s. crusty; ~ çörək crusty bread; crusted; ~ torpaq crusted soil
i. bayt. heaves pl., broken-wind; ~ olmuş at a broken-winded horse
I. i. bax ərik I II. s. bax ərik II
i. bax əriklik
i. lace; ayaqqabı ~ı shoe-laces pl
s. (i.s.) with thin eyebrows, (i.s.) having thin eyebrows
f. to lace (d.), to lace up one’s boots; to string / to tie together (d.)
f. to be* laced; to be* strung / tied together
fs. laced; strung
f. bax qaytanlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to lace up (d.); to ask / to cause smb. to string (d.)
s.: ~ ayaqqabı lace - boots
s. (i.s.) without lace; (i.s.) having no lace; laceless
fi. 1. restoring, returning, retrieval; oğurlanmış əmlakın ~sı restoring / retrieval of stolen property; kitabın ~sı returning of the book; 2
f. 1. to be* returned / restored / retrieval; to be* sent back; 2. (borc, pul) to be* repaid
s. irretrievable, irrevocable; ~ itki irretrievable loss
fi. 1. returning, restoring; kitabı ~ returning of the book; oğurlanmış əmlakı ~ restoring stolen property; 2
f. 1. to return (d.), to restore (d.), to give* back (d.), to send* back (d.); kitabı kitabxanaya ~ to return the book to the library; oğurlanmış əmla
f. bax qaytarmaq
f. 1. to cause smb. to return (d.) / to give back (d.) / to send back (d.); 2. (borcu və s.) cause / ask smb
I. i. zool. goose; (pl. geese); erkək ~ gander II. s. goose; ~ əti goose (-flesh); ~ damı goosery; ~ lələyi goosequill ~ yumurtası goose-egg; ~ yağı /
I. i. a man* who tends geese, a man* who is in charge of geese II. i. 1. (usta) gas-fitter; 2. (nəzarətçi) gas-man*
I. i. Kazakh II. s. Kazakh; ~ dili Kazakh, the Kazakh language; ~ qadını Kazakh woman*
z.: ~ danışmaq to speak* Kazakh; ~ yazmaq to write (in) Kazakh
i. cab
i. cabman*
I. i. bax həbsxana I II. i. bax həbsxana II
i. 1. (kişi) warder; jailer, goaler; 2. (qadın) wardress
i. 1. kettle, pot; (böyük) cauldron; (qulplu) saucepan; mis ~ copper kettle; (paltar qaynatmaq üçün) copper; 2
s. bax qazanvarı
i. earnings pl., profit, gain; asan ~ easy money; ~ dalınca getmək to go* away in search of a living; ~ götürmək to make* a profit on smth
z. profitably; ~ satmaq to sell* (d.) profitably
s. profitable, paying, lucrative; ~ müəssisə profitable enterprise; ~ iş profitable / paying business; ~ ticarət lucrative traffic; ~ müqavilə lucrati
i. profitability, lucrativeness
I. s. profitless, unprofitable, unlucrative; ~ iş profitless / unlucrative business / affair II. z. profitless, unprofitable
i. the state of being profitless / unlucrative
i. 1. boiler-maker; 2. steamboiler operator
i. the profession of a boiler-maker
f. haqq ~ to justify (d.); (məhkəmədə) to acquit (d.); Siz bu hərəkətinizə necə haqq qazandıra bilərsiniz? How can you justify your behaviour? hörmət
i. boiling-room, boiling-house
f. 1. to be* earned; 2. to be* acquired / gained
fs. 1. earned; ~ gəlir earned income; ~ pul earned money; 2. achieved, attained; ~ nailiyyətlər successes achieved; 3
i. boiler-maker, pot-maker, kettle-maker
f. 1. (həm müst., həm də məc.) to earn (d.); çox(lu) pul ~ to earn / to make much money; gündəlik çörək (pulu) ~ to earn one’s living, to earn one’s d
s. ca(u)ldron-shaped, kettleshaped
s. fiz. gassy, gasous, gasiform
i. fiz. the quality of being gasiform / gaseous
i. hərb. gas projector
I. i. goose-breeding II. s. goosebreeding; ~ ferması goose-breeding farm
f. to be* dug up, to be* bored