Sədi Bayramov

Sədi Bayramov (5 dekabr 1953, Dedoplistsğaro rayonu) — riyaziyyat üzrə elmlər doktoru, professor, 2015-ci ildən BDU-da çalışır.[1]

Sədi Bayramov
Doğum tarixi (70 yaş)
Doğum yeri Eldar, Siteli-Skaro rayonu, Gürcüstan SSR, SSRİ
Vətəndaşlığı SSRİ SSRİ
Azərbaycan Azərbaycan
Elm sahəsi mexanika-riyaziyyat
Elmi dərəcəsi riyaziyyat üzrə elmlər doktoru
Elmi adı professor
Təhsili Azərbaycan Dövlət Universitetinin Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsi
Mükafatları "Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin 100 illiyi (1919-2019)" yubiley medalı

Həyat və fəaliyyəti

[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]

1953-cı il dekabırın 5-də Gürcüstan Respublikası, Siteli-Skaro rayonunun Eldar kəndində anadan olmuşdur. Orta təhsili 1969-cu ildə Qazax rayonu 3 saylı orta məktəbində almışdır. 1969-cu ildə Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsinə qəbul olmuş, 1974-cü ildə həmin universitetin məzunu olmuşdur. 1974-1996-cı illərdə BDU-da və 1996-2015-ci illərdə Türkiyənin müxtəlif universitetlərində çalışıb.2015-ci ildən Bakı Dövlət Universitetində çalışır. Ailəlidir, 2 övladı və 4 nəvəsi var.

Təhsili, elmi dərəcəsi və adları

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  • 1974-ci ildə BDU-nun Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsini əyani bitirmişdir.
  • 1974-cü ildə BDU-nun aspiranturasına qəbul olmuş və 1985-ci ildə “Fredholm operatorlar, komplekslər ailələri və qapanma əməliyyatlı Bool cəbrlərin K-nəzəriyyəsi” mövzusunda namizədlik dissertasiyası müdafiə etmiş və fizika−riyaziyyat elmləri namizədi elmi dərəcəsi almışdır.
  • 2016-cı ildə “Cəbr və topologiyada qeyri-səlis strukturlar” mövzusunda namizədlik dissertasiyası müdafiə etmiş və fizika−riyaziyyat elmləri doktoru elmi dərəcəsi almışdır.

Əmək fəaliyyəti

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Tədqiqat sahəsi

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  • K-nəzəriyyə və tətbiqi, Homotopik Nəzəriyyə, Qrup ve Modul Nəzəriyyəsi, Operatorların Index Nəzəriyyəsi, Qeyri-səlis topologiya, Soft topologiya, Cəbrdə qeyri-səlis və soft strukturlar.

