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İmaməddin Əmiraslanov (20 yanvar 1948) — Azərbaycanın görkəmli alimi, Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının Fizika İnstitutunun Kristalloqrafiya laboratoriyasının müdiri (2016).
İmaməddin Əmiraslanov | |
İmaməddin Rəcəbəli oğlu Əmiraslanov | |
Doğum tarixi | |
Doğum yeri | Azərbaycan |
Atası | Rəcəbəli Əmiraslanov |
Anası | Cümə Əmiraslanova |
Elm sahələri | Kristalloqrafiya və kristallofizika |
Elmi dərəcələri | Fizika elmləri doktoru, |
Elmi adı | Professor |
İş yeri | AMEA Fizika İnstitutu |
Elmi rəhbəri | prof. Xudu Məmmədov |
Mükafatları | Azərbaycan Dövlət Mükafatı (2020- ci il) |
1948-ci ildə Qubada anadan olmuşdur.
1. Mamedov Kh.S., Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Movsumov E.M. The synthesis and x-ray analysis complexes of Ni(II), Ca(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), with benzoic and monothibenzoic acids. Dokl. AN Azerb. Republic., 1977, V.32, N.4, p.31.
2. Musayev F.N., Movsumov E.M., Mamedov Kh.S., Amiraslanov I.R. The crystal and molecular structure of bis-pyridine-bis (monothiobenzoate) Nickel (II). Zh. Strukt. Chim., 1977, V.18, N.6, p.1089
3. Musayev F.N., Movsumov E.M., Mamedov Kh.S., Amiraslanov I.R. The crystal and molecular structure of (monothiobenzoate) Cadmium(II). Zh. Strukt. Chim., 1978, V.19, N.3, p.518
4. Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S., Amiraslanov I.R., Movsumov E.M. The crystal and molecular structure of bis-pyridine-bis (monothiobenzoate) Cadmium(II). Koord. Khim., 1978, V.4, N.8, p.1268
5. Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S., Amiraslanov I.R., Movsumov E.M. The crystal and molecular structure of bis-pyridine-bis (monothiobenzoate) Zinc(II). Koord. Khim., 1978, V.4, n.9, p.1420
6. Amiraslanov I.R., Movsumov E.M., Mamedov Kh.S., Musayev F.N. The crystal and molecular structure of tetra-aqua-bis (aminobenzoate) Manganese(II). Zh. Strukt. Chim.,1978, V.19, N.6, p.1120
7. Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S., Movsumov E.M., Musayev F.N. The crystal and molecular structure of tetra-aqua-bis (aminobenzoate) Nickel(II). Zh. Strukt. Chim.,1978, V.19, N.6, p.1129
8. Musayev F.N., Movsumov E.M., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal and molecular structure of aqua-bis-pyridine-bis (benzoate) Copper(II). Koord. Khim., 1979, V5, N.1, p.119
9. Amiraslanov I.R., Movsumov E.M., Mamedov Kh.S., Musayev F.N. The crystal and molecular structure of tetra-aqua-bis (n-aminobenzoate) Cobalt(II). Zh. Strukt. Chim.,1979, V.20, N.6, p.1075
10.Guseynova M.K., Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal and molecular structure of bis (o-benzoylbenzoate) Copper(II) p-Iodoanyline. Zh. Strukt. Chim.,1979, V.20, N.1, p.89
11.Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S., Movsumov E.M., Musayev F.N., Nadjafov G.N. The crystal and molecular structure of three-aqua-bis (aminobenzoate) Cd(II). Zh. Struct. Khim., 1979, V.20,N3, p.498
12.Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S., Movsumov E.M., Musayev F.N., Nadjafov G.N. The crystal and molecular structure of mono-hydrate bis (aminobenzoate) Zinc(II). Dokl. AN Azerb. Republic., 1979, V.35, N.1, p.50
13.Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S., Movsumov E.M., Nadjafov G.N. Murasliyev A.A.The crystal and molecular structure of n-aminobenzoate Ag(I). Dokl. AN Azerb. Republic., Inorg.Chem.,1979, V.35, N.2, p.23.
