Cavad Salamov

Cavad İslam Əli oğlu Salamov (türk. Cevat Selam) — AzərbaycanTürkiyə alimi.

Həyatı[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

Cavad Salamov (Cevad Selam)12 oktyabr 1946-cı ildə Bakı şəhərində doğulmuşdur. 1964 cü ildə Bakıdakı 199 saylı orta məktəbi bitirmiş, Həmin il Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin Fizika fakültəsinə daxil olmuşdur. 2-ci kursdan Lomonosov adına Moskva Dövlət Universitetinin fizika fakultəsinə oxumağa göndərilmişdir. 1971 ci ildə həmin Universiteti bitirən Cavad Salamov Moskva şəhərinin Dubna Qəsəbəsində yerləşən Atom Nüvə Araşdırmaları İnstitutunda aspiranturaya başlamış və 1971-ci ildə "Deformasiyalı Nüvələrdə Maqnetik Dupol Təsirləri" mövzusunda elmi işini müdafiə etmiş və 1977-ci ildə "Atom Nüvələrində İzovektor Təsirləri" mövzusunda doktorluq dissertasiyasını müdafiə etmişdir. 1996-cı ilə qədər Azərbaycan Elmlər Akademiyası Fizika İnstitutunda işləmişdir. 1988-ci ildə başlayan Azərbaycanın Milli Azadlıq Hərəkatında ön sıralarda yer almış, Azərbaycan Xalq Cəbhəsinin qurucularından olmuşdur. 1996-cı ildə Kütahya Dumlupınar Universitetinə dəvət edilərək Fizika bölməsində Professor olaraq 2002-ci ilə qədər fəaliyyət göstərmişdir. 2002-2011-ci illərdə Eskişehir Anadolu Universitetində elmi fəaliyyətini davam etdirmişdir. 2011-ci ildən Muş Şəhərində yerləşən Muş Alparslan Universitetində çalışmaqdadır.

Kitablar[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

  • ÇEVİRİ-L.D.Landau ve E.M.Lifshitz "KUANTUM MEKANİĞİ",Bilim Yayıncılık ANKARA, 2000
  • ÇEVİRİ-L.D.Landau ve E.M.Lifshitz "MEKANİK", Bilim Yayıncılık ANKARA, 1999
  • ÇEVİRİ-L.D.Landau ve E.M.Lifshitz "İSTATİSTİK FİZİK", basılmamış.
  • ÇEVİRİ-L.D.Landau ve E.M.Lifshitz "ALAN TEORİSİ", basılmamış.

Milli Və Beynəlxalq Layihələr[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

  • Pyatov-Salamov metodu kullanılarak ağır, orta ve hafif kütleli çekirdeklerde Gamow-Teller etkileşmesinin öz uyumlu bir şekilde incelenmesi ve bu metodun çift beta bozunumu nükleer matris elemanı hesaplarına uygulanması, 01/04/2005

Əsərləri[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

Yüksek Lisans Tezleri[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

  • Deformasyonlu Çekirdeklerde Manyetik Dipol Etkileşmeleri, 17/01/1971

Doktora Tezleri[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

  • Atom Çekirdeklerinde İzovektör Uyarmaları, 26/05/1977

Rəhbərlik etdiyi Aspirantura əsərləri[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

  • Sezin Çinar "Deformasyonlu Çekirdeklerin Taban Durumu İsospin Karışımının Pyatov-Salamov Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi",Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, 16/04/2010
  • Esra DOĞAN, "Tek Çekirdeklerde Beta Geçişlerinin Pyatov Yöntemi İle İncelenmesi",Anadolu Üniversitesi, 09/06/2008
  • Oya KİMYONOK,"Kuresel Çekirdeklerde Gamow-Teller 1+ Durumlarının İncelenmesi",Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, 18/12/2003
  • Hasan BİRCAN, "Deforme Olmuş Çekirdeklerde Çift Beta Bozunumu" Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, 24/07/2002

Rəhbərlik etdiyi Doktorluq əsərləri[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

