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    ...pulled from the water sudan çıxarılmış uşağı həyata qaytarmaq; He was resuscitated Onu həyata qaytardılar; 2. ayılmaq, dirilmək

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    İngiliscə-azərbaycanca lüğət

    f. to bring* (d.) to life, to resuscitate (d.); to enliven (d.), to revive (d.); Onu diriltdilər He / She was resuscitated

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    Azərbaycanca-ingiliscə lüğət

    f. to revive (d.); to pep (d.), to resuscitate (d.), to vivify (d.), to enliven (d.); to reanimate (d.), (həyat vermək) to pep (up), to give* life to;

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