fi. getting / becoming democ ratized, democratization
f. to get* / to become* democratized
i. the state of being democratic
i. democracy; burjua ~sı bourgeois democracy
i. democratism
fi. bax demokratikləşdirilmə
f. bax demokratikləşdirilmək
fi. bax demokratikləşdirmə
f. bax demokratikləşdirmək
fi. bax demokratikləşmə
f. bax demokratikləşmək
s. demographic
i. demography
i. iqt. dumping
i. department
i. deportation; zorla ~ edilmə deportation by force
i. depot; shed; yanğın ~su fire-station
i. deputy
i. the state of being a deputy; duty of a deputy
i. leatherette
i. dermatology
i. dermatologist
i. 1. landing; 2. (ordu) the landing force
i. paratrooper
i. dessert
i. despot
z. despotically
i. bax despotizm
s. despotic, despotical
i. despotism
f. to be* bored, to be* drilled, to be* punched / pierced, to be* perforated
f. to ask / to cause smb. to drill (d.) / to bore (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to punch / to pierce (d
f. bax deşdirmək
I. i. hole, puncture; gap; deşiyi tutmaq to stop a gap / hole; ~ açmaq bax deşmək; dişdə ~ a hole in a tooth; siçan deşiyi a mouse’s hole; burun deşiy
s. holey, full of holes / gaps; ~ etmək to pierce with holes (d.); (güllə ilə) to riddle (d. with); adamı ~ etmək (güllə ilə) to riddle a man* with sh
I. i. 1. puncher; 2. tex. punch; driller II. s. boring, drilling; ~ dəzgah boring / drilling machine
i. boring, drilling; perforation
s. (i.s.) with holes / riddles; (i.s.) having holes / riddles, perforated, punctured; ~ kərpic perforated bricks
f. 1. to be* riddled / perforated / punctured / drilled; to get* riddled with holes; 2. (paltar) to wear through; 3
f. 1. to drill (d.), to bore (d.), to make* / to punch a hole (in), to pierce a hole; (quş) to peck (d
i. `detail
I. i. detective II. s. detective; ~ roman detective novel / story
i. iqt. devaluation, deprecation
fi. overthrow; hökümətin ~si overthrow of government
f. to overthrow* (d.), to overturn (d.); to depose (d.), to dethrone (d.); hökuməti ~ to overthrow* the government; Ordu dövlət başçısını devirdi The
i. motto
i. bax devirmə
fi. deposition, dethronement, overthrow, overturn
f. to be* overthrown / deposed / dethroned