  • Necla ÇAKMAK,"Tek çekirdeklerde Yük Değişimli Etkileşmelerinin Pyatov Yöntemi İle İncelenmesi",Anadolu Üniversitesi, 25/04/2009
  • A. Engin ÇALIK,"Süper İzinli ve İsospin Yasaklı Beta Geçişlerinin Pyatov Yöntemi İle İncelenmesi",Ege Üniversitesi, 02/06/2008
  • Serdar ÜNLÜ, "Çekirdekte Yük Değişimli Kollektif Titreşimler", 10/10/2006
  • Hasan Ali AYGÖR "Deforme Çekirdeklerde Gamow-Teller ve Fermi Kuvvetlerinin Çift Beta Bozunmasına Etkisi", Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 21/11/2002
  • İsmail KENAR, "Kuresel Çekirdeklerde Birinci Yasaklı 0- 0- Geçişleri", Selcuk Universitesi, 05/11/2002

Beynəlxalq Hakimli Elm Jurnallarında çap edilən məqalələri[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

  • Çakmak N.,Ünlü S. and Selam C.,"A Study of the Gamow-Teller Transition Properties in Spherical Nuclei",PRAMANA-Journal of Physics(in press), 24/05/2010
  • Çakmak N.,Ünlü S.,Manisa K. and Selam C. "Charge Exchange 0- Vibration Modes In Odd-Odd Nuclei", PRAMANA-Journal of Physics,Vol.74,No.4,April,pp. 541-553,2010, 13/04/2010
  • E.YUSUFOĞLU,C.SELAM-"The homotopy analysis method to solve the modified equal-width wave equation", Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations(in press),(2010), 09/12/2009
  • A.E. Çalık, M.Gerçeklioğlu and D.I.Salamov "Superallowed Fermi Beta Decay and The Unitarity of The CKM Matrix",Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung A, V64a,No:12,pp.865-872,(2009), 28/10/2009
  • H.Ali Aygor,Necla Çakmak,Ismail Maras and Cevad SELAM, "The Isıspin Admixture of the Ground State and the Properties of the Isobar Analog Resonances in Deformed Nuclei", AIP,November 11,2008,Volume 1072,pp.310-313(2008), 01/02/2009
  • S Unlu, T Babacan, N Cakmak and C Selam "The investigation of the 2nbb decay by Pyatov method withn QRPA formalism" ,PRAMANA -Journal of Physics,Vol.71, No.3,pp.521-528,2008, 01/08/2008
  • D.I.Salamov,S.Unlu,T.Babacan,A.Kucukbursa, and N.Cakmak "Calculation of two neutrino double beta decay half lives for some spherical nuclei by Pyatov method",Nucleer Physics A 805,vol.2,266-268(2008), 01/08/2008
  • D.I.SALAMOV, S.UNLU and N.CAKMAK, "Beta -transition properties for neutron-rich Sn and Te isotopes by Pyatov method", PRAMANA -Journal of Physics,Vol.69,No:3,369-375(2007), 24/09/2007
  • T. Babacan, D.I. Salamov, A. Kucukbursa, S.Ünlü, and A.Demir "Self-consistent calculations of isospin admixtures in the ground states of the N=Z nuclei in the mass region of 50–100", Nuclear Physics A788,pp.279-283(2007), 10/05/2007
  • D I Salamov, T Babacan, A Kücükbursa, S Ünlü and I Maras "The isospin admixture of the ground state and the properties of the isobar analog resonances in medium and heavy mass nuclei",PRAMANA, V.66,No:6,pp.1105-1110(2006), 12/06/2006
  • I.Kenar,C.Selam, and A.Küçükbursa,"0(-)--0(+) First Forbidden Beta Decay Matrix Elements in Spherical Nuclei",Mathematical&Computational Applications Volume 10,No:2,179(2005), 21/01/2005
  • T.BABACAN,D.I.SALAMOV,and A.KÜÇÜKBURSA,"AN INVESTIGATION OF THE GAMOW-TELLER 1+ STATES IN 90Nb ISOTOPES",Mathematical and Computational Applicationz, V.10,No:3,359(2005), 2005
  • T.Babacan,D.I.Salamov, and A.Küçükbursa, "Gamow-Teller 1(+) States in 208Bi", Phys.Rev. C 71, 037303(2005), 2005
  • C.SELAM, T.BABACAN ,H.BIRCAN, H.A.AYGOR, H.BIRCAN, A.KÜÇÜKBURSA and ,I. MARAŞ ,”The investigation of the Log(ft) Values for the Allowed Gamow-Teller Transitions of Some Deformed Nuclei“, Mathematical Computational Applications, vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 79-90,2004, 2004
  • A.KÜÇÜKBURSA, D.I.SALAMOV, T.BABACAN, and H.A.AYGÖR, “An Investigation of the Influence of the Pairing Correlations on the Properties of the Isobar Analoug Resonances in A=208 Nuclei”, PRAMANA-Journal of Physics, Vol. 63 No.5, 947,2004, 2004
