1) n. thief, pilferer; pickpocket; shoplifter; also. угъри; 2) n. hide and seek, game where one person hides and the other tries to find him
Ӏ (-из, -на, -а) v. steal, thieve; swipe, pilfer. ЧУЬНУЬХУН ӀӀ (-из, -на, -а) v. conceal, hide, cover; suppress
n. scandal, affray, fracas, commotion; чуьруькар авун v. brawl, participate in a noisy fight;
n. brawler; kicker.
(-из, -на, -а) v. rot, corrupt чуьруьтмиш хьун v. glow; smolder.
n. pear, type of fruit; punching ball; чуьхвердин adj. pear, pertaining to a pear.
(-уьз, чуьхвена, чуь-хуьх) v. wash, lave; bathe; scour; жёндек чуьхуьн v. bathe, wash, take a bath; wallow, indulge oneself in something (food, emotio
(-ди, -да, -яр) n. chuck; log; billet.
n. distaff, spindle, part of a spinning wheel that holds the wool.
adj. shaggy, bushy, rough and matted.
(-у, -а, -ар) n. time; date, day; season; tide; а чӀавуз a) at the(or that)time; b) adv. in that case, then
1) adj. frozen; чӀагай чил adj. frozen land; 2) adj. beautiful, handsome; fair, pretty; pleasant, attractive; gallant, chivalrous; proper; чӀагай руш
(-уз, -ана, чӀагуг) v. congeal, freeze.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. freeze, glaciate, ice; deepfreeze; refrigerate; congeal; block; 2) v. decorate, adorn, ornament; beautify, embellish, bedeck; dec
(-ра, -ра, -ар) n. jackdaw, daw, black European bird belonging to the crow family.
n. accordion; harmonic. ЧӀАГЪАНЧИ accordion / concertina player. ЧӀАГЬНАКЬА also. нагьакьа.
onomatopoeia crack; чӀакь авун v. crack; crackle; scrunch, crunch; splutter; rattle.
onomatopoeia crunch; чӀакьракь авун v. crunch, scrunch; crackle.
(-а, -а, -ар) 1) n. tongue, flexible muscular organ in the bottom of the mouth (used for tasting, swallowing and human speech); language, body of spok
(-из, -на, -а) also. чӀал (чӀалахъ авун).
n. partridge, game bird; hen, female fowl also.
so, well conj. just because.
( . чӀапӀат) n. step ins.
(-чи, -чӀе, -ар) n. hair, pile; n. bristle, seta, stubble; чӀарчӀин adj. hair, hairy; чӀулав чӀарчӀин adj
by a finger's breadth.
n. root; radical, radix, number used as the base for a numerical system (Mathematics); race, descent; base
adv. by no means, in no way; none, nothing; any, at all.
onomatopoeia chew, masticate animal.
onomatopoeia crunch, scrunch; crackle; чӀарх-чӀарх авун v. crunch, scrunch; crackle.
n. nit, egg of an insect (usually a louse).
millet bred.
1. 1) n. grain, groats; 2) n. spelt, hardy European variety of wheat.
n. cartilage, gristle, tough flexible tissue (part of the skeletal structure); чӀахачӀахдин adj. cartilaginous, gristly, made of cartilage; consisting
груша (поздняя).
also. чӀарх-чӀарх.
onomatopoeia n. click, clack, snap; чӀвякьрякь авун v. pawl; snap.