f. to be* thickened / condensed; (qanı) to be* clotted
fs. condensed, evaporated; ~ süd condensed / evaporated milk
f. to thicken (d.),to condense (d.); (qanı) to clot (d.); (buxarlatmaq yolu ilə) to evaporate (d.)
fi. thickening; condensation; (buxarlanma yolu ilə) evaporation
f. to thicken, to get* / to grow* / to become* thicker; (qan) to coagulate, to clot; Duman qatılaşır The fog is thickening, The fog is getting / growi
fs. bax qatılaşdırılmış
f. to thicken (of), to condensed (d.); (qan) to clot (d.)
i. thickness, density; coagulation, clot
fi. mixing, dilution
f. to be* mixed / diluted
i. mule; ~ kimi (dözümlü) mulish, stubborn
i. muleteer; mule breeder
i. mule breeding
i. bot. horse-tail, mare’s tail
f. to be* mixed / put into disorder
f. 1. to mix (d. with), to blend (d. together with); rəngləri ~ to mix / to blend colours together; Qəndi, unu və yumurtanı qarışdırın Blend / mix the
I. i. 1. mixture; blend; 2. tex. alloy II. s. mixed; crossed, mongrel; hybrid; ~ repertuar mixed repertoire; ~ meşə mixed forest / wood; ~ rəqəm riyaz
i. 1. bustle, turmoil; 2. alarm, commotion; confusion, muddle; 3. unrest
f. 1. to mix (with), to mingle (with), to merge (with, into); Yağ suya qatışmır Oil doesn’t mix with water; izdihama ~ to mingle / to merge with the c
i. killer; (qəsdən adam öldürən) murderer; (qadın) murderess; (siyasi səbəbdən dövlət başçısını, partiya liderini və s
i. murderousness, crime, evil deed
I. i. puff bun, puff doughnut II. fs. folding; collapsible, tipup; flap; ~ stul folding chair; ~ oturacaq collapsible / tip-up / flap seat; ~ bıcaq cl
f. to fold (up, in) (d.); paltarı / əl dəsmalını və s. ~ to fold clothes / handkerchiefs, etc.; qollarını ~ to fold one’s arms; qəzeti, məktubu və s
f. to be* folded
fs. folded; ~ səhifə folded page
s. bax dözülməz I
I. fi. geol. stratification; deposition; layer; stratum II. fi. long-suffering, stubbornness
I. f. to stratify II. f. to stand* (d.), to bear (d.), to suffer (d.), to endure (d.); to have* suffered much; zəhmətə ~ to toil / to work hard III
f. bax qatlatdırmaq
I. i. poliqr. folder II. s. poliqr. folding; ~ maşın folding machine, folder
s. 1. pleated; ~ tuman pleated skirt; 2. geol. folded, plicate; ~ dağlar folded mountains
i. cord, twine
s. bax qarmaqarış II
I. s. bax qarmaqarışıq I II. z. bax qarmaqarışıq II
i. bax qarmaqarışıqlıq
f. bax qatışdırmaq
I. i. 1. tar; (maye) pitch; ağac ~ı wood tar; ~ kimi qara as black as pitch, jet-black; 2. (təbii) resin II
i. tar-worker
i. the job of a tar-worker
i. tar-works
f. to tar (d.), to pitch (d.); to resin (d.); yol ~ to tar a road
f. 1. to be* tarred / pitched; 2. to be* resined
fs. 1. tarred, pitched; 2. resined; ~ kəndir tarred rope
f. to turn into resin / tar / (maye) pitch
f. bax qatranlatmaq
f. 1. to cause / to ask smb. to tar (d.); 2. to ask / to cause smb. to resin (d.)
s. 1. resinous, resiniferous; ~ ağac resiniferous tree; 2. bax qatranlanmış
i. tambourine
i. tambourine player
i. bax qavalçalan