  • T.BABACAN, D.SALAMOV, A.KÜÇÜKBURSA, H.BABACAN, I.MARAŞ, H.A.AYGÖR, A.ÜNAL,”The Effect of the Pairing Interaction on the Rnergies of Isobar Analog Resonanse in 112-124Sb and Isospin Admixture In 100-124Sn Isotopes”, Journal of Physics G:Nucl.Part.Phys. V.30(6),(2004)759, 2004
  • C.SELAM, A.KÜÇÜKBURSA,H.BIRCAN, H.A.AYGOR, T.BABACAN, I. MARAŞ, and A.GÖKÇE - "Nuclear Matrix Elements of Double Beta Decay in Deformed Nuclei”, Turk.J. Phys. 27, 1-7(2003), 2003
  • D.I.SALAMOV,A.KÜÇÜKBURSA, I.MARAŞ,H.A.AYGÖR, T.BABACAN and H.BIRCAN, “Calculation of the Log(ft) Values for the Allowed Gamow-Teller Transitions in Deformed Nuclei Using the Basis of Woods-Saxon Wave Functions”, Acta Physica Slovaca, vol.53,No.4,2003,pp307-319, 2003
  • C.SELAM, A.KUÇUKBURSA, A.A.KULIEV, E.GULIEV - Low Lying States in 116-124Sn isotopes ISBN (975-19-2768-4), TAEK TÜDNAEM 2001, 2001
  • A.A.KULIEV,C.SELAM,A.KÜÇÜKBURSA "The Effect of the Galileo Invariance Pairing on the 1- States In Spherical Nuclei", Mathe.& Computational Applications, Vol.6, No. 2, pp.103-111,2001, 2001
  • M. GERÇEKLİOGLU, A. A. KULİEV, H. ERBİL, C. SELAM “The excited 0 states in deformed even-even nuclei” Balkan Physics Letter Special Issue (2001) 229, 2001
  • A.A.KULIEV,R.AKKAYA,M.ILHAN,E.GULIYEV,C.SALAMOV,S.SELVI -"Rotational-Invariant Model of the States With K = 1+ and Their Contribution to the Scissors Mode" International Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol.9,No. 3(2000)249-261, 2000
  • M.GERÇEKLIOĞLU,H.ERBIL,A.KULIEV,D.SALAMOV -"The Special Type Neutron-Proton Pairing Interaction And The 0+ Excitations in Deformed Nuclie" Balkan Phusics Letters Special Issue/1998,pp.241-249, 1998
  • T.M. ALIYEV, S.K. BALAYEV, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Double b-Decay And Neutrino Mass", Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of the USSR., 53, p.2140-2144, 1989, 1989
  • S.K. BALAYEV, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Double Pozitron -Decay, Double K-Capture And Positron Emitting K-Capture", Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Phys., 53, p.2136-2139, 1989, 1989
  • S.K. BALAYEV, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - Calculation of 2-Beta-Decay Matrix-Elements by Means of Residue Theorem , Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya,,Vol 52, (11), pp.2140-2144, 1989, 1989
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV, S.K. BALAYEV - "Nuclear Matrix Elements of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay , Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, vol 52, (11), pp.2225-2230, 1988, 1988
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV, I. DJAFAROV - "Dependence Of The Property Isobar-Analog States From The Radial Part Of Coulomb Potential", Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of the USSR ser.Phys.50, p.929-935, 1986, 1986
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV, "Investigation of the High Energy 1+ Levels Including Continuum in Spherical Nuclei ", Izvestiya Academii Nauk USSR Seriya Fizicheskaya 49(5),p.980-984,1985, 1985
  • F.A.Gareev, S.N.Ershov,N.I.Pyatov, S.A.Fayans D.I.Salamov,"Self-Consistent Description of Dipole States Taking Into Account the One-Particle Continuum ", Sov.Jorn.Nucl.Phys., 33(3), 337-344, 1981, 1981
  • N.I.Pyatov,D.I.Salamov,S.A.Fayans "Self-Consistent Description of Isobaric 0+ States Taking the One-Particle Continuum Into Account Exactly", Sov.Jorn.Nucl.Phys., 34(3), 335-341, 1981, 1981
  • N.I. PYATOV, S.A. FAYANS, D.I. SALAMOV - "Self Consistent Description Isobaric 0+ - Excitations Including One Particle Continuum", Preprint, JINR, P4-80630, Dubna,1980, 1980
  • F.A. GAREEV, S.N. ERSHOV, N.I. PYATOV, S.A. FAYANS, D.I. SALAMOV "Description of Gigant Dipole Resonances in the SelfConsistent Model with Saparable Effective Interaction Including One Particle Continuum", Journal of Nuclear Physics,33,3,645(1981) Preprint JINR E4-80293, 1980, Dubna, 1980
  • N.I. PYATOV, M.I. BAZNAT, D.I. SALAMOV - "Self Consistent Theory of Coulomb Mixing in Nuclei", Sov.Jorn.Nucl.Phys., 29, 121, 1980, 1980