Beynəlxalq seminar, simpozium və konfranslarda iştirakı

[redaktə | mənbəni redaktə et]
  1. K-funktorun genişləndirilməsi ve onun bağlantıları. 4.cü Respublika Sempoziumu, Bakı, 1983.
  2. On the index of elleptic complexes above the C* -algebra. Baku International Topologial Conference.Abstracts. Baku, 1987.
  3. Fredholm Complexes and C-algebras, Conference of Functional Analys, Baku, 1991
  4. Fredholm operators and complexes above the C* -algebra. Modern problems of the analysis. All-Union Seminar, Abstracts, Baku, 1989.
  5. On the Index for the Elliptic Complexes on the C*-Algebras. Thesis of the International Topological Symposium, Baku, 1987.
  6. On the Fredholm Operators and Complexes of C*-Algebras. Thesis Union Symposium of Modern Problems of Theoric Functions. Baku, 1989.
  7. Fredholm complexes and C-algebra, Conference of Functional Analysis, Baku, 1991
  8. Komutativ olmayan belli bir operatorlar ailesinin indeksi haqqında. IX Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, ITÜ, 2-6 Eylul, 1996.
  9. A homotopy relation on the category of inverse and direct spectra of topological spaces, Sarımsaklıda Matematik Günleri, 05-08 Haziran, 1997 Balıkesir
  10. C-cebrləri üzərinde Fredholm komplekslerin indeksi. Sarımsaklıda Matematik Günleri, 05-08 Haziran, 1997 Balıkesir
  11. C-cebrləri üzərinde Fredholm kompleksləri, II Kızılırmak Uluslararası Fen Bilimleri Kongresi, Kırıkkale 1998 (Ç.Arasla birlikte)
  12. Topolojik uzayların ters spektrler kategorisinde homotopik kümelerin tam dizisi, II Kızılırmak Uluslararası Fen Bilimleri Kongresi, Kırıkkale 1998 (Ç.Arasla birlikte)
  13. Homotopic sets in the category of inverse spectra of topological spaces, Second International Symposium on Mathematical & Computational Applixcations, BAKU, September 1-3, 1999 (Ç.Arasla birlikte)
  14. A Homotopy relation in the category of inverse spectrum of topological spaces, International Conference on Applicable General Topology, August 12-18, 2001, Hacettepe University Mathematics Department , Ankara- Turkey (Ç. Arasla birlikte)
  15. Joint Spectra of Family of Noncommutative Operators, International Conference Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics, Sofia University, July 8-10, 2006, Sofia.(with Çiğdem Gündüz Aras)
  16. On Fuzzy Exact Homotopy Sets, International Conference Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics, Sofia University, July 8-10, 2006, Sofia. (Çiğdem Gündüz Arasla birlikte)
  17. Pointwise fuzzy topology on function spaces in the category of intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, International conference Analysis and Topology, Lviv, June 2-7, 2008 (with Ç. Aras)
  18. Gradations of openness on function space, International Conference on Topology and its applications, Hacettepe University, 2009
  19. On soft isomorphism theorems of Soft groups, ICMS, 23-27 November 2010 Bolu, Turkey
  20. On Isomorphism Theorems of Fuzzy Soft Groups, ICMS, 23-27 November 2010 Bolu, Turkey
  21. Inverse system of fuzzy soft modules, IV Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society, 1-3 July 2011 Baku, Azerbaycan
  22. Category of chain complexes of soft modules, IV Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society, 1-3 July 2011 Baku, Azerbaycan
  23. On intuitionistic fuzzy soft topological spaces, II International Conference, 15-19 September Batumi, Georgia
  24. On soft compactness, II International Conference, 15-19 September Batumi, Georgia
  25. Inverse and direct systems of soft modules, II International Conference, 15-19 September Batumi, Georgia
  26. Separabile and compact soft topological spaces, II International Conference of Georgian Math. Union, p. 84, 2-9 September 2012, Batumi-Georgia (with C. Gunduz(Aras)).
  27. Homology theory in the category of soft topological spaces, V Annual International Conference of Georgian Math. Union, p. 69, 8-12 September 2014, Batumi-Georgia (with L.Mdzinarishvili, C.Gunduz (Aras)).
  28. Inverse and direct systems of soft topological spaces, V Annual International Conference of Georgian Math. Union, p. 102, 8-12 September 2014, Batumi-Georgia (with C.Gunduz (Aras), N.Demirci).
  29. Soft compact-open topology in soft mappings space, 4 International Conference, V Annual International Conference of Georgian Math. Union, p. 132, 8-12 September 2014 (with T.Y. Ozturk).
  30. Singular homology theory in the category of soft topological spaces, Georg. Math. J. 22(4), 2015, 457-467 (with C. Gunduz(Aras), L. Mdzinarishvili).
  31. An introduction to ideal soft topological spaces, Second International Intuitionistic |Fuzzy Sets Conference,14-18 October 2015, Mersin-Turkey.
  32. Intuitionistic I-Fuzzy soft topological spaces, Second International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Conference, 14-18 October 2015, Mersin-Turkey (with C. Gunduz(Aras))