14.Usubaliyev B.T., Musayev F.N., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S.,
Movsumov E.M. The crystal and molecular structure of mono-pyridine bis
(benzoate) Copper(II). Koord. Khim., 1980, V.6, N.7, p.1091
15.Usubaliyev B.T., Movsumov E.M., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S., Results of structure investigation the crystals of [(n-NO2-C6Y4-COO)4Cu2.2H2O].4H2O. Azerbaijan AS, Inorg. Chem., 1980, V.36, N.4, p.40.
16.Amiraslanov I.R., N.Kh.Jafarov, Nadjafov G.N., Mamedov Kh.S., Movsumov E.M., Usubaliyev B.T. The crystal structure of the complex n-aminobenzoate with nitrate of Pb(II).Dokl. AN Azerb. Republic., Inorganic chemistry,1979,V.35, N.3, p.49.
17.Amiraslanov I.R., Nadjafov G.N. Musayev A.A., Usubaliyev B.T. The crystal structure of Zn(p-NH2C6H4COO)2.1.5H2O. Zh. Struct. Khim., 1980, V.21, N.3, p.140
18.Amiraslanov I.R., Usubaliyev B.T., Nadjafov G.N. Musayev A.A. The crystal and molecular structure of p-aminobenzoate Silver(I). Zh. Struct. Khim., 1980, V.21, N.5, p.112
19.Usubaliyev B.T., Movsumov E.M., Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N. The crystal structure of complexes Silver(I) and Copper(II) with benzoic acid and its p-derivatives. II ALL-Union conferense on Crystal Chemistry of Inorganoc and Coordination Compounds. USSR, Tbilisi, 1980, p.61
20.Mamedov Kh.S., Musayev F.N., Amiraslanov I.R., Karayev Z.Sh. X-ray analysis of metel monothiobenzoates. II ALL-Union Conferense on Crystal Chemistry of Inorganoc and Coordination Compounds. USSR, Tbilisi, 1980, p.67
21. Усубалиев Б.Т., Мовсумов Э.М., Амирасланов И.Р., А.И.Ахмедов, Мусаев Ф.Н., Мамедов Х.С. Кристаллическая структура бензоата и n-оксибензоата Ag(I). Ж. струк. Хим., 1981, V.22, N.1, стр.98.
22.Khiyalov M.S., Amiraslanov I.R., Movsumov E.M., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal and molecular structure of p-aminobenzoate Dy(III). Koord. Khim., 1981, V.7, N.3, p.445
23.Khiyalov M.S., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S., Movsumov E.M. The crystal and molecular structure of p-aminobenzoate Nd(III). Zh. Struct. Khim., 1981, V.22, N3, p.113
24.Khiyalov M.S., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S., Movsumov E.M. The crystal and molecular structure of p-nitrobenzoate Dy(III). Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR, 1981, V.37, N2, p.42
25.Usubaliyev B.T., Movsumov E.M., Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal and molecular structure of bis-pyridine-bis (monothiobenzoate) Copper(II) Сoord. Сhеm., 1981, V.7, N.3, p.440
26.Musayev F.N., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S., Achmedov A.A. The crystal and molecular structure of bis-pyridine-bis (monothiobenzoate) Nickel(II) (Form B). Coord. Chem., 1981, V.7, N.5, p.776
27.Musayev F.N., Amiraslanov I.R., Movsumov E.M., Mamedov Kh.S. Synthesisand structural studies of the complexes of aminobenzoic acid with metals Mg(II), Ca(II), Sr(II), and Ba(II). XIV ALL-Union Chugayev Conference on Chemistry Coordination Compounds. USSR, Ivanovo, 1981, V.2, p.576
28.Musayev F.N., Movsumov E.M., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S. A studing of thermal decomposition p-aminobenzoates of Mn(II), Co(II) and Ni(II). Zh. Neorg. Khim., 1981, V.26, N.8, p.2138