  • D.I. SALAMOV, N.I. PYATOV, M.I. BAZNAT, - "Coulomb Mixing in Nuclei", Preprint JINR, P4-12283, 1979, Dubna, Izv. AN SSR, ser. Fhys.1, 59, 1980, 1980
  • N.I. PYATOV, M.I. BAZNAT, D.I. SALAMOV - "Coulomb Mixing of Nuclear States According to Isospin", Izv. AN SSR, ser. Fhys.44(1), 44-52, 1980, 1980
  • N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV, M.I. BAZNAT, A.A. KULIEV, S.I. GABRAKOV "Self -Consistent Theory of Coulomb Mixing In Nuclei", Sov. Journ. Nucl. Phys. 29,p.1-10, 1979, 1979
  • N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV, M.I. BAZNAT, A.A. KULIEV,S.I. GABRAKOV - "Self-Consistent Theory Coulomb Mixing In Nuclei", Prepr. JINR, E4-1 1465, p.1-22, Dubna, 1978, 1978
  • S.I. GABRAKOV, N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV, M.I. BAZNAT - "Self Consistent Description Of The Isospin Mixing", IC/78/19, Inter. Report Miramare, 1978
  • M.I. BAZNAT, N.I. PYATOV, B.B. PALCHİK, D.I. SALAMOV - "Description Integral Characteristics Of E1 Resonances İn Translational Invariance Model", Preprint, JINR, P4-10953, Dubna, 1977, 1977
  • S.I. GABRAKOV, N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Gigant Dipol Resonance With Galilean Invariance Pairing", Bulg.Jor.of Fhys. IY, p.3-6, 1977, 1977
  • S.I. GABRAKOV, N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV "Effects Of Breaking The Translational And Galilean İnvariances Of Nuclear Model Hamiltonians", ICTP, Miramure-Triest,1977, 1977
  • S.P. IVANOVA, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Collective 1+states in 124Cs and 126 Cs", Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of the USSR ser. Phys . p.131-138, 1977, 1977
  • N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Conservation Laws And Collective Excitations In Nuclei", Nucleonica, 22, 126, 1977, 1977
  • M.I.Baznat,N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV -"Translational Invariance Effects in Octupole Excitations of Deformed Nuclei ",Sov. Journal of Nuclear Physics 25(6),613-617,1977, 1977
  • N.I. PYATOV, S.I.Gabrakov,D.I. SALAMOV -"Effects of Violation of Galilean Invariance of Pairing",Sov. Journal of Nuclear Physics 26(2),139-142,1977, 1977
  • M.I. BAZNAT, N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Translational Invariance Effects In Octupole Excitations Of Deformed Nuclei", Preprint JINR, 1976, Dubna, 1976
  • S.I. GABRAKOV, N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Effects Of Breaking The Galilean Invariances İn Pairing", Preprint JINR, Dubna, 1976, 1976
  • S.P. IVANOVA, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Strength Functions of b-decay of 117-123 Ba ".Sov. Journ. Of Nucl. Phys. 24. p. 278-288. 1976, 1976
  • A.A. KULIEV, S.P. IVANOVA, D.I. SALAMOV - "Strength Functions of b-decay of 117-123Ba Isotopes". preprint. JINR, P4-8972, p.1-1, Dubna, 1975, 1975
  • S.I. GABRACOV, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Fermi And Gamow-Teller Excited States In Deformed Nuclei", Comptes reudus de L'Academie Bulgare des Scienc.11, p.106-109,1975., 1975
  • S.I. GABRAKOV, A.A.KULIEV, D.I.SALAMOV - "Fermi And Gamov-Teller Excited States In Deformed Nuclei" Preprint IGTP Iv/73/166,p.1-8, Miramare –Trieste, 1973
  • S.I. GABRAKOV, A.A. KULIEV, N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV, H. SCHUIZ - "Collective 1+-States In Double Even Deformed Nuclei", Nuclear Physics A182, p.625-633, 1972, 1972
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Gamov-Teller 1+ States In Odd-Odd Nuclei" Comm. of the JINR, P4-5774, p. 1-12, Dubna1971, 1971
  • S.I. GABRAKOV, A.A. KULIEV, N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV, H. SCHUIZ - "Collective 1+ States In Even- Even Deformed Nuclei", Prepr. JINR, P4-5889, p.1-17, Dubna1971, 1971
  • S.I. GABRAKOV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Strength Functions of M1 -Transition İn Deformed Nuclei", Bulgarian SA, t.23, n.11, 1970, 1970