  33. On the Tietze extension theorem in soft topological spaces, Third International conference on analysis and applied mathematics, 07-10 September 2016, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  34. Soft sequences in soft topological spaces, Riyaziyyatın nəzəri və tətbiqi problemləri beynəlxalq elmi konfransı, 25-26 May 2017, Sumqayıt.
  35. Separation axioms in supra soft bitopological spaces, VIII Annual international conference of the Georgian mathematical union, 4-8 September 2017, Batumi, Georgia.
  36. Soft countable topological spaces, VIII Annual international conference of the Georgian mathematical union, 4-8 September 2017, Batumi, Georgia.
  37. Some separation axioms in supra soft topological spaces, International conference in mathematics, 25-27 May 2017, Odessa, Ukrain
  38. Soft S-metric spaces, 5th İnternational Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 18-22 June, 2018, Skopje, Makedonia, 78p
  39. A New Approach to Operations on Neutrosophic Soft Sets, 5th İnternational Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 18-22 June, 2018, Skopje, Makedonia, 76p
  40. Separation Axioms on Neutrosophic Soft Sets, 5th İnternational Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 18-22 June, 2018, Skopje, Makedonia, 77p
  41. Fixed Point Theorems on Soft S-metric Spaces, 5th İnternational Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 18-22 June, 2018, Skopje, Makedonia, 79p
  42. Soft D-metric Spaces, 2nd International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, 31 Jule-6 August, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey
  43. On Soft Hilbert spaces, 7nd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 28-31 August, 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine
  44. Neutrosophic Soft Modules, IX International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, 3-8 September, 2018, Batumi-Tbilisi
  45. Inverse System in the Category of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Modules, IX International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, 3-8 September, 2018, Batumi-Tbilisi
  46. Contractive Mapping Theorems in Generalized Soft Metric Spaces, IX International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, 3-8 September, 2018, Batumi-Tbilisi
  47. Neutrosophic Soft Separation Axioms in Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces, IX International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, 3-8 September, 2018, Batumi-Tbilisi
  48. A Study of the Fundamentals of Neutrosophic Soft Sets Theory, IX International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, 3-8 September, 2018, Batumi-Tbilisi
  1. K-Theory on the Category of Boolean Algebras with closure Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerbaidzhan SSR, 33 (1977) No.12.
  2. Tom-Gisin cohomology seguence of Inverse Spectra of Topological Spaces. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Azerbaidzhan SSR, 34 (1978) No.4.
  3. Tom-Gisin homology seguence of Inverse Spectra of Topological Spaces, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Azerbaidzhan SSR, 35 (1979) No.3.
  4. The K-Functor on the Category of Inverse Spectra of Topological Spaces. Izv. Akad. Nauk. Azerbaidzhan SSR, Ser. Fiz-Tekhn. Math. Nauk, 1979, No.2.
  5. K- theory on the category of Disributive lattices. , Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Azerbaidzhan SSR, 39 (1983) No.5.
  6. K- theory on the category of Topological Spaces. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Azerbaidzhan SSR, 39 (1983) No.6.
  7. K-funktor on the category of Disributive lattices. Investigation of Azerbaijan University, Baku, 1983.
  8. K-funktor on the category of Topological Spaces. Investigation of Azerbaijan University, Baku, 1983.
  9. On the index Theory for a family of Fredholm complexes. Dep., 19.07.1984, No225, Az-84
  10. On the index for a family of Fredholm complexes and operators. Dep., 19.07.1984, No226, Az-84
  11. Fredholm operatorlar ve komplekslerin indeksi arasında bağlantı, 5.ci Respublika Simpoziyumu Yayınları, Bakı, 1984.
  12. The tensor product of intensity Abelian Groups. Modern Problems of Mathematic. Moscow, 1992.
  13. K- theory on the category of Boolean algebras with closure.-Amer. Math. Soc. Trans. (2), V.154, 1992.
  14. K- theory on the category of Disributive lattices. -Amer. Math. Soc. Trans. (2), V.154, 1992.
  15. K- theory on the category of Topological Spaces. -Amer. Math. Soc. Trans. (2), V.154, 1992.
  16. On the index Theory for a family of Fredholm complexes. -Amer. Math. Soc. Trans. (2), V.154, 1992.
  17. K- Functor on the category of Inverse Spectra of Topological Spaces. -Amer. Math. Soc. Trans. (2), V.154, 1992.
  18. Cohomology theory of Boolean algebra, Investigation of Azerb.Math.Soc. 3, 2001