29.Khiyalov M.S., Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal and molecular structure of La(COOC6H4OH)SO4.3H2O. Zh. Struct. Khim., 1982, V.23, N.5, p.119
30.Khiyalov M.S., Musayev F.N., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S. Structural and thermographic studies of tetra-aqua thris (benzoate) Dysprosium(III). Koord. Khim., 1982, V.8, N.4, p.548
31.Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure Sr(p-NH2C6H4COO)2.2H2O. Zh. Struct. Khim., 1982, V.23, N.2, p.114
32.Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure Ba(p-NH2C6H4COO)Cl. Zh. Struct. Khim., 1982, V.23, N.2, p.118
33.Usubaliyev B.T., Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Guseynov G.A. The crystal structure of benzoates Zn(II). III ALL-Union Conferense on Crystal Chemistry of Inorganoc and Coordination Compounds. USSR, Novosibirsk, 1983, p.172
34.Guseynov G.A., Musayev F.N., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S. Structural and thermographic stadies of p-nitrobenzoate and monothiobenzoate complexes Zn(II). Koord. Khim., 1983, V.9, N.12, p.1687
35.Guseynov G.A., Usubaliyev B.T., Musayev F.N., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure of benzoate Zinc(II). Koord. Khim., 1984, V.10, N.1, p.117
36.Guseynov G.A., Usubaliyev B.T., Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure of NaZn(p-NH2C6H4COO)2.H2O. Koord. Khim., 1984, V.10, N.8, p.1108
37.Usubaliyev B.T., Guseynov G.A., Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S. X-ray analysis and thermographic studies of Zn(OH)C6H5COO.C5H5N. Koord. Khim., 1984, V.10, N.7, p.988
38.Usubaliyev B.T., Guseynov G.A., Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure of Mn(p-NH2C6H4COO)2. Zh. Struct. Khim., 1985, V.26, N.2, p.19
39.Usubaliyev B.T., AmirovA.C., Amiraslanov I.R., Nadjafov H.N.,Musayev A.A., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal and molecular structure of ZPb(j-HOC6H4COO)2.H2O. Coordination chemistry., 1987, V.13, N.10,p.1418.
40.Usubaliyev B.T., Guseynov G.A., Amiraslanov I.R., Musayev F.N., Mamedov Kh.S. X-ray and thermographic analysis of Zn4(C2H5)NSO2C6H4COO)6(OH)2(H2O)4.2H2O. Zh. Neorg. Khim., 1987, V.32, N.8, p.1865
41.Khiyalov M.S., Musayev A.A., Amiraslanov I.R. Synthesis and property of dimetilsulphoxibenzoates RE elements. Zh. Neorg. Khim., 1991, T.36, N.2, p.431
42. Г.В.Цинцадзе, Р.А.Кигурадзе, А.Н.Шунулин, И.Р.Амирасланов. Рентгеноструктурное исследование кристаллов координационных соединений металлов с амидами α-,β- и γ-пиридинкарбоновых кислот. ГПИ, Химия координационных соединений,1980, №11,р.5
Inorganic Compounds
1. Abdullayev G.K., Mamedov Kh.S., Amiraslanov I.R., Magerramov A.I. The crystal structure of double ortoborate LiPr2(BO3)3. Zh. Struct. Khim., 1977, V.18, N.2, p.410
2. Abdullayev G.K., Mamedov Kh.S., Jafarov G.G., Amiraslanov I.R. The syntesis and structure investigation double metoborate HoCo(BO2)5. Zh. Neorg. Khim., 1978, T.23, N.9, p.2332
3. Guseynov G.G., Mamedov F.Ch., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure of PrGa2S4. Kristallogr., 1981, V.26, N.4, p.831
4. Guseynov G.G., Mamedov F.Ch., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure of YbGa2S4. Kristallogr., 1983, V.28, N.5, p.867
5. Amirov A.S., Amiraslanov I.R., Guseynov G.G., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure of CuSmS2. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerb.SSR., 1984, N.10
