...yedirtmək, qidalandırmaq; to take ~ yemək, qidalanmaq; He took no nourishment all day until dinner Nahara qədər o, yemək yemədi; 2. qida (mənəvi); bo
Полностью »I. i. nourishment, nutrition; catering; ictimai ~ public catering II. s.: ~ müəssisələri (public) catering establishments
Полностью »fi. 1. feeding, nourishment, nutrition; süni ~ artificial feeding / alimentation; (körpə) bottle-feeding; (torpaq) root nutrition; 2. tex. feed*, feed
Полностью »...müşahidəni ~ to double the watch (for, over); qidanı ~ to increase nourishment; beynəlxalq münasibətlərdə gərginliyi ~ to intensify / to heighten int
Полностью »I. i. food; nourishment; amount of food or drink usually taken; ruhi ~ mental / spiritual food; düşünmək üçün ~ food for thought; sağlam ~ wholesome f
Полностью »...milk, white liquid produced by female mammals that serves as nourishment for their young; this liquid from some mammals (cows, sheep, and goats) that
Полностью »...milk, white liquid produced by female mammals that serves as nourishment for their young; this liquid from some mammals (cows, sheep, and goats) that
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