s. giddy, dizzy; (müsbət mənada) stunning; ~ hündürlük giddy / dizzy height; ~ müvəffəqiyyət dizzy / giddy success
f. to dizzy, to make* dizzy, to cause dizziness / giddiness (d.), to stupefy (d.)
f. to be* dizzy, to go* round; I’m dizzy Mənim başım gicəllənir My head is going round
f. bax gicəlləndirmək
f. to feel* giddy, to be* giddy; to be* dizzy; Mənim başım gicəlir I feel giddy, My head is swimming
i. temple
f. to play fool, to fool (about)
f. to cause to itch (d.)
f. to itch; ◊ bir işi görmək üçün əlləri ~ to itch one’s hand (+to inf.), to be* itching to do smth
i. bot. nettle
i. bot. dead-nettle
s. (i.s.) with nettle, (i.s.) having nettle
i. bed of nettles, area overgrown with nettles
f. 1. to become* idiotic / stupid, to go* crazy; 2. to act idiotically / foolishly; to speak* idiotically / foolishly
i. idiocy, imbecility; ~ etmək to act idiotically / stupidly / foolishly
I. s. silly, doltish, imbecile, not very bright; ~ oğlan dull / silly boy; ~ görkəm silly / inane look; ~ oğlan imbecile fellow II
i. dullness, doltishness, inanity
i. hygiene; əmək ~sı occupational hygiene
s. hygienic
I. i. clay II. s. clayey; earthen; ~ torpaq clayey soil; ~ qab earthenware crockery; ~ məmulatı earthenware, pottery
I. i. (sweet) cherries pl.; (ayrıca meyvə) (sweet) cherry II. s. cherry; ~ ağacı cherry tree; ~ mürəbbəsi cherry preserve / jam
i. cherry-orchard, cherry grove
i. south-west wind (from the Caspian sea)
z. bax gilə-gilə
i. grumble; complaint; ~ etmək to grumble, to make* a complaint (to, about), to lodge a complaint (with, about)
i. bax giley; ~ etmək bax gileylənmək
i. grumbler, complainer
f. to grumble, to complain, to make* a complaint (to, about)
s. displeased, dissatisfied; ~ olmaq to be* dissatisfied, to be* displeased
i. 1. drop; bir ~ də not a drop, not a bit; bir ~ səbri olmaq to have* a little patience; 2. separate seeds of pomegranate, grape, etc
z. drop by drop
f. to separate fruit from its rind / peel
f. to be* separated from its (üzüm) cluster / (nar) peel
f. bax gilələtmək
f. to ask / to cause smb to separate fruit from its rind / (üzüm) cluster
i. berry; ~ yığmaq to gather berries
I. i. bax albalı I II. i. bax albalı II
i. cherry-tree grove, cherry-tree orchard
i. (patronda) cartridge-case; (papirosda) cigarette-wrapper
z. rolling
f. to be* rolled
I. f. to roll; Çəllək gilləndi The barrel rolled II. f. bax gilləşmək
f. to become* / to get* clay, to turn into clay
I. f. bax gillətmək f. I II. f. bax gillətmək f
f. 1. to roll (d.); to cause to roll (d.); 2. məc. d.d. to drink* off at one draught / gulp / go (d.)
s. clayey, clay; ~ torpaq clayey soil; elm. loam
i. clayey place / soil
i. gymnast; ~ların çıxışı gymnastic display
s. gymnastic; ~ hərəkətlər gymnastic exercises, gymnastics