6. Yusifov Y.G., Guseynov G.G., Amiraslanov I.R., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure of DyCr3S6. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerb.SSR., 1984, N.9
7. Guseynov G.G., Amiraslanov I.R., Guliyev A.S., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure of ortorombical GaInS3. Kristallogr., 1987, V32, N.21, p.243
8.Guseynov G.G., Amiraslanov I.R., Guliyev A.S., Mamedov Kh.S. The crystal structure of GaInS3 and GaInSe3. Neorg. Mat.,1987, N.5, p.854
9. Amiraslanov I.R., Guseynov G.G., Amirov A.S., Yusifov Y.G. The crystal structure of SnBi12S18I2. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerb.SSR., 1989, N.9, p.36
10.Amiraslanov I.R., Asadov F.Y., Musayev A.A., Guseynov G.G. The crystal structure of new layers semiconductors Ga1.74In2.92S7. Kristallogr., 1989, V.34, N.4, p.1012
11. Amiraslanov I.R., Asadov F.Y., Maksimov B.A., Molchanov V.N. The Synthesis of new semiconductors with predicted structures. Kristallogr., 1990, V.35, N.2, p.332
12.Amiraslanov I.R., Asadov Y.G. The x-ray analysis and optical investigation crystals InGaS3, intercalated with organic molecules. Neorg. Mat.,1990, T.26, N.8, p.1614
13.Amiraslanov I.R., Asadov F.Y., Valiyev R.B., Musayev A.A. Polymorphic transformation in ortorombical form GaInS3. Neorg. Mat., 1990, V.26, N.3, p.642
14.Amiraslanov I.R., Yusifov Y.G., Guseynov G.G. Crystalline structure of Pr6+xGa10/3-xS14. The second international conference of rare earth development, application (ICRE 91). CHINA, 1991, May, 27-31
15.Mamedov Kh.S., Amiraslanov I.R., Yusifov Y.G. Crystal-chemistry chalcogenides analogue of cement silicates. The Chem. Process. and Inorg. Matter., Baku, Azerbaijan, 1991, p.91-122
16.Amiraslanov I.R. X-ray structure investigation of intercalate InGaS3.0.5H2NC5H4N. The collected book "Physico-Chemical analysis and Inorg Mater". Baku, 1996, p.88-91
17.Amiraslanov I.R. Synthesis and x-ray structure investigation of intercalate ortorombical InGaS3 with molecules 4-aminophyridine. The J. of Sciences of the Kafkas University, Kars, Turkey, 1996, T.1, N1-2, p.58-72
18.Amiraslanov I.R. Synthesis and x-ray structure investigation of
intercalate In10/3Ga10/3S10.H2NC5H4N. The J. of Sciences of the Kafkas
University, Kars, Turkey, 1996, T.1, N1-2, p.73-80
19.Amiraslanov I.R. X-ray structure analysis the crystal phases of system In2S3 - Ga2S3. I Kizilirmak fen Bilimleri Kongresi, Kirikkale, Turkey, 1997, p.85 20. Z.S. Aliev, D.M. Babanly, M.B. Babanly, A.V. Shevelkov,, I.R. Amiraslanov. Phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of the system As–Te–I. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) 602–608
21. Z.S. Aliyev, Z.I.Ismaylov, I.R. Amiraslanov, M.B.Babaly, The isothermal section of the system As-Te-I ternary system at 300K and thermodynamic properties of arsenic telluroiodides, Азерб. Химич.Журнал, 2012, №4.
22. Gabriel Landolt, Sergey V. Eremeev,3,4 Yury M. Koroteev, Bartosz Slomski, Stefan Muff, Titus Neupert, Masaki Kobayashi, Vladimir N. Strocov, Thorsten Schmitt, Ziya S. Aliev, Mahammad B. Babanly, Imamaddin R. Amiraslanov, Evgueni V. Chulkov, Ju¨ rg Osterwalder, and J. Hugo Dil1. Disentanglement of Surface and Bulk Rashba Spin Splittings in Noncentrosymmetric BiTeI. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS ,109, 116403 (2012).
