f. to visa (d.) Sizin pasportunuz vizalanıb Your passport has been visaed
f. to be* visaed
f. bax vizalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to visa (d.)
s. visaed
I. i. visit; rəsmi ~ official visit; dostluq ~i friendly visit II. s. ~ vərəqəsi bax vizitka
i. visiting-card
s. mus. vocal; ~ musuqisi vocal music
i. mus. vocalist
i. dilç. vocalizm
I. i. id. volley-ball II. s. id. volleyball; ~komandası volley-ball team; ~meydançası volley-ball pitch
i. volley-ball player, volley-baller
i. the profession of a volleyballer / volley-ball player
I. i. kim. tungsten II. s. kim. tungsten; ~ lampası tungsten lamp; ~ filizi tugsten ore
i. fiz. volt
i. fiz. voltage
i. fiz. voltmeter
i. tar. voltairian
i. voltairainism
i. fəls. voluntarist
i. fəls. voluntarism
i. vote; etimad ~u vote of confidence; qeyri-etimad ~u vote of censure, vote of non-confidence
i. coğ. volcano; aktiv ~ active volcano; sönmüş ~ extinct volcano; palçıq ~ı mud volcano
i. geol. volcanic; ~ şüşə volcanic glass; ~ tuf volcanic tuff; ~ süxur volcanic rock; ~ qazlar volcanic gases
i. tex. vulcanization; ~ etmək to vulcanize (d.)
i. (aparat) vulcanizer
i. vulcanizer
i.: ~ etmək bax vulkanlaşdırmaq
i. vulcanizm
f. to be* vulcanized
fi. vulcanization
f. to vulcanize (d.)
f. vulcanization, getting / becoming vulcanized
f. to get* / to become* vulcanized
i. geol. volcanology
i. geol. volcanologist
s. vulgar; ~ sözlər / ifadələr vulgar words / expressions; ~ qadın a vulgar woman; ◊ ~ materializm fəls
z. vulgarly, in a vulgar way / manner
i.: ~ etmək bax vulqarlaşdırmaq
i. dilç. vulgarism
I. i. vulgarizer II. s. vulgarizing
fi. vulgarization
f. to be* vulgarized
fi. vulgarized
f. to vulgarize (d.)
fi. vulgarization, getting / becoming vulgarized
f. to become* / to grow* vulgar
i. vulgarity
z. in all, only; Mənim vur-tut beş manat pulum var I have only five manats