Beynəlxalq Elmi Konfranslarda Təqdim edilən Mühazirə və mülahizələr[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

  • C.Selam,N.Çakmak,S.Unlu,"Investigation of GT Excitations in Odd mass Nuclei by the Pyatov Method",The International Conference "NSRT-09" Contributions,DUBNA,2009,p.107, 07/10/2009
  • N.Çakmak,K.Manisa,S.Unlu,C.Selam"The First Forbitten 0+ 0- Decays in Odd-Odd Nuclei",The International Conference "NSRT-09" Contributions,DUBNA,2009,p.26, 07/10/2009
  • H.Aygor,I.Maraş,N.Çakmak,C.Selam"Investigation of Isospin Admixture in the Ground States in the 126-140 Ba Isotopes by the Pyatov Method",The International Conference "NSRT-09" Contributions,DUBNA,2009,p.17, 07/10/2009
  • N.Çakmak,K.Manisa,S.Unlu,C.Selam"The First Forbitten 0+ 0- Decays in Odd-Odd Nuclei",The International Conference "NSRT-09" Proceedinges,DUBNA,2009,p.29-37, 18/09/2009
  • D. I. Salamov, A. Kucukbursa, K. Manisa, N. Cakmak, S. Unlu, “Charge-Exchange Vibration Modes In Odd-Odd Nuclei ”, International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation (NUFRA2007), 23 September-02 October 2007, Antalya, Turkiye, 23/09/2007, 23/09/2007
  • D. I. Salamov, T. Babacan, S. Unlu, N. Cakmak, “Investigation of GT Strength Distributions in Some Stable N~Z Nuclei By Pyatov Method”, International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation (NUFRA2007), 23 September-02 October, Antalya, Turkiye, 23/09/2007, 23/09/2007
  • D. I. Salamov, A. E. Calik, M. Gerceklioglu, N. Cakmak, “The Investigation Of Super allowed Beta Decay By Pyatov Method”, International Nuclear Physics Conference, 03-08 June 2007, Tokyo, Japan, 05/06/2007, 05/06/2007
  • A. E. Calik, D. I. Salamov, M. Gerceklioglu, N. Cakmak, “The Investigation of Isospin Structure of The Isobar Analogue Resonances by Pyatov Method”, International Nuclear Physics Conference, 03-08 June 2007, Tokyo, Japan, 05/06/2007, 05/06/2007
  • Salamov, D.I., Unlu, S., Babacan, T., Kucukbursa, A., Cakmak, N., “A Self Consistent Calculation Of Two Neutrino Double Beta Decay Half Lives For Some Spherical Nuclei”, INPC2007, Japan,Nuclear Physics A, 2008., 05/06/2007
  • J.I.Salamov, "Investigation of Beta Transition Properties in Cd,Sn and Te Isotopes By Pyatov Model", The Forth Eurasian Conference on Nuclear Science and Its Applications", 30 October-03 November,2006,Baku, Azerbaijan, 12/06/2006
  • T.Babacan,D.I.Salamov,A.Küçükbursa,S.Ünlü, and A.Demir,"Self-Consistent Calculations of Isospin Admixtures in Ground States of the N=Z Nuclei in the Mass Region of 50-100", 2-nd International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei Under Extreme Conditions,June 20-23,2006, Sankt Goar,Germany, 12/06/2006
  • D.I.Salamov,T.Babacan,A.Küçükbursa,S.Ünlü, and E.Kılıcıkan,"The Study of the Gamow-Teller Transition Properties in Some Spherical Nuclei", 2-nd International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei Under Extreme Conditions,June 20-23,2006, Sankt Goar,Germany, 12/06/2006
  • T. BABACAN, D. I. SALAMOV, A. KÜÇÜKBURSA, S. ÜNLÜ "CALCULATION OF TWO NEUTRINO DOUBLE BETA DECAY NUCLEAR MATRIX ELEMENTS FOR 128,130Te", Intrnational Conference on "Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, and Reactions(FINUSTAR),12-17 Septemder,2005,Greece, 2005, 2005
  • T. BABACAN, D. I. SALAMOV,A. KÜÇÜKBURSA, S.ÜNLÜ "THE STUDY OF THE PROPERTİES OF THE GTR STATES IN 112-124Sb İSOTOPES",5th Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference,19-23 November,2005, EGYPT, 2005, 2005