  19. A homotopy relation on the category of inverse and direct spectrum of topological spaces, Transaction of National Academy of Scienes of Azerbaijan, 24, 7, 2004 (with Ç.Aras)
  20. On the index of the Fredholm complexes above the C* -algebra. -Transactions of Baku International Topological Conference. Baku, 1988.
  21. On the index of elleptic complexes above the C* -algebra, Investigation of Azerbaijan University, Baku, 1983.
  22. On the index of Family of Fredholm complexes, Investigation of Azerbaijan University, Baku, 1985.
  23. Fredholm Complexes, Investigation of Azerbaijan University, Baku, 1985.
  24. On the index theory of Fredholm complexes above the C* -algebra.-Transations of algebra and topology.Baku, 1989.
  25. The duality for Semi-Simple modulus above involutiv Rings. Investigations of Azerb. Math. Soc., 1, 1994.
  26. On the tensor product of the infinity abelian group, Modern Problems in Mathematic, Moscow, 1992.
  27. On Theory Index for a Family of Operators, Procedings of the Azerbaidzhan Math. Soc., 1996, No.2.
  28. The Fredholm Complexes with C*-Algebras “Elm”, Baku, 1991.
  29. The Fredholm Complexes on the C*-Algebra and K-Theory of the G-1-Boundles. Baku Gos. Univ., Baku, 1994.
  30. K-Theory on the category of Boolean algebras with closure, Journal of Kocaeli University, no 3, 1996
  31. Homotopy Relation in the category of inverse and direct spectrums of topological spaces, Journal of Kocaeli University , No:4, 1997 (with Çiğdem Aras)
  32. On Fuzzy Homotopy Sets, Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, Vol.1, No.3., 2006.
  33. Algebraic structures on fuzzy homotopy sets, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 9,(2006), No:2, pp. 161–173.
  34. On stability of index of Fredholm complexes on the algebra, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 9,(2006), No:2, pp. 151–160.
  35. On stability of index of Fredholm complexes on the С-algebra , Applicable Analysis 84, No2 (2008)
  36. Inverse and direct systems in the category of intuitionistic fuzzy M-groups, Internat. Math. Forum, 4, 2009. No 19, 897-918
  37. On fuzzy exact homotopy sets, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 34, 2010, 1009-1022.
  38. Cech homology theory in the category of Sostak fuzzy topological spaces, International Journal of Contemporary Math. Sciences No 2, 2010
  39. Inverse and direct system in category of fuzzy modules, Fuzzy Sets, Rough Sets and Multivalued Operations and Applications, Vol. 2, 2011 No 1, 11-25.
  40. The universal coefficient theorems for fuzzy homology modules, Fuzzy Sets, Rough Sets and Multivalued Operations and Applications, Vol. 2, 2011 No 1, 41-50.
  41. Fuzzy soft modules, International Math. Forum, 6(2011) No 11, 517-527.
  42. Intuitionistic fuzzy topology on function spaces, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics Vol. 3, No1, 2012, 19-30.
  43. Intuitionistic fuzzy soft modules, Computers and Mathematics with Application, 62 (2011), 2480-2486.
  44. Homology Theory in the category of fuzzy topological spaces, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
  45. Inverse systems of fuzzy soft modules, Annals of fuzzy mathematics and informatics, Vol. 4, No 2, 2012, 349-363.
  46. Fuzzy and fuzzy soft structures in algebras, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
  47. Inverse and direct systems of soft modules, Annals of fuzzy mathematics and informatics, Vol. 5, No 1, 2012, 73-85.
  48. Category of chain complexes of soft modules, International Mathematical Forum, 7 (2012), No 20, 981-992.
  49. Fredholm joint spectrum for families of operators, AIP, Proceding of International Workshop on Global Analysis., 2004.
  50. On soft isomorphism theorems of Soft groups, ICMS, AIP, 23-27 November 2010 Bolu, Turkey
  51. On Isomorphism Theorems of Fuzzy Soft Groups, ICMS, AIP, 23-27 November 2010 Bolu, Turkey
  52. Soft locally compact and soft paracompact spaces, Journal of Mathematics and System Science, No 2, 2013.
  53. Some results on fuzzy soft topological spaces, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 1-10.
  54. The Extension of Singular Homology on the Category of Soft Topological Spaces, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, Vol. 3, No 2, 2013, 292-299.
  55. Homology Theory in the category of fuzzy topological spaces, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012 (with C.Gunduz(Aras), T.Y.Ozturk).
  56. Inverse systems of fuzzy soft modules, Annals of fuzzy mathematics and informatics, Vol. 4, No 2, 2012, 349-363 (with C.Gunduz (Aras), M.I.Yazar).
  57. Fuzzy and fuzzy soft structures in algebras, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
  58. Inverse and direct systems of soft modules, Annals of fuzzy mathematics and informatics, Vol. 5, No 1, 2012, 73-85 (with C.Gunduz (Aras), T.Y.Ozturk).
