Ӏ (-ади, -ада, -ар) n. capes.
ӀӀ (накъвади, накъвада, накъвар) n. tear, droplet of fluid from the eye.
adj. available, attainable; existent; spot, paid at once.
n. story, tale; narration; recital; novelette, short work of fiction; anecdote.
n. narrator, storyteller.
n. melody, tune; descant.
adv. vainly, in vain, to no purpose.
1) adj. bad; wicked; 2) adj. useless; futile; impracticable, unprofitable, inutile, otiose; valueless, worthless
n. filth.
adv. badly; awry.
n. breakfast, brunch.
нагьахъ авун v. accuse, charge (i.e. of committing a crime); incriminate, inculpate; indict, formally accuse of a crime (Law); prosecute, try in a cou
n. mistakenness.
also. нагьахъдаказ.
adv. wrong, amiss; improperly, unduly.
1. adj. playful, naughty, mischievous; 2. n. rogue; monkey, elf, small mischievous creature (also about a child)
n. naughtiness, mischievousness.
(-из, -на, надинжвал ая) also. надинжвал (надинжвал авун).
adj. occasional, infrequent; far between, intermittently; unusual, uncommon; scarce; sparse, scanty.
n. axe, hatchet; also. якӀв.
(-ди, -да, ) n. coquetry, flirtation.
n. venus; beauty, belle; good looker, pretty woman.
назар авун v. hoodoo, cause bad luck, bring bad luck; overlook, look over.
also. назар (назар авун).
n. pillow case, pillow slip.
n. affectation; primness; namby pamby.
adj. finical, affected; namby pamby, niminy piminy, excessively sentimental.
1) adj. brittle, friable; fragile, breakable; slight, delicate; 2) adj. refined, delicate, exquisite; subtle, fine; polite, cultivated, distinguished;
1) n. tenderness, gentleness; delicacy; dearness; fondness; subtlety; 2) n. refinement, elegance; stylishness, tastefulness; daintiness, exquisiteness
also. назикдаказ.
adj. brittle, friable; fragile, breakable; slight, delicate.
n. minister, secretary, one appointed to a high government office.
n. vicar, priest who serves in various substitute capacities in different Christian denominations; vicegerent, representative of the ruler; lieutenant
n. mandate.
adj. overhead.
нагъв ӀӀ. НАКЬ adv. yesterday. НАКЬАН adj. yesterday's.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. earth; land; ground, dirt, soil; territory; floor; sod; deck.
also. лакӀаб.
n. saucer, small flat dish on which a cup is placed. НАЛОГ n. tax, duty, fee; charge, price; contribution, donation
n. Muslim prayer.
1. adj. disloyal, unfaithful, faithless; false; traitorous, treacherous; guileful, perfidious; 2. n. blackguard, scoundrel; scum, vagabond
n. treachery, disloyalty; falseness; unfaithfulness, perfidy; falsehood, perjury.
also. намерддаказ.
adv. foully.
also. намерд.
n. merit, value; virtue; dignity; quality; timber.
adv. honestly, really, truly, in truth; fair, justly, equitably.
adj. honest, truthful; upright, principled, honorable; fair, just; forthright, candid, straightforward