f. 1. to speak* (d.); to tell* (d.); həqiqəti ~ to tell* / to speak* the truth; ingiliscə ~ to speak* English; yalan ~ to tell* a lie, to tell* lies;
Danimarka s. Danish; ~ dili Danish, the Danish language
z.: ~ danışmaq to speak Danish
i. Dane
s. impudent, impertinent, insolent; (uşaq, yeniyetmə) cheeky; d.d. saucy
i. impudence, impertinence, insolence; d.d. cheek, sauce
f. to jangle, to clang, to clatter
f. to jangle (d.), to clang (d.), to clatter (d.)
i. clangor (clangour), clang, clatter, dəmir ~sı a clatter of metal
i. bax danqıltı
i. reproach, reproof; (rəsmi) rebuke, censure; ~ altında qalmaq to be* constantly reproached / rebuked / reproved; ~ altında qoymaq to reproach (d
s. reproached, reproved; üzü ~ olmaq to be* constantly reproached / reproved
f. to reproach (d.), to reprove (d.); (rəsmi) to rebuke (d.), to give* a rebuke; uşağı ~ to reproach / to rebuke / to reprove a child; üzünü ~ to scol
f. to be* reproached / reproved / rebuked; to be* given a rebuke, to be* given a wigging
f. bax danlatmaq
f. to cause / to ask smb. to reproach (d.); to ask smb. to reproach (d.) / to reprove (d.); (rəsmi) to ask / to cause smb
f. bax danlamaq
fi. denying; denial, negation, disavowal
f. to deny (d.), to disavow (d.); to disclaim (d.); müəllifliyi ~ to disclaim author ship; imzasını ~ to deny / to disavow one’s signature
i. dawn, daybreak; ~ söküləndə at dawn, at daybreak
s. 1. narrow; ~ yol narrow road; ~ çay a narrow river; ~ saitlər dilç. narrow vowels; sözün ~ mənasında in the narrow mean ing of the word; 2
i. d.d. scandal, racket; quarrel; ~ salmaq / qaldırmaq to cause a scandal, to make* a racket, to kick up a row, to start a quarrel
s. comb-shaped
i. the state or quality of being comb-shaped
s. bax darağabənzər
i. bax darağabənzərlik
i. 1. comb; 2. toxuc. comb, comb ing-machine; 3. (kətan daramaq üçün) hackle, hatchle; 4. (patron üçün) charger, cartridge clip
s. thick; ~ saç thick hair
i. 1. comb-maker; 2. (yundarayan) comber, carder
i. 1. comb-maker; 2. comber, carder-maker
f. bax daramaq (1-ci mənada)
f. bax daranmaq (1-ci mənada)
f. bax daratmaq (1-ci mənada)
s. (i.s.) with comb, (i.s.) having comb
s. comb-shaped, comblike
i. the state of being combshaped
fi. being narrowed; being tightened
f. to be* narrowed; (paltar, ayaq qabı) to be* tightened
s. (i.s.) having a narrow forehead, with a narrow forehead
fi. 1. narrowing, contraction; getting / becoming narrow; (ayaqqabı, paltar) tightening; getting / becoming tight; 2
f. 1. to narrow, to become* / to get* narrow; Çay burada daralır The river narrows at this point; 2. (paltar, ayaqqabı və s
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to narrow (d.); 2. (paltarı, ayaqqabını və s.) to ask / to cause smb. to make tight (d
f. 1. to narrow (d.), to make* (d.) narrow, to contract (d.); to limit (d.); 2. (paltarı, ayaqqabını) to make* tight (d
I. s. bax tarım I II. z. bax tarım II
f. 1. (saçı daraqla) to comb (d.); (şotka ilə) to brush (d.); öz saçını ~ to comb / to do* / to dress one’s hair; bir kəsin saçını ~ to comb / to do /
i. bot. poplar
i. poplar-grove
i. clatter; dəmir ~sı clatter of iron
f. 1. (saçını daramaq) to comb / to do* / to dress one’s hair; 2. (yun, kətan və s.) to be* carded, to be* combed; 3