əv. this (cəm forması: these) ~ kitab this book; ~ qayda ilə in this way; ~ dəmdə at this time; ~ il this year, the present year; ~ baxımdan from this
i. bagel
i. 1. corner; ~da (çöldə) at the corner, (içəridə) in the corner; 2. riyaz. angle; 60 dərəcə ~ altında at an angle of 60 degree; düz ~ altında at righ
I. i. tex. gonometer, angle gauge II. s. tex. gonometrical
əv. only this, just this
I. i. 1. thigh; hip; 2. (donuz əti) ham, gammon II. s. femoral; ~ sümuyu thighbone, femur; ~ arteriyası femoral artery
I. i. (müxt. mənalarda) branch; bough II. s. qram. subordinate; ~ cümlə subordinate clause
i. twig, sprig, shoot
f. to branch, to branch out, to ramify
fs. branched; ramified; forked (of road, etc)
s. branchy; branched; ~ buğda branched wheat
s. branchless; (i.s.) without branch
i. 1. to cut* off (d.), to clip (d.), to trim (d.), 2. (döymək) to thrash (d.), to drub (d.)
i. 1. to be* cut off / clipped; 2. (döyülmək) to be* thrashed / drubbed
i. 1. (ağac) to be* cut off / trimmed; 2. (döyülmək) to be* thrashed / drubbed
i. d.d. to drub (d.), to beat (d.), to spank (d.), to give* a spank (d.); (qamçı ilə) to give* a whipping; (çubuqla) to switch (d
i. to be* drubbed / beaten, to be* spanked; (qamçı ilə) to be* whipped; (çubuqla) to be* switch
i. to ask / to cause smb. to drub (d.) / to beat (d.) / to spank (d.); to give* a spank (d.); (qamçı ilə) to ask / to cause smb
i. 1. to make* smb. cut off (d.), to ask / to cause. smb. to trim (d.); 2. bax döydürmək
i. bax budatdırmaq
i. Buddha
i. Buddhist
i. Buddhism
i. box, hut, stall, booth; gözətçi ~sı sentry-box; dəmir yol ~sı trackman’s hut; telefon ~sı telephone box, publi? call-box; amer
i. 1. shop-keeper; 2. policeman* on duty
i. 1. (qab şkafı) sideboard; 2. (yemək yeri) refreshment room, buffet; canteen
i. (kişi) barman; (qadın) barmaid; amer. bartender
z. today; Bugün mənim ad günümdür Today is my birthday
z. soon; in a day or two, one of these days
s. 1. today’s; ~ qəzet today’s newspaper; ◊ Bu bugünkü işi sabaha qoyma at. söz. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today; 2
I. i. 1. steam; 2. (ağızdan çıxan) exhalation; ~a vermək to steam (d.); Atdan buğ çıxır The horse is steaming II
i. bull, ox; ◊ ~ kimi güclü as strong as an ox; ~nın buynuzundan yapışmaq to take* the bull by the horns idiom
i. bull-calf
f. buğalaşmaq
i. to grow* into a bull, to become* a bull
I. i. wheat; yazlıq ~ spring wheat; payızlıq ~ winter wheat II. s. wheat; wheat en; ~ çörəyi white bread, wheaten loaf; ~unu wheat flour
i. weevil
s. qarayağız
i. 1. sweating-room (in bath houses); 2. tex. steam-shop
i. to be* evaporated / steamed
i. to evaporate (d.); to exhale (d.); to steam (d.)
fi. evaporation, exhalation
f. 1. to evaporate, to steam, to turn into a vapour, to vaporize; 2. (qeyb olmaq) to vanish, to disappear
f. bax buğlandırmaq
i. 1. anat. articulation, joint; 2. bot. churn-staff
z.: ~ doğramaq to cut* by joints; ~ olmaq d.d. to become* very fat
i. zool. arthrohoda
i. to be* articulated, to be* divided, to be* divided into parts
s. zool. articulated, segmented
s. jointless; (i.s.) without articulation