s. plasmatic
i. plenum, plenary session
i. 1. (diş üçün) stopping; dişə ~ qoymaq to stop / to fill a tooth*; 2. (qapıya və s. vurulan) seal, lead, stamp
f. 1. (diş) to stop (d.), to fill (d.), 2. (qapını və s.) to seal (d.)
f. 1. (diş) to become* / to be* stopped / filled; 2. (qapı və s.) to become* / to be* sealed
f. bax plomblatmaq
f. 1. (dişi) to ask smb. to stop (d.) / to fill (d.), to make* smb. stop (d.) / fill (d.); 2. (qapını və s
s. 1. (diş) stopped, filled; 2. (qapı və s.) sealed
i. plov (a kind of Azerbaijani dish, prepared with rice, meat and dried fruits)
i. bax çimərlik
i. post; ~ ilə by post; məktubu ~ ilə yollamaq to send* a letter by post; hava ~u airmail; elektron ~ u E-mail; hava ~u ilə by airmail; xüsusi ~la by
i. postman*, amer. mailman*, letter-carrier
i. post-office; mərkəzi ~ general post-office
i. tray; (məktub üçün) salver; çay ~u tea-tray; bir şeyi ~da aparmaq to carry smth. on a tray
i. lieutenant-colonel
i. contract; tikinti üçün ~ contract for building; ~a görə tikinti building by contract; nəyisə ~a götürmək to take* smth
i. contractor
i. poem; lirik ~ lyric (poem); epik ~ epic (poem)
s. 1. poetical; ~ talant poetical talent; ~ pyes poetical play; ~ forma poetical form; ~ iş poetical work; ~ fantaziya poetical fancies; 2
i. poetics pl.; theory of poetry
i. shoulder-strap, shoulder-piece
I. i. steel; tikinti ~ı structural steel; pasatmayan / paslanmayan ~ stainless steel II. s. steel; məc
i. steel-concrete
I. i. steel-founder II. s.: ~zavod steel mill / foundry / works
f. to steel (d.)
i. bax poladəridən
s.: ~ zavodu steel mill / works
i. polyclinic, out-patients clinic
i. polygrahpic worker
s. bax poliqrafiya II
I. i. polygraphy II. s. polygraphic; ~ sənayesi printing and publishing industry
I. i. police; axtarış ~i criminal investigation department II. s. ~ nəfəri policeman*, police officer; ~ məntəqəsi police station
i. dilç. polysemy
i. policeman (pl.-men)
s. polytechnic (al); ~ təlim polytechnical training; ~ institut polytechnical institute; ~ texnikum polytechnic school
i. polytechnic school
i. regiment; aviasiya ~u air regiment
i. colonel
i. pomade; dodaq ~ sı lipstick
s. (i.s.) covered with pomade; (i.s.) covered with lipstick
i. tomato (pl. -es)
i. (quşlarda) crest, cop; (adamda) topknot, tuft of hair
I. s. popular; ~ qəhrəman popular hero; ~ mahnı popular song; O cəmiyyət də populyardır He / She is popular in society II
i. popularizer
fi. popularization
f. to be* popularized
fi. bax populyarlaşdırılma
f. to popularize (d.)
f. to become* popularized
i. popularity; aktyorun populyarlığı actor’s popularity; futbolun populyarlığı the popularity of football; ~ qazanmaq to win* popularity, to enjoy pop