23 S. V. Eremeev, G. Landolt, T. V. Menshchikova, B. Slomski, Y. M. Koroteev, Z. S. Aliev, M. B. Babanly, J. Henk, A. Ernst, L. Patthey, A. Eich, A. A. Khajetoorians, J. Hagemeister, O. Pietzsch, J. Wiebe, R. Wiesendanger, P. M. Echenique, S. S. Tsirkin, I. R. Amiraslanov, J. H. Dil, and E. V. Chulkov. Atom-specific spin mapping and buried topological states in a homologous series of topological insulators. Nature Commun. 3, 635 (2012).
24. Okamoto K, Kuroda K, Miyahara H, Miyamoto K, Okuda T, Aliev Z.S, Babanly M.B, Amiraslanov I.R,Shimada K, Namatame H, Taniguchi M, Samorokov D.A, Menshchikova TV, Chulkov E.V, and Kimura A. Observation of a highly spin-polarized topological surface state in GeBi2Te4. Physical Review B, 86, 195304 (2012).
25. Taichi Okuda, Takamasa Maegawa, Mao Ye, Kaito Shirai, Takuya Warashina, Koji Miyamaoto, Kenta Kuroda, Masashi Arita, Ziya S. Aliev, Imamaddin R. Amiraslanov, Mahammad B. Babanly, Evgueni V. Chulkov, Sergey V. Eremeev, Akio Kimura, Hirohumi Namatame, Masaki Taniguchi. Experimental Evidence of Hidden Topological Surface States at the Interface of PbBi4Te7. Physical Review Letters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 206803, (2013).
26. Z.S.Aliev, F.Y.Jafarli, I.R.Amiraslanov, A.V.Shevelkov, M.B.Babanly. The phase relationship in the Bi-S-I ternary system and thermodynamic properties of the BiSI and Bi19S27I3 ternary compounds. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (Accepted article, Volume 610, 15 October 2014, pp. 522–528).
27. Yasin I. Jafarov, Mahammad B. Babanly, Imamaddin R. Amiraslanov, Vaqif A. Qasımov, Аndrei V. Shevelkov, Ziya. S. Aliev. Study of the 3Tl2S+Sb2Te3 3Tl2Te+Sb2S3 reciprocal system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 582, 659–669, (2014).
28. Ziya S. Aliev, Konul D. Rasulova, Imamaddin R. Amiraslanov, Jean-Claude Tedenac , Mahammad B. Babanly. Phase diagram of the YbTe-Sb2Te3-Bi2Te3 quasi-ternary system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 589, pp.399–404, (2014).
29. D. Niesner,S. Otto,V. Hermann,Th. Fauster,T. V. Menshchikova, S. V. Eremeev, Z. S. Aliev, I. R. Amiraslanov, etc. Bulk and surface electron dynamics in a p-type topological insulator SnSb2Te4. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 89, 081404(R) (2014).
31. M. B. Babanly, Y. I. Jafarov, Z. S. Aliev and I. R. Amiraslanov. Chemistry of Thallium-based Topological Insulators. American Chemical Science Journal,10(1): 1-13, 2016, Article no.ACSJ.21362.
32. I. R. Amiraslanov, N. A. Alieva, and G. G. Guseinov. Crystalline Structure of Cu4SSe Crystallography Reports, 2016, Vol. 61, No. 7, pp. 1–4.
33. ZiyaS.Aliev, Fco.JavierZúñiga, YuryM.Koroteev, TomaszBreczewski, Nizamaddin B.Babanly, ImamaddinR.Amiraslanov, AntonioPolitano, GotzonMadariaga, MahammadB.Babanly, EvgueniV.Chulkov. Insight on a novel layered semiconductors: CuTlSandCuTlSe. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 242, (2016), 1–7.