  • D.I.SALAMOV,T.BABACAN,and A.KÜÇÜKBURSA –“The Effect of the Pairing Correlation on tje Energies of IAR in 112-124Sb and Isospin Admixture in 100-124Sn Isotopes”, Contributions to the Intern. Conf. On Collective Motion in Nuclei Under Extremal Condiyions, La Sarbonne, France,June 10-13,2003
  • A.KULIEV, C.SELAM, A.KÜÇÜKBURSA, H.AYGÖR and H.BIRCAN-"Nuclear Matrics Elements of Double Beta Decay In Deformed Nuclei", Proccedings of the First Hellenic-Turkish International Physics Conference,p.113, Bodrum-TURKET and Kos-GREECE, 10-15 September 2001
  • I.KENAR, C.SELAM, H.YUKSEL and H.BIRCAN - "0--0+ First Forbidden -Decay Transition in spherical Nuclei",Proccedings of the First Hellenic-Turkish International Physics Conference,p.120, Bodrum-TURKEY and Kos-GREECE, 10-15 September 2001
  • P.VON NEUMANN-COSEL, A.A.KULIEV, A.RICHTER, C. SALAMOV - The Scissors Mode Near Shell Closures Proccedings of the International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics in honour of Peter von Brentano, Gettingen , Germany, March 5-8,2001
  • C.SELAM, A.KUÇUKBURSA, A.A.KULIEV, E.GULIEV - Low Lying States in 116-124Sn isotopes , Abstracts of the 1.Eurasia Conference on Nuclear Science and its Application 23-27 October p.p.428-430, 2000 Izmir,Turkey
  • C. SELAM, A. KUÇUKBURSA, A.A. KULIEV, E. GULIEV - Low Lying I=1- States in Semi-Magic Nuclei , Abstracts of the International Symposium on the occasion of Achim Richter's 60th birthday Nuclei and Nucleons p.45,Darmstadt,2000
  • R. AKKAYA, E. GULIEV, A. KULIEV, C. SALAM, S. SELVI - "140-150Ce İzotoplarında Makas Modun Deformasyon Bağımlılığı", Second Intern. Symp. on Mathem. Compt. Apl. Sep.1-3,1999, Baku Azerbaijan
  • R. AKKAYA, E. GULIEV, M. İLHAN, A. KULIEV, C. SELAM, S. SELVI - "Deformation Dependence of Summed Low Lying M1 Strengths in 148-154Sm. Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, Invited Lecture. Abstract p.18 Sept.1-10 1998 İstanbul-Turkey
  • M. GERCEKLIOGLU, H.H. ERBIL, A.A. KULIEV, C. SALAM - " The Effect of Neutron-proton Paring İnteraction on The Excited 0+ States of Deformed Nuclei". Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, Abstract p.18 Sept.17 1998 İstanbul-Turkey
  • A. KULIEV, C. SELAM, E. GULIEV - Isospin Conservation in Nuclei and its İnfluence on İsobaric Analog States, Balkan School on Nucl. Phys., Invited Lecture Abstract p.5 Sept.1-10 1998 İstanbul-Turkey
  • F.I.AZIMOV, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "The Investigation Phase Integrals Of 2-decay", International Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and atom nucleus structure. "Nauka", Dubna 1992
  • S.K. BALAYEV, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Majoron Emitting Nuclear Double -decay" International Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Atom Nucleus Structure."Nauka", Dubna1992
  • S.K. BALAYEV, A.A.KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Effects Of The Characteristics Of The Daughter Nuclei On Nuclear Matrix Elements 2b-decay", Selected Topics in Nuclear Struc,D4-89-327,p.39 Dubna1989
  • S.K. BALAYEV, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Effect Of The Particle Gamov-Teller Interactions On Nuclear Matrix Elements 2b-decay", Contrib. Selected Topics in Nuclear Structure,D4-89-327,p.38.Dubna 1989
  • S.K. BALAYEV, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Calculation Of Nuclear Matrix Element Of Double B-Decay By Help Residue Theory", Proceed. XXXIV - Annual Conf. Nucl. Spectr. and Nucl. Str., "Nauka", p.177, Tashkent 1989
  • S.K. BALAYEV, A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Double Positron B-Decay Double K-Capture And Positron Emitting K-Capture", Proceed. XXXIX-Annual. Confer. Nucl. Spectr. and Nucl. Str, "Nauka", p.220, Tashkent 1989
