f. bax dazlaşmaq
f. to cause to become* / to grow* bald (d.)
f. to become* / to grow* bald, to get* bald
i. baldness, bald-headedness
i. müh. debit
I. i. moron, a very foolish person / child* II. s. moronic; ~ uşaq moronic child*
i. moronity
i. (suyun, qazın və s. miqdarı) output, yield; qazın ~ i output of gas
i. müh. debtor
i. 1. debut; 2. şahm. (chess) opening
i. debutant; (qadın) debutante
i. talk, rumours; gossip; ~ya səbəb olmaq to give* rise to a lot of talk; ~ya son qoymaq to put* a stop to idle talk
i. tale-teller, scandalmonger
i. scandal; talking scandal; ~ etmək to gossip; to talk scandal
z. very, too, extremely; ~ maraqlı very / too / extremely interesting
f. bax dedirtmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to say
i. deduction
s. deductive; ~ metod deductive method
i. hyphen; ~lə yazmaq to hyphen (d.), to hyphenate (d.), to join (d.) with a hyphen
I. i. deficit II. s. scarce; in short supply; ~ mallar commodities in short supply, scarce commodities
i. the state of being deficit
i. deformation
i. degeneration
i. morron, a very foolish person
s. moronic
i. speaking / talking continuously
i. bax kəndli
i. bax kəndlilik
I. i. December II. s. December; ~ günü a December day, a day in December
i. Ten-day period; Azərbaycan ədəbiyyətı və incəsənəti ~sı Azerbaijan Ten-Day Festival of Literature and Arts
i. decalitre
i. dean (president of a faculty)
i. dean’s office
i. 1. bax dekanat; 2. the job of a dean; ~ etmək to be* a dean, to work as a dean
i. recitation; declamation; ~ demək to recite (d.); to declaim (d.)
i. reciter
i. declaration
i. scenery (in theatre)
s. decorative; ornamental; ~ sənət decorative art; ~ bitki ornamental plant
i. decorator, scene-painter
I. i. decree; edict; sülh haqqında ~ the Decree on Peace; torpaq haqqında ~ the Decree on land II. s
i. degassing, decontamination; ~ etmək to degas (d.), to decontaminate (d.)
i. decontaminator
i. degradation
i. tasting
i. taster
i. zool. dolphin
I. i. coğ. delta; Kür çayının ~sı the delta of the Kur II. i. (yunan əlifbasının 4-cü hərfi) delta
I. i. demagogue, demagog II. s. demagogic, demagogical; ~ nitq demagogic speech