s. 1. uneven; unrhythmical; 2. light, not heavy
f. to chirp, to give* a quack
f. to chirp together
i. quack; chirp
f. to chirp, to quack
i. whiz(z); ~ ilə getmək to go* with a whizz; Maşınlar vıjıltı ilə keçirdi Cars were whizzing past
f. to whiz(z)
i. chirp, the sound made by some birds
i. pennant; keçici ~ challenge pennant
i. 1. tower; müşahidə ~sı watch-tower, observation point; 2. derrick; neft ~sı oil derrick
f. to whistle; Külək vıyıldayır The wind is whistling, The wind is howling
f. to throw* out (d.), to fling* (d.), to hurl (d.)
i. whistle, whistling; güllənin ~sı the whistle of a bullet; küləyin ~sı the whistling of the wind; ~ ilə getmək to go* with a whistle
z.: ~ durmaq (saç) to stand* on end
i. hum, buzz, drone; ~ etmək bax vızıldamaq
fi. buzzing, humming
f. to hum, to buzz, to drone
f. to buzz / to hum together
f. to fling* (d.), to hurl (d.), to toss (d.); daş ~ to throw* / hurl stones; Paltarını döşəməyə vızıldatma Don’t fling your clothing on the floor; O
i. hum, buzz, drone
i. vibration; ~ etmək to vibrate
i. vibrator
i. zool. vibrio
i. conscience; təmiz ~ good / clear / clean conscience; çirkli ~ guilty / bad conscience; ~ xatirinə for conscience’s sake; ~ın səsinə qulaq asmaq to
z. conscientiously, honestly; ~ hərəkət etmək to act / to behave conscientiously, to act according to one’s conscience; təmiz ~la with a clear / clean
s. conscientious, honest, honestminded; ~ fəhlə conscientiuos worker; ~ adam honest man; ~ adamlar honestminded people
i. conscientiousness, honesty
I. s. unscrupulous, dishonest, outrageous, shameless; ~ adam dishonest man; ~ rəftar outrageous treatment II
z. bax vicdansızcasına
z. dishonestly; shamelessly; ~ hərəkət etmək to act / to behave dishonestly
f. to lose* one’s conscience, to become* dishonest / shameless
i. dishonesty; shamelessness; impudence; ~ etmək to act / to behave dishonestly
i. d.d. shudder, shiver, tremble; canına ~ düşmək 1) to get* nervous / excited; 2) to get* frightened, to be* afraid
I. i. farewell, parting, leave-taking II. s. farewell; parting; ~ sözü parting words; ~ görüşü parting visit; ~ ziyafəti farewell party
z. at parting, while leaving
fi. farewell, parting
f. to say* good-bye (to), to bid* farewell, to part (with); həyatla ~ bax ölmək
i. videocamera
i. video cassette
i. videotape
i. videorecorder
i. videotelephone
i. videotape recording; konsertin ~sı videotape / recording of a concert
i. tar. viking
i. quiz (game); radio ~sı radio quiz (programme)
I. i. province, district, region, area; Moskva ~i the Moscow region II. s. regional; ~ mərkəzi regional centre
s. interregional
i. villa; qəşəng / gözəl fine / nice villa; gədim ~ old villa; Mən adətən yay tətilimi öz villamda keçirirəm Usually I spend my summer holidays in my
i. salad of beetroot, gherkings, etc. dressed with oil and vinegar
i. screw; ~i bağlamaq to screw down (d.), ~i açmaq to unscrew (d.); ◊ Onun bir vinti çatmır He / She has a screw loose