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV, S.K. BALAYEV - "Double b-decay and neutrino Mass", Proceed, XXXVIII - Annual Conf. Nucl. Spectr and Nucl.Str., "Nauca", p.228, Leningrad 1988
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Calculation Of Half -Life Of Double b-decay 76Ge, 82Se, 128, 130Te", Proceed XXXVII - Annual Confer. Nucl. Str., "Nauca", p.199, Yurmala,1987
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Nuclear Matrix Elements Of Two Neutrino Double B-Decay", Dependence Of The Property, Proceed, XXXVII Conf. Nucl. Spect. and Nucl., Str,"Nauca", p.198,Yurmala 1987
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV, I. DJAFAROV - "Dependence Of The Property IAS From Radial Part Of Coulomb Potential", Proceed. XXXV-Annual Conf. on Nucl. Spectr. and Nucl. Str, "Nauka", p.192, Leningrad1985
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV, I. DJAFAROV - "Dependence Of The Property IAS From Radial Part Of Coulomb Potential", Proceed. XXXV -Annual Conf. on Nucl. Spectr. and Nucl. Str."Nauka", p.192, Leningrad 1985
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Investigations Of Strength Functions Of Reduce M1 Matrix Elements Of 1+ -Excitations" Proceed 33-Annual Confer. on Nucl. Spec. and Nucl. str. p.210, Moskow, 1983
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Investigations Of Magnetic- Dipole Resonace Including Continuum And Spin-Multipole Forces", Proceed.33-Annual Confer. on Nucl. Spec. and Nucl. str. "Nauka", p.209,Moskow,1983
  • F.A. GAREEV, S.N. ERSHOV, N.I. PYATOV, S.A. FAYANS, D.I. SALAMOV - "Nuclear Dipole States In The Translational Invariant Model Including Continuum", Proc.of the Inter.Conf. on Nucl. Phys. p.187,1980, Berkely, California
  • N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV, F.A. GAREEV, S.N. ERSHOV - "Self Consistent Discription of the Giant Dipole Resonance Including the Particle Continuum", Int. Conf. on Extreme States in Nucl.Sistem, Dresden, GDR, p94, 1980
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Method Of The Self -Consistently Studies Of Collective Excitations Of Nuclei". Proceed. IV Conf. of aspirant Az.SSR, "Elm", p.3, Baku, 1978
  • S.I. GABRAKOV, N.I. PYATOV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Translational Invariance Model Dgr", Proc., XXYII Annual Conf. Nuc. Spect. and Nuc. Struc. Dashkand, 1977
  • A.A.KULIEV,S.P.IVANOVA,D.I.SALAMOV - "Collective 1+excitations in 124, 126 Cs" Proceed . XXVI - Confr. on Nucl. Spectr. and Nucl. Str. p.305, Baku 1976.
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Strength function of b -decay 117-123 Ba" Contrib. XXVI-annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectr. and Nucl. Str."Nauka", p.317, Baku,1976
  • A.A.KULIEV,D.I.SALAMOV - "Strength Functions Of The Matrix Elements Of The B-Decay Of The Ba Isotopes" Proceed. III. Int. Conf. on nuclei far from stability Gargese Corsica, France, 1976
  • A.A.KULIEV,D.I. SALAMOV - "Isobaric Invariance And Effective Forces" Int. Topical Conf. on Effective Int. and Operatorin nuclei VI,p.4, Arizona, USA, 1975
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Effect Of The Charge-Exchange Spin- Spin Force In Even-Even Deformed Nuclei", Contribution XXI-Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectr. and Nucl.str., "Nauka", p. 175, Moscow, 1971
  • A.A. KULIEV, D.I. SALAMOV - "Strength Function Of Allowed Gamow-Teller b-decay" Proc. Int. Conf. on heavy ion Phys. D7-5769, p.319-323, Dubna 1971.

