I. i. Bulgarian II. s. Bulgarian; ~ dili Bulgarian, the Bulgarian language
z. Bulgarian; ~ danışmaq to speak* Bulgarian
f. bax bollaşmaq
f. to increase (d.), to make* plentiful; to multiply (d.)
f. to become* abundant / very many / a lot of / a great deal / very much
f. to make* abundant / plentiful, to achieve abundance
s. bax bol
z. bol-bol
I. s. bax bol II. z. bax bol-bol
I. i. abundance, plenty; profusion; xammal bolluğu abundance of raw materials; ərzaq bolluğu abundance of foodstuffs; ərzaq bolluğu yaratmaq to create
I. i. tar. Bolshevik II. s. Bolshevik, Bolshevist; ~ rəhbərliyi Bolshevist leadership
z. like a Bolshevik, as a Bolshevik
f. to become* a Bolshevik
i. siya. Bolshevism
i. tex. bolt
i. adjustable spanner; monkey wrench
fi. bolting
f. tex. to bolt (d.)
f. tex. to be* bolted
f. bax boltlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to bolt (d.)
s. boltless; (i.s.) without a bolt
i. bomb; yandırıcı ~ incendary (bomb); fuqas ~sı demolition bomb; atom ~sı atom / atomic bomb, A-bomb; hidrogen ~sı hydrogen bomb, H-bomb; neytron ~sı
i. bomb-thrower
i. bomber
fi. bombing; bombardment
f. (havadan) to bomb (d.); (topdan) to bombard (d.), to drop a bomb
f. to be* bombed / bombarded
f. bax bombalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to bomb (d.)
i. bombing; bombardment; ~ etmək bax bombalamaq; ~ edilmək bax bombalanmaq
I. i. 1. (təyyarə) bomber; 2. (təyyarəçi) bomber pilot II. s. bombing; bombardment; ~ aviasiya bombardment aviation; ~ təyyarə bombing aircraft, bomba
s. bomb-shaped
i. bomb-dropper
s. quite / perfectly / totally / absolute ly empty
s. dark grey, ash-grey
i. mal. 1. cheques, tokens, vouchers; 2. paper-money
i. tar. Bonapartist
i. tar. Bonapartism
I. i. kim. boron II. s. kim. boracic; ~ turşisi boric / boracic acid III. i. (diş yonmaq üçün maşın) steel drill
i. storm; qar ~ı snowstorm, blizzard; ~a düşmək to be* overtaken / caught by a storm; Boran kəsib the storm has stopped / blown over
i. bax balqabaq (1-ci mənada)
f. to storm; Boranlayır It is storming
s. stormy; ~ hava / gün / gecə stormy weather / day / night
i. bax boran
i. 1. debt; ~ almaq to borrow (d.); ~ vermək to lend (d.); ~u vermək to pay* a debt; ~ etmək to incur a debt; ~a düşmək to get* / to run* into debt; ~
i. bax borclu I
I. i. debtor II. s. 1. obliged (+to inf.); ~ olmaq to be* obliged / bound; bir işi görməyə ~ olmaq to be* obliged / bound to do smth
i. debts pl.; indebtedness
i. lender, creditor