34. Phase Equilibria in the Tl2Te-Tl5Te3-Tl9TmTe6 Section of the Tl-Tm-Te System. Samira Imamaliyeva, Ilaha Mehdiyeva, Imamaddin Amiraslanov, Mahammad Babanly. J. Phase Equilib. Diffus. (2017) 38:764–770.
35. I. R. Amiraslanov, N. A. Alieva, G. G. Guseinov, G. M. Agamirzoeva. Crystal Structure of Сu2 – mTe (m = 0.25). Crystallography Reports, 2017, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 210–214.
36. I. R. Amiraslanov, K. K. Azizova, Y. R. Aliyeva. Crystal Structure of Сu4SeTe.Crystallography Reports, 2017, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 215–218.
37. M. B. Babanlya, E. V. Chulkov, Z. S. Aliev, A. V. Shevelkov, I. R. Amiraslanov. Phase Diagrams in Materials Science of Metal Chalcogenide Topological Insulators. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 62, No. 13, pp. 1703–1729.
1. I.Amiraslanov, Y-C. Liaw (IMB, Academia sinica, Taiwan), Y.-L. Lee, J.-F. Shaw (IB, Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Y.-C.Jean (SRRC, Taiwan) and C. Ogata (Howard Hughea Medical Institute). Crystal Structure of Arylesterase from Vibro Minicus. The annual reports of Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), 2000. Abstract No. Amir 3856. Beamline: X4A
2. Imameddin Amiraslanov, Ya-Lin Lee, Yuch-Cheng Jean, Jei-Fu Shaw and
Yen-Chywan Liaw. Crystal Structure of Arylesterase from Vibro
Minicus.SRRC Seventh Users’ Meeting & Workshop.2001. Taiwan,
Meeting Booklet,p.P41
3. Ying-Jen Leu, Shuenn-Shing Chern, Sui-Chi Wang, Ya-Yun Hsiao, Imameddin Amiraslanov, Yen-Chywan Liaw, and You-Di Liao. Residues Involved in the Catalysis, Base Specificity, and Cytotoxicity of Ribonuclease from Rana catesbeiana Based upon Mutagenesis and X-ray Crystallography. J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 278, Issue 9, 7300-7309, February 28, 2003
4. Imameddin Amiraslanov , Yun-Wen Chen, Fang-Ju Tsai, and Yen-Chywan Liaw. High Resolution Diffraction and MAD Experiment of Protein Crystals from Functional Structural Genomics of Klebsiella pneumonia. Taiwan National Synchrotron Rudiation Reserch Center report, 2005~2006 http://www.nsrrc.org.tw/NsrrcWebSystem/UPLOADS/CHINESE/PUBLISH_YEARLY/2005~2006/appendix2/appen2-93.pdf[ölü keçid]
5. Wang H, Liaw YC, Stone D, Kalyuzhniy O, Amiraslanov I, Tuve S, Verlinde CL, Shayakhmetov D, Stehle T, Roffler S, Lieber A. Identification of CD46 binding sites within the adenovirus serotype 35 fiber knob. J Virol. 2007 Dec;81(23):12785-92. Epub 2007 Sep 26.
6. Imameddin Amiraslanov and Yen-Chywan Liaw. Identification of CD46 Binding Sites within the Adenovirus Serotype 35 Fiber Knob. Taiwan National Synchrotron Rudiation Reserch Center report, 2007~2008. http://www.nsrrc.org.tw/NsrrcWebSystem/UPLOADS%5CCHINESE%5CPUBLISH_YEARLY%5C2007~2008/appen2-117.pdf[ölü keçid]
7. Imameddin Amiraslanov, Yun-Wen Chen, Jeng-Lung Chen, Wen-Yih Jeng, Andrew H.-J. Wang, and Yen-Chywan Liaw. Crystallographic Studies of β-glucanase and Exoglucanase. Taiwan National Synchrotron Rudiation Reserch Center report, 2008-2009.
