f. to ask smb. to bore (d.) / to drill (d.) / to perforate (d.), to cause smb. to bore (d.) / to drill (d
f. to be* sprained / slipped
s. sprained; ~ torpaq a sprained ankle
f. to sprain; to slip; Onun ayağı burxuldu His / Her foot slipped
f. to sprain (d.); to slip (d.); O, topuğunu burxudub He / She has sprained his / her ankle
I. i. bourgeois II. s. bourgeois; ~ cəmiyyəti bourgeois society
s. bourgeois-democratic; ~ inqilabı bourgeois-democratic revolution
f. to become* bourgeois
i. bourgeoisie iri ~ upper bourgeoisie; inhasarçı ~ monopoly bourgeoisie; xırda ~ petty bourgeoisie
I. fi. 1. twiring, twisting; winding round; bir kəsin qollarını arxasına ~ twist ing smb.’s arms behind his back; 2
s. bax buruq-buruq
s. bax bığıburma
f. 1. to twirl (d.), to twist (d.); to wind* round (d.); bir kəsin qolunu ~ to twist smb.’s arms; bığını ~ to turn up the ends of one’s moustache; 2
s. curly-headed; ~ oğlan a curly headed boy / fellow
s. bax burmatel
s. 1. turned-up-nose; 2. məc. insolent, arrogant, presumptuous; haughty
i. 1. the quality of having a turned-up nose; 2. məc. haudhtiness, arrogance, insolence
s. bax əyriburun
s. bax uzunburun
s. bax yastıburun
i. the quality of having a snubnose
s. big-nosed
i. the quality of having a big nose
s. məc. arrogant, insolent, presumptuous
i. məc. arrogance, insolence, haughtiness
I. i. well; neft buruğu oil well II. s. 1. boring, bore; ~ ustası boring / drilling technician; ~ quyusu bore, bore-hole, bore-well; 2
s. 1. (saç) curled, curling; ~ saç curled hair; 2. spiral
I. i. borer, driller, drill operator II. i. a man who castrates (d.) / emasculates (d.) / gelds (d.)
i. the profession of a borer / driller
i. bax buruqçu
s. curly haired, curly-headed; ~ uşaq curly headed child
s. bax buruqsaç
i. 1. whirlpool, eddy; toz ~ı a dust whirl, an eddy of dust; 2. məc. vertex, whirl; qar ~ı snowstorm, blizzard
s. fiz. vertical; ~ hərəkət vertical movement
i. whirlpool
fi. 1. toxuc. twisting, spinning; 2. tex. torsion
f. 1. (ip, sap və s.) to spin; 2. (dönmək) to turn; 3. (toz, qar, və s.) to whirl; to become* twisted; 4
fi. bax buruq II (2-ci və 3-cü mənalarda)
s. bax buruq (2-ci və 3-cü mənalarda)
f. swirl; curl; wreath; Toz burumlanır The dust is swirling; Tüstü burumlandı The smoke wreathed
I. i. 1. nose; burnunda danışmaq to speak* with a twang; burnunu bir yerə / işə soxmaq to poke / to thrust* one’s nose into smth
z. nose to nose; ~ dayanmaq to stand* nose to nose
z.: ~ danışmaq to speak* in a low voice, to mutter under one’s breath, to speak* indistinctly
f. 1. to nose (d.); 2. məc. to cavil (d.), to find* fault (with) (d.); to force out (d.)
f. 1. to be* nosed; 2. məc. to be* forced out
f. to nose each other / one another
i. snuff, sneezing grass / herb
i.: ~ vermək to give* a scold ing
s. noseless; (i.s.) without a nose