i. opium-smoker; amer. opiumeater
i. the eagerness of smoking opium
i. bax tiryəkbaz
i. bax tiryəkbazlıq
i. opium den; amer. opium joint
i. drizzle, a fine misty rain
f. to drizzle
i. drizzly; ~ gün a drizzly day; ~ yağış drizzly rain
i. pick
i. Titan
i. kim. titanium
i. tib. leucoma, wall-eye
s. wall-eyed
s. trembling, shivering; (səs) tremulous; ~ səs quivering / vibrating / tremulous voice
f. to shiver, to tremble; to vibrate; (xəfif) to quiver; (bərk) to shake*; (səs) to quaver, to tremble; soyuqdan ~ to tremble / to shiver with cold; s
f. to tremble / to shiver / to shake* together
i. fever
f. 1. to shiver, to tremble, to shake*; 2. to have* a fever; 3. to cause smb. to tremble / to shake / to shiver
i. trembling, shivering; (səsdə) tremor
i. title; ~ vermək to entitle (d.)
s. titled; ~ xanımlar titled ladies
i. one year old sheep, a yearling sheep
s. 1. satisfied, satiated; full; replete; Mən toxam I’ve had enough, I am full up; ~ qarına on a full stomach; 2
i. k.t. hoe, mattock
i. 1. (alət) rammer; 2. (hərəkət) ramming
f. to ram (d.), (yüngülcə) to tamp (d.)
f. to be* rammed
f. bax toxaclatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to ram (d.)
f. to hoe (d.)
f. to be* hoed
f. bax toxalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to hoe (d.)
i. satiety, satiation, repletion; ~ etmək to overeat*, to eat* too much
i. beetle, a large wooden hammer
f. to beetle (d.), to beat* with a beetle (d.)
f. to be* beetled, to be* beaten with a beetle
f. bax toxmalaqlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to beetle (d.)
s. (i.s.) with a beetle, (i.s.) having a beetle
s. (i.s.) without a beetle, beetleless
I. s. easy-tempered; calm, quiet II. z. quietly, calmy
i. calmness, quietness; ~ vermək to calm (d.), to quiet (d.), to soothe (d.)
f. 1. to calm / to quiet / to settle down; 2. to reach (the place), to arrive (at a place)
f. to calm (d.), to quiet (d.), to soothe (d.); to reassure (d.), to set* at rest / at ease (d.), to set* smb
I. i. weaver; textile-worker; (iynə ilə toxuyan) knitter II. s. weaving, weaver’s; textile; ~ dəzgahı loom; ~ sənəti weaving; ~ fabriki textile mill
i. weaving; the job of a weaver
i. 1. seed; bir kisə ~ a bag of seeds; narahatlıq ~u məc. seeds of trouble; ~ səpmək müst. məc. to sow* (d
f. 1. to weave (d.); (iynə ilə, corab və s.) to knit (d.); corab ~ to knit stockings; (qarmaqla) to crochet (d
i. seed grower