  59. Category of chain complexes of soft modules, International Mathematical Forum, 7 (2012), No 20, 981-992 (with T.Y.Ozturk).
  60. Soft path connectedness on soft topological spaces, Procedings of the 2013 International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Vol.1, 239-245, Almeria-Spain (with C.Gunduz (Aras), A.Erdem).
  61. Intuitionistic fuzzy soft topological spaces, Pure and Applied Mathematics, TWMS, J.Pure and Appl. Math. (2014), V.5, No 1, 66-79 (with C.Gunduz (Aras).
  62. Soft Mappings Space, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, The Scientific Journal, 2014, 1-8 (with T.Y.Ozturk).
  63. The extension of singular homology on the category of soft topological spaces, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, (2013), V. 3, No 2, 292-299 (with L.Mdzinarishvili, C.Gunduz (Aras)).
  64. Soft topology of function spaces, Jokull Journal, (2014), V. 64, No 10, 34-46 (with T.Y.Ozturk).
  65. A new view on soft normed spaces, International Mathematical Forum, (2014) V. 9, No 24, 1149-1159 (with M.I.Yazar, T.Bilgin, C.Gunduz (Aras)).
  66. The singular homology groups of soft topological spaces, On actual problems of mathematics and mechanics, Procedings of the International conference devoted to the 55th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, p. 103-105, Baku-2014 (with L.Mdzinarishvili, C.Gunduz (Aras)).
  67. Soft topology on function spaces, On actual problems of mathematics and mechanics, Procedings of the International conference devoted to the 55th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, p. 103-105, Baku-2014 (with T.Y.Ozturk).
  68. Singular homology throry in the category of soft topological spaces, Georgian Math.J. 2015,22(4), 457-467
  69. Fixed point theorem of soft contractive mappings, Filomat, 30:2 (2016), 269-279
  70. A new approach to inverse systems of soft topological spaces, Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol., 2016, 10(01), 51-65
  71. Soft ideal extension, AFMI, 13, 5, 2017, 629-640
  72. Topology on soft continous function spaces, Mathematical and Computational Applications, 2017, 22, 32, 1-11
  73. Some notes on compact sets in soft metric spaces, AFMI, 13, 6, 2017, 919-930
  74. On the Tietze extension theorem in soft topological spaces, Procedings of the IMM Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 43, 1, 2017, 105-115
  75. A new Approach Separability and compactness in soft topological spaces, Pure and Applied Mathematics, TWMS, J. Pure and Appl. Math. V.9, N.1, 2018, pp. 82–93.
  76. Qeyri-səlis soft G-modullar, Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri, Fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası, N1. 2018, 45-52.
  77. Soft S-metric spaces, 5th İnternational Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 18-22 June, 2018, Proceding Book, Skopje, Makedonia, 1-5
  78. A New Approach to Operations on Neutrosophic Soft Sets, 5th İnternational Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 18-22 June, 2018, Proceding Book, Skopje, Makedonia, 1-4
  79. Separation Axioms on Neutrosophic Soft Sets, 5th İnternational Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 18-22 June, 2018,Proceding Book, Skopje, Makedonia, 1-4
  80. Fixed Point Theorems on Soft S-metric Spaces, 5th İnternational Congress on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 18-22 June, 2018, Proceding Book, Skopje, Makedonia, 1-5
  81. Neutrosophic Soft Modules, Journal of Advances in Mathematics, Vol 14, 2018,7670-7681
  82. Soft modullar kateqoriyasında tərs limitin törəmə funktoru, Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri, Fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası, N1. 2018, 24-34.
  83. İnverse system in the category of intuitionistic fuzzy soft modules, Journal of Advances in Mathematics, Vol 14, N2, 2018,7486-7502
  84. The Universal Coefticient Theorem in the category of fuzzy soft modules, Journal of Advances in Mathematics, Vol 14, N2, 2018,7893-7904
  85. Soft modullar kateqoriyasında universal əmsallar haqqında teoremlər, Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti, Elmi xəbərlər, Təbiət elmləri bölməsi, N1. 2018, 12-18.
  86. Inverse system of neutrosophic modules, Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti, Elmi xəbərlər, Təbiət elmləri bölməsi, N1. 2018, 18-33
  1. Fredholm operatorlar, komplekslər ailələri ve qapanma əməliyyatlı Bool cəbrlərin K-nəzəriyyəs, Bakı 1985.
  2. Sonlu qrupların təsvir nəzəriyyəsi, Elm, Bakı, 1996
  3. Genel Topoloji, Çağlayan Kitabevi, Istanbul, 2004(with Ç. Aras)
  4. Fuzzy and Fuzzy Soft Structure in Algebra, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Almaniya, 2012
  5. Homology Theory in the category of fuzzy topological spaces, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
  1. "Sədi Bayramov". 2021-10-25 tarixində arxivləşdirilib. İstifadə tarixi: 2018-11-10.