i. good / fit for jam
i. educator, tutor; (qadın) tutoress, preceptress; governess
i. business / profession of an educator / tutor
i. tutoress, preceptress, governess
i. business / profession of a tutoress
mürəxxəs: ~ olmaq to take* oneself off, to retire; to be* free; to move off / away; ~ etmək to set* free (d
I. i. ink; üzünü çıxartmaq üçün ~ copying ink; solmayan ~ indelible ink II. s. 1. composite; complex, compound; (çətin) complicated; ~ məsələ complica
i. ink-pot, ink-well; (qab) inkstand
i. blotting-paper
f. to complicate (d.)
f. to become* complicated
i. complication, complicacy, complexity
i. compositor, type-setter
i. bax mətbəə
i. profession of a compositor / type-setter
i. drowsiness, half sleep; light slumber, somnolence; ~ döymək / -yə getmək bax mürgüləmək
f. to doze, to slumber, to get* drowsy, to fall* into a light slumber
i. din. adherent, follower
i. muridism (one of the reactionary currents in Islam)
s. reactionary; ~ baxışlar reactionary character of the views
i. reactionary character
s. renegade, turncoat
i. desertion-; apostasy, recreancy
I. i. contest, competition; ~ elan etmək (vəzifəni tutmaq üçün) to announce / to advertise a vacancy; (ədəbi əsərlər üçün) to announce a competition;
i. competitor
i. confiscation, expropriation; mülkədar torpaqlarının ~ edilməsi confiscation of landlord’s estates; ~ etmək to confiscate (d
i. 1. traveller; 2. guest; 3. passenger
i. (kişi) interlocutor; (qadın) interlocutress, interlocutrix; O, yaxşı / pis müsahibdir He / She is a good / a bad company
i. bax müsahib
i. interview, conversation, interlocution; ~ almaq to ask / to request an interview; bir kəsə ~ vermək to give an interview to smb
i. permission, permit, leave
i. bax konsert
i. Musavat (a political party in Azerbaijan)
s. bax bərabər II
z. with your permission; d.d. by your leave
I. s. 1. positive; (xasiyyətcə) sedate, staid; 2. affirmative; ~ cavab affirmative answer / reply, (xoş) favourable reply; məsələnin ~ həlli positive
i. proof-reader, corrector of the press
i. the profession of proof-reader / corrector
s. armed (with), possessed (of) arms, in possession of arms; ~ əsgər armed soldier
i. Mussulman, Moslem (qadın) Moslem-woman*
i. Mohammedanism, Islam
i. misfortune, trouble, calamity, disaster; sorrow; təbii ~ natural calamity; ~də olmaq to be* in trouble; Müsibət! It is a bad job! Müsibət onda deyi
s. calamitous, disastrous, sorrowful, grievous; ~ vəziyyət grievous / disastrous situation, distress; O, müsibət haldadır He / She is in great distres
I. i. despot II. s. despotic
z. despotically
I. s. independent, self-dependent; ~ tədqiqat independent / original research; ~ dövlət independent / sovereign state; ~ olmaq to be* independent II
i. independence, self-dependence, self-dependency; (dövlət haq.) sovereignty
I. i. colony II. s. colonial; ~ ağalığı colonial possessions; ~ xalqları peoples of the colonies; ~ zülmü colonial oppression; ~ ordusu colonial troop
i. colonizer, colonialist
i. colonization, colonialism