuat) circulation; (kitab) print, printing, number of copies printed, edition; Kitabın tir
i. tyrant
i. tyranny; ~ etmək to tyrannize (over)
i. dash; ~ qoymaq to put* a dash; Tire defisdən uzundurA dash is longer than a hyphen
i. division, bloc
z.: ~ olmaq to be* divided / split
f. d.d. to lie* stretched
s. timbered, (i.s.) having timbers
i. tirma, a kind of thin woolen stuff
i. opium; ~ çəkmək to smoke opium