s. half-jobless
i. fiz. semi-conductor, transistor
s. fiz. semi-conductor (attr.), semi-conducting; ~ radioqəbuledici transistor
i. the quality of being semiconductor
s. half-drunk, tipsy
i. half kilogram(me)
s. half nomad; ~ qəbilələr half nomad tribes
i. hemisphere; şimal ~si northern hemisphere; cənub ~si southern hemisphere
i. hemisphere; beyin yarımkürəciyi anat. cerebral hemisphere
i. half-way policy; half heartedness
s. half-naked, half-dressed
i. fifty-copeck piece
i. half metre
i. half-finished / semifinished product
i. id. half-backs
i. id. half-back
I. i. semi-colonial territory II. s. semi-colonial; ~ ölkələr semicolonial countries
s. bax yarıoyaq
s. half-covered
i. short coat
s. semi-official
s. half an hour’s (i.s.) of half an hour’s duration; ~ iş half an hour’s work
i. subsection
i. coğ. semi desert
s. half drunk, tipsy
i. subtitle, subheading
i. subclass
s. half-dressed, half-clothed, half-naked
s. 1. (bina və s.) tumbledown, dilapidated; ~ köhnə ev tumbledown old house; ~ qəsr a dilapidated castle 2
i. 1. d.y. halt; kənd ~sı country halt; 2. substation; (telefon) local telephone exchange
i. bax yarımkürə
i. section, subdivision
i. 1. half ton; 2. mus. semitone
s. half ton (attr.)
s. bax turşməzə
s. bax yarımsökülmüş (1-ci mənada)
s. semi-barbarian, half savage
s. half- woollen
s. id. light heavy weight
z. bax yarızarafat
i. semi-basement
f. to toady (to), to cringe (to, before); to make* / to suck up (to); to lick smb.’s boots idiom
s. half asleep, dozing
i. half; ikinin ~ half past two; tən ~ half exactly; ilin ~ half of a year
i. competition, emulation, contest həm də id.; ~a çağırmaq to challenge (d.) to competition / to emulation; güləş üzrə ~ contest in wrestling; wrestli
i. contender, competitor, competitioner
i. bax yarış
f. to compete (with, in), to emulate (d. in), to contest (d.), to contend (with, for); güləşdə ~ to compete in wrestling; cıdırda ~ to contest a race;
f. 1. to satisfy (d.); to content (d.); 2. to try to please (d.)