adj. dishonorable, disgraceful, ignominious; shameful, infamous; foul, nefarious, vile .
n. disgrace, dishonor. НАМУССУЗДАКАЗ adv. basely, dirtily, thievishly. НАР also. анар.
adj. discontent, dissatisfied, malcontent.
n. discontent, dissatisfaction, displeasure.
also. наразидаказ.
adv. discontentedly.
n. pine, pine tree.
n. arsenic, poisonous chemical element.
n. dialect, form of a language spoken in a certain area or district; adverb, part of speech used to modify verbs adjectives and other adverbs (Grammar
adj. orange. НАСИБ also. несиб. НАСИГЬАТ also. несигьат. НАСОС n. pump.
also. ниси.
n. nazism.
n. nationalization, making national; socialization.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. cane, reed; rush, any species of marsh grass from the genus Juncus; sedge, any of several varieties of grass-like wetland plants
adj. aching, hurting; ailing, diseased, ill, sick. НАЧАГЪВАЛ n. illness, disease, sickness, malady; trouble
n. chief, head, commander, leader; superior, one who is higher than another in rank or position.
adv. vainly, in vain, to no purpose.
n. sal ammoniac, ammonium chloride (Archaic).
adj. impertinent, irrelevant; inappropriate, inapt.
n. impertinence, inappropriateness; inconsequence, irrelevance; ineptitude .
also. нашиз.
adv. out of turn; indelicately, crudely.
n. misfortune, bad luck; infelicity, unhappiness; catastrophe, disaster.
n. grand daughter, grandchild; also. хтул.
adj. immoral, unprincipled, depraved; reprobate, wicked.
(-из, -на, негь ая) also. негь (негь авун).
n. food; supply; ration. НЕЖЕС n. defecation, bowel movement. НЕЗ тӀуьн.
also. тӀуьн.
n. vow, pledge; sacrament; profession.
not only is.
(некӀеди, некӀеда, некӀер) n. milk, white liquid produced by female mammals that serves as nourishment for their young; this liquid from some mammals
n. wedding, marriage ceremony. НЕКЯГЬУН also. некягь (некягь авун). НЕКЬИ n. strawberry.
n. churn, vessel in which butter is made.
don’t eat; also. тӀуьн.