http://www.nsrrc.org.tw/NsrrcWebSystem/UPLOADS%5CCHINESE%5CPUBLISH_YEARLY%5C2008~2009/appen2-pdf/appen2-135.pdf[ölü keçid]
8. Jiang, Ingjye; Tsai, Chen-Kun; Chen, Sheng-Chia; Wang, Szuhuan; Amiraslanov, Imamaddin; Chang, Chi-fon; Wu, Wen-Jin; Tai, Jung-Hsiang; Liaw, Yen-Chywan; Huang, Tai-huang. Molecular basis of the recognition of the ap65-1 gene transcription promoter elements by a Myb protein from the protozoan parasite “Trichomonas vaginalis”. Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, Vol. 39, No. 20, pp.8992–9008
9. L.-C. Tsai, I. Amiraslanov, H.-R. Chen, Y.-W. Chen, H.-L. Lee, P.-H. Liang and Y.-C. Liaw. Structures of exoglucanase from Clostridium cellulovorans: cellotetraose binding and cleavage. Acta Cryst. (2015). F71, 1264-72.
1. Mamedov Kh., Amiraslanov I., Nagefoglu H., Mursaliyev A. Memory of Ornaments. TDAV, Istambul, 1996. (In Turkish)
2. Imameddin Amiraslan. Azerbaijani Tessellations. Ankara, 2007 (In English)
Tessellations (Crystallographic creating art)
1.An International Journal Computers & mathematics with applications. Volume 12B, Num.3/4. Crystallographic Patterns:Kh.S.Mamedov, I.R.Amiraslanov, Falcons, p.528, and Beetles, p.529, I.R.Amiraslanov, Pigeons, p.528
2.I.Amiraslanov. Hyper Space. Japan society for Hyperspace Science, Quasi periodic fishes, V.6, N3, 1997, Gravure I.
3. I.Amiraslanov. Hyper Space. Japan society for Hyperspace Science, Hecsogonal picture of pegeons and World of Imameddin’s dreams, V.7, N3, 1998, Gravure
4. I.Amiraslanov. Hyper Space. Japan society for Hyperspace Science, Original Papers. Amiraslanov Patterns. V.8, N1, 1999, p.7
5. I.Amiraslanov. Hyper Space. Japan society for Hyperspace Science, Original Papers. Amiraslanov Patterns. V.8, N2, 1999, p.9 and p.64
6. I.Amiraslanov. Hyper Space. Japan society for Hyperspace Science, Original Papers. Quasi Fishes and Doves. V.9, N3, 2000, p.7
7. I.Amiraslanov. Bridges. Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science. Composing different tessellations from the same elements. Kansas, USA. 2001,Conference Proceedings, p.313-317.
8. I.Amiraslanov. Bridges. Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science. The 3D illusion of 2D regular tessellations. Kansas, USA. 2001. Conference Proceedings, p.335-336.
9. Imameddin Amiraslanov. Repeatitive maze-like ornaments. Symmetry Festival, 2003, Budapest, HUNGARY, 4pp.
10. Imameddin Amiraslanov. Two Dimensional Repetitive Background less Geometric Calligraphy. 25th European Crystallographic Meeting,, Istanbul, 14-16 August, 2009.
11. Имамеддин Амирасланов. Кристллы, квазикристаллы и народное творчество тюрков. SKY, №3, 57-62 (ж. НАА Азерб.).
12. Imameddin Amiraslanov, Raymonda Xidirzadeh. Maze-like callygraphy in Arabic graphics. J. ISIS - Symmetry, 2013/1-4, pp. 26-31 (Symmetry Festival, 2013, Crete, GREECE).
1. Imameddin Amiraslanov. Art of Crystallizing. 25th European Crystallographic Meeting, Istanbul, 14-16 August, 2009. http://www.crystallography.fr/mathcryst/pdf/istanbul/MicroPhotoCryst.pdf?PHPSESSID=1fa5c02b5a0b9b381f791edd26988160