I. i. crocodile II. s. crocodile, crocodilian; ~ dərisi crocodile leather
i. bax misal
I. i. corner; ~ də on / at the corner; Mən səni tində gözləyəcəm I’ll wait for you on / at the corner II
i. k.t. seeding; sapling, young plant
s. typical, characteristic
f. to be* typified
f. to typify (d.)
f. to get* / to become* typified
i. typicalness, typical nature
s. bax növlü
i. (işçi) printer; (maşın) typograph
i. typology
s. typological; ~ dilçilik typological linguistics
I. i. log, beam, girder II. i. (açıq) shootingrange; (örtülü) shooting-gallery
z.: ~ əsmək to tremble / to shake* all over, to shudder (at); ağcaqayın yarpağı kimi ~ əsmək to tremble like an aspen leaf*
i. 1. (istiqraz) draw; ~ı çıxmaq to be* drawn; 2. (dövri mətbuat) circulation; (kitab) print, printing, number of copies printed, edition; Kitabın tir
i. tyrant
i. tyranny; ~ etmək to tyrannize (over)
i. dash; ~ qoymaq to put* a dash; Tire defisdən uzundurA dash is longer than a hyphen
i. division, bloc
z.: ~ olmaq to be* divided / split
f. d.d. to lie* stretched
s. timbered, (i.s.) having timbers
i. tirma, a kind of thin woolen stuff
i. opium; ~ çəkmək to smoke opium
i. opium-smoker; amer. opiumeater
i. the eagerness of smoking opium
i. bax tiryəkbaz
i. bax tiryəkbazlıq
i. opium den; amer. opium joint
i. drizzle, a fine misty rain
f. to drizzle
i. drizzly; ~ gün a drizzly day; ~ yağış drizzly rain
i. pick
i. Titan
i. kim. titanium
i. tib. leucoma, wall-eye
s. wall-eyed
s. trembling, shivering; (səs) tremulous; ~ səs quivering / vibrating / tremulous voice
f. to shiver, to tremble; to vibrate; (xəfif) to quiver; (bərk) to shake*; (səs) to quaver, to tremble; soyuqdan ~ to tremble / to shiver with cold; s
f. to tremble / to shiver / to shake* together
i. fever
f. 1. to shiver, to tremble, to shake*; 2. to have* a fever; 3. to cause smb. to tremble / to shake / to shiver
i. trembling, shivering; (səsdə) tremor
i. title; ~ vermək to entitle (d.)
s. titled; ~ xanımlar titled ladies
i. one year old sheep, a yearling sheep
s. 1. satisfied, satiated; full; replete; Mən toxam I’ve had enough, I am full up; ~ qarına on a full stomach; 2
i. k.t. hoe, mattock
i. 1. (alət) rammer; 2. (hərəkət) ramming