ру цилиндрическая линза en cylindrical lens de Zylinderlinse fr lentille cylindrique es lente cilíndrica it lente cilindrica
Полностью »n. graduate, glass vessel for measuring liquids; beaker, cylindrical vessel used by chemists and pharmacists.
Полностью »n. graduate, glass vessel for measuring liquids; beaker, cylindrical vessel used by chemists and pharmacists.
Полностью »is. 1) tambour m, caisse f ; 2) tex. cylindre m, barillet m (saat, tapança və sairədə) ; böyük ~ grosse caisse ; ~ı döyəcləmək battre le tambour
Полностью »...hidravlik ~ moteur hydraulique ; dörd silindrli ~ moteur à quatre cylindres ; ~u işə salmaq mettre en marche le moteur
Полностью »n. catkin, long cylindrical cluster of small flowers without petals (found in willows, birches, and oaks, also called ament); earring, ring or other o
Полностью »...covering of certain organisms; pod; scale. ПИРПИЛ n. catkin, long cylindrical cluster of small flowers without petals (found in willows, birches, and
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