f. to rock (d.), to shake* (d.), to swing* (d.); (uşağı əldə) to dandle (d.); beşiyi ~ to rock the cradle; Ana uşağı qucağında yırğaladı Mother rocked
f. to rock, to swing*; Qayıq suyun üzündə yırğalandı The boat rocked on the water; Güzgü yırğalandı The mirrow swung round
f. to rock all together
f. bax yırğalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to rock / to swing (d.); uşağı ~ to ask / to cause smb. to rock the child*
f. bax yırğalamaq
f. bax yırğalanmaq
f. to wear* out (d.); ayaqqabını ~ to wear* out shoes
I. i. 1. (heyvan haq.) beast of prey; 2. (quş haq.) bird of prey; 3. (insan haq.) plunderer, predator, despoiler II
f. to become* brutalized, to become* hardened / embittered
i. 1. (heyvan haq.) preying (on others); 2. (istismarda) rapacity, rapaciousness
I. i. hole; gap; ~ tutmaq to stop a hole / a gap II. s. torn; broken; ~ ayaqqabı torn / broken shoes
f. to be* used up, to wear* out; d.d. to be* played out
f. to tear*, to be* torn, to wear* through
f. 1. to tear* (d.), to rend (d.); paltarını ~ to rend one’s clothes; 2. to wear* out (d.); to be* used up; ◊ boğazını ~ to shout / to yell at the top
i. carving, fretwork; tex. thread
i. threaded; (silah haq.) rifled; ~ lülə rifled barrel
i. the state of being threaded; (silah haq.) the state of being rifled
i. master; d.d. boss; (sahib) owner, proprietor; Bu evin yiyəsi kimdir? Who is the owner of this house? Mal yiyəsinə oxşayar, at
f. 1. to own (d.), to be* master (of); evə ~ to own a house; dövlətə ~ to possess wealth; 2. to appropriate (d
i. 1.: ~ etmək to give* orders, to be* in command / charge; d.d. to be* the boss, to play the master; 2
s. 1. ownerless, no man’s, nobody’s, no one’s; ~ torpaq no man’s land; 2. homeless, neglected; ~ uşaq homeless child*, ~ uşaqlar d
i. 1. neglect; ownerlessness (uşaq haq.) homelessness; 2. lack of owner / master
i. kim. iodine
f. to paint with iodine (d.)
f. to be* painted with iodine
f. bax yodlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to paint with iodine (d.)
s. kim. iodic; iodine (attr.)
s. (i.s.) without iodine
i. lack of iodine
f. to be* kneaded
s. thick, stout; ~ əl ağacı thick / stout stick; ~ xətt a thick line; ~ barmaqlar thick fingers; ~ adam (kök) a thick / a stout man*; ~ kəndir stout r
s. thick-legged
s. bax yoğunbaldır
s. thick-necked
s. bax yoğunboyun
s. thick-lipped
s. bax yoğundodaq
s. pot-bellied, big-bellied
s. bax yoğunqarın
f. 1. to grow* fat* / stout, to put* on weight, to get* fat / stout; 2. to get* / to become* thicker, to thicken
f. bax yoğunlamaq
f. 1. to fatten (d.), to make* look fatter (d.); 2. to make* thicker (d.), to cause to become thicker (d
f. 1. to thicken, to become* thicker; 2. to grow fat(ter) / stout, to put* on weight
s. bax yoğunlatmaq
f. to cause to become fat / stout; to cause to become* thicker
i. thickness; fattiness, stoutness