s. holey, full of holes / gaps; ~ etmək to pierce with holes (d.); (güllə ilə) to riddle (d. with); adamı ~ etmək (güllə ilə) to riddle a man* with sh
I. i. 1. puncher; 2. tex. punch; driller II. s. boring, drilling; ~ dəzgah boring / drilling machine
i. boring, drilling; perforation
s. (i.s.) with holes / riddles; (i.s.) having holes / riddles, perforated, punctured; ~ kərpic perforated bricks
f. 1. to be* riddled / perforated / punctured / drilled; to get* riddled with holes; 2. (paltar) to wear through; 3
f. 1. to drill (d.), to bore (d.), to make* / to punch a hole (in), to pierce a hole; (quş) to peck (d
i. `detail
I. i. detective II. s. detective; ~ roman detective novel / story
i. iqt. devaluation, deprecation
fi. overthrow; hökümətin ~si overthrow of government
f. to overthrow* (d.), to overturn (d.); to depose (d.), to dethrone (d.); hökuməti ~ to overthrow* the government; Ordu dövlət başçısını devirdi The
i. motto
i. bax devirmə
fi. deposition, dethronement, overthrow, overturn
f. to be* overthrown / deposed / dethroned
bağ. in order; İtirməsin deyə o açarı cibinə qoydu He / She put the key into his / her pocket ( in order ) not to lose it; Ora gecikməsin deyə o saat
z. merrily, gaily; ~ vaxt keçirmək to have* a jolly good time, to pass one’s time merrily
ara s. ~ ki, Say that..., Let us assume; Deyək ki, siz haqlısınız Assuming that you are right ..
s. cheerful, joyous, buoyant, merry, jovial; ~ adam cheerful / merry / jovial man*
ara s. seem (to be+adj. or part.), look like, It seems that...; Deyəsən, o ağıllıdır He / She seems to be clever, He / She seems clever; Deyəsən, o ra
s. bax deyən-gülən
f. to joke, to jest, to chatter; deyib-gülməyi sevmək to be* fond of a joke
i. telltale, informer
i. informing; peaching, speaking behind smb.; ~ etmək to tell tales (to smb. about), to inform smb. (about); to speak* ill of smb
f. to betroth, to declare betrothed at an early age
I. i. betrothed; ~lər the betrothed II. s. betrothed; bir kəsə ~ olmaq to be* betrothed to smb
i. the state of being betrothed
əd. to be+not; Mən həkim deyiləm I am not a doctor; O, müəllim deyil He / She is not (isn’t) a teacher; Biz fəhlə deyilik We are not (aren’t) workers
s. called; by name, so-called; yuxarıda ~ aforesaid, aforementioned / abovementioned
fi. being said / told
f. 1. to be* said / told; 2. to be* called / named
fs. said; yuxarıda ~ aforesaid, afore mentioned, stated above
f. to cause smb. to grumble
I. i. grumbler; (arvad) shrew II. s. querulous, peevish; ~ qoca querulous old man*
i. peevishness, querulousness
f. to grumble (at); öz-özünə ~ to mutter to oneself; burnunun altında ~ to mutter (into one’s beard)
f. 1. to ask / to cause two or more people to enter an argument, to ask / to cause two or more people to wrangle (with); 2
i. 1. quarrelling, wrangling, altercation; 2. competition between ashugs (Caucasian folk poets and singers); 3
f. 1. to quarrel (with), to argue (with); to exchange bandy words (with), to wrangle (with); 2. to compete in telling poems and singing (of ashugs)
i. decontamination
i. deserter
i. desertion
i. disinfection
i. disinfector
s. disinfectant; ~ vasitə disinfectant
əd. phonetic variant of the particle “da” used after front vowels
i. fashion, vogue; ~də in fashion / vogue; ~ə düşmək to come* into fashion / into vogue, to become* fashionable; ~dən çıxmaq to go* out of fashion / v
I. i. 1. boaster, braggart, show-off; 2. fault-finder II. s. 1. boastful, vainglorious; 2. fault-finding
i. bax dəbbəlik
f. to find* fault on purpose to retract one’s words / bargain, to go* back on one’s bargain