Türkiyədə keçirilən Elmi Konfranslarda təqdim olunan mühazirə və mülahizələr[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

  • Cevad Selam, Necla Cakmak, Serdar Unlu, “Investigation of GT Strength Distributions in Some Spherical Nuclei By Pyatov Method”, IV. Workshop on Nuclear Structure Properties, 30-31 October, Ankara, Turkiye, 30/10/2007
  • C. Selam, K. Manisa, N. Cakmak, A. Kucukbursa, “The Calculation By Woods-Saxon Potential of β- Decay Matrix Elements”, III. Workshop on Nuclear Structure Properties, 15-17 November 2006, Kutahya, Turkiye, 15/11/2006
  • C. Selam, K. Manisa, N. Cakmak, A. Kucukbursa, “The Calculation By Woods-Saxon Potential of β- Decay Matrix Elements”, III. Workshop on Nuclear Structure Properties, 15-17 November 2006, Kutahya, Turkiye, 15/11/2006
  • C. Selam, K. Manisa, N. Cakmak, A. Kucukbursa, “The Calculation By Woods-Saxon Potential of β- Decay Matrix Elements”, III. Workshop on Nuclear Structure Properties, 15-17 November 2006, Kutahya, Turkiye, 15/11/2006
  • S.Ünlü,C.Selam,T.Babacan,A.Küçükbursa,"Özuyumlu Etkin Etkileşme Yöntemi İle İkiNötrinolu Çift Beta Geçişi İçin Çekirdek Matris elemanlarının Hesaplanması",II.Nükleer yapı özellikleri Çalıştayı,07-09 Kasım,2005,Eskişehir, 07/11/2005
  • C.Selam,M.Gerçeklioğlu,A.E.Çalık,"izotopik Spin Simetrisinin Restore Edilmesi İle Süper İzinli ve İsospin Yasaklı Beta Geçişlerinin İncelenmesi",II.Nükleer yapı özellikleri Çalıştayı,07-09 Kasım,2005,Eskişehir, 07/11/2005
  • Cevat Selam,Serdar Ünlü,"Tek Çekirdeklerde Izinli Gamow-Teller Geçişlerinin Pyatov-Salamov Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi",IX Ulusal Nükleer Bilimler ve Teknolojileri Kongresi,14-16 Eylül,'005,İZMİR,sayfa 42.

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