i. coğ. monsoon
i. zool. mustang
f. 1. to smack one’s lips; 2. to call with whistle; 3. to drive* on (d.), to speed on (d.)
i. 1. good news, glad / happy news, glad / happy tidings (pl.); 2. reward for happy / glad news; d.d
i. herald; harbinger
f. to convey / to impart / to break* glad / happy news
i. hire; retribution, requital; ~ almaq to be* requited; ~la işləmək to work for hire
s. hired; ~ əmək labour, hired labour; ~ fəhlə wage / hired worker; k.t. hired labour; hand amer.; ~ qatil / quldur hired assassin; ~ böhtançı salarie
i. 1. civilian; 2. farm labourer, farmhand; amer. hired man*
i. (farm) labourers (pl.), agricultural proletariat; ~ etmək to work as a farm-hand, to hire oneself out
I. i. museum; tarix ~i history museum; ev ~i memorial flat / house II. s. museum; ~ nüsxəsi rarity; d
i. specialist in museum management
i. museum management studies
i. agreement, contract; (siyasi) treaty; pact; sülh ~si peace treaty; qarşılıqlı yardım haqqında ~ mutual assistance pact; kollektiv ~ collective agre
i. bax müahidə
I. i. cure; (medical) treatment; ambulator ~si out-patient treatment; ~yə getmək to go* away for treatment; ~ etmək to treat (medically) (d
i. hospital, nursing-home, dispensary, (out-patient) clinic
i. bax sələm
s. contemporary, modern, up-to-date, present-day; ~ ədəbiyyat contemporary / modern literature; ~ vəziyyət present situation; ~ olmaq to be* on modern
f. to modernize (d.)
i. modernization
i. contemporaneity, up-to-dateness; the present
i. deputy; direktor ~i (vəzifə) deputy / assistant director; sədr ~i vice-president, vice-chairman; ~ olmaq to be* deputy (of); to be* / to stand* pro
i. 1. inspection, survery, examination, test; 2. analysis; qanın ~si blood examination / test; tibbi ~ medical inspection / examination
i. exchange, (qarşılıqlı) interchange; (ticarət) exchange of commodities pl.; elmi və texniki informasiya ~si exchange of scientific and technical inf
i. 1. argument, argumentation, controversy; 2. debate, discussion; 3. conflict; qızğın ~ heated argument, heated / hot discussion; elmi ~ (scientific)
i. d.d. debater, squabbler; (qaraqışqırıqçı) wrangler; (bacarıqlı) skilful debater
s. questionable, disputable, debatable, moot; ~ məsələ (iş) disputed matter / issue, moot point; vexed question; point at issue; ~ bənd (punkt) contro
I. z. indisputable, unquestionable, undeniable, self-evident II. z. unquestionably, undoutedly, indisputably
i. 1. exaggeration, overstatement; 2. ədəb. hyperbole; ~ etmək to exaggerate (d.), to overstate (d.); həddindən artıq ~ etmək to grossly exaggerate (d
I. s. hyperbolic(-al), exaggerated; ~ hekayə a story of exaggerations II. z. exaggeratedly; ~ danışmaq to speak* exaggeratedly
I. s. (i.s.) without exaggeration / hyperbole II. z. without exaggeration; ~ danışmaq to speak* without exaggeration
mübarək: ~ olsun! Congratulate you (on, upon)... Ad gününüz mübarək! Happy birthday to you, I wish you many happy returns (of the day)! Yeni iliniz mü
I. i. fighter, champion, supporter; sülh ~ləri fighters for peace, peace supporters, champions of peace II
i. struggle, fight; ~ aparmaq to fight*, to struggle; bir kəslə ~ aparmaq to fight / struggle against smb
i. bellicosity, warlike character
i. qram. subject
s.: ~ olmaq to get* into; xəstəliyə ~ olmaq to fall* ill, to get* ill, to be* taken ill; məyusluğa ~ olmaq to reduce to despair; bəlaya ~ olmaq to get
i. bax mübarizə
i. bax fədai
s. abstract; ~ fikir abstract idea; ~ rəqəm riyaz. abstract number; ~ isim qram. abstract noun; ~ təfəkkür fəls
f. to abstract (d.)
f. to disengage oneself (from), to deflect one’s attention (from), to become* abstract
i. abstraction, abstractness
i. personification, embodiment; canlı ~ living picture; igidlik ~si embodiment / personification of courage, courage personified
i. box, case, casket, small chest / coffer
i. high religious person in Muslim
I. i. defence, protection, defend; fəal ~ active / aggressive defence; tanka qarşı ~ anti-tank defence; anti-mechanized defence; kimyəvi silaha qarşı
i. 1. defender, protector; hüq. counsel for the defence, intercessor; 2. (himayədar) patron, (qadın) patroness; 3
s. defenceless, unprotected