characterize, -ise v 1. xarakterizə etmək, xarakteristika vermək; to ~ smb. bir kəsi xarakterizə etmək; 2. təsvir etmək, xüsusiyyətlərini göstərmək; t
Полностью »characterize, -ise v 1. xarakterizə etmək, xarakteristika vermək; to ~ smb. bir kəsi xarakterizə etmək; 2. təsvir etmək, xüsusiyyətlərini göstərmək; t
Полностью »f. to characterize (d.); Bu hərəkət onu səciyyələndirə bilməz This action can’t characterize him / her
Полностью »...characterize (d.); Bu hərəkət onu xarakterizə edir This action characterizes him / her
Полностью »(-ди, -да, -ар) n. rheumatism, disease characterized by inflammation of the joints (Medicine).
Полностью »n. cyclone, type of storm characterized by high winds rotating around a low pressure area .
Полностью »ӀӀ n. measles, morbilli, virus characterized by red spots on the skin (Pathology); ярарин adj. measly.
Полностью » the people of the country; country with such a government; society characterized by equal rights and privileges.
Полностью » the people of the country; country with such a government; society characterized by equal rights and privileges.
Полностью » the people of the country; country with such a government; society characterized by equal rights and privileges.
Полностью » the people of the country; country with such a government; society characterized by equal rights and privileges.
Полностью »n. falcon, type of predatory bird which hunts during the day (characterized by a sharp beak and strong claws); battering ram; slice bar.
Полностью »n. falcon, type of predatory bird which hunts during the day (characterized by a sharp beak and strong claws); battering ram; slice bar.
Полностью »n. falcon, type of predatory bird which hunts during the day (characterized by a sharp beak and strong claws); battering ram; slice bar.
Полностью »...jaundice, disorder caused by an excess of bile in the blood (characterized by yellowness of the skin, lethargy and loss of appetite) (Medicine).
Полностью »...картар) n. falcon, type of predatory bird which hunts during the day (characterized by a sharp beak and strong claws); battering ram; slice bar .
Полностью »n. fascism, dictatorial system of government characterized by extreme nationalism and right- wing authoritarian views (History), principles and method
Полностью »...disease; impetigo, contagious skin disease caused by a bacteria and characterized by pustular eruptions on the skin (Medicine) .
Полностью »