1. to shelve smth. / to put smth. off / to keep putting smth. off / to postpone smth. indefinitely / Cf
* a decoy duck приманка / ловушка
a lively pen бойкое перо / владеть пером
she has a spark в ней есть изюминка
a witty remark красное словцо
to feel the action of smth. почувствовать действие чего-нибудь
to trivialize smth. / to cheapen smth. опошлять (лишать остроты, вкуса)
1. Lit. like at a chemist’s / sure (true) as the chemist’s scales (i.e. exactly, accurately, in perfect order) / Cf
bax düdük vermək
to feed someone with hopes / to whet someone’s appetite / to break promises (по)мазать по губам (давать пустые обещания)
to wave one’s head / to entice (to give a vain promise, to deceive) вешать лопшу на уши
1. (açıq) above board открыто (честно); 2. (düz) Cf. on the lemon / just then / just about / it hits the nail on the head (right, precisely, exactly)
thin / straight / compressed / stretched * в нитку / в ниточку (о чём-либо в виде прямой линии)
to kick someone with a knee from behind / to give someone a good dressing-down (hiding, licking) / to give someone what for дать киселя (дать пинка в
Lit. someone’s head is full of holes (of an absent-minded, forgetful or careless person) дырявая голова (о забывчивом, рассеянном человеке)
Сf. Shall the goslings teach the goose to swim? / Don’t teach your grandmother (granny) to suck eggs
Lit. need someone or smth. like a fish needs an umbrella / Lit. need smth. just as much as last year’s snow / Lit
Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs. Яйца курицу не учат.
the wide world / the great world / the whole world * белый свет / Божий свет (окружающий мир)
one is sick to death of everything / one has no use for anything на свет божий не глядел бы
bax dünya başına dar gəlmək
someone will catch it hot / someone will take it in the neck / someone will get hell / Cf. everything went dark before someone’s eyes / everything swa
bax dünya başına dar görünmək
bax dünya başına dar olmaq
bax dünya başına aylanmaq
bax dünya başına dolanmaq
for better for worse что бы ни случилось
one is sick to death of everything / one has no use for anything на свет не глядел бы
bax dünya gözünə qara görünmək
to be half blind with severe pain (to suffer from smth.) не видеть (не видать) света белого (испытывать страдания от неистерпимой боли, мучительной бо
bax dünya gözündə olmamaq
to be half blinded by smth. / everything went dark before someone’s eyes / everything swam before someone’s eyes / someone grew blind with smth
Cf. our day will come / we’ll have our day, too / our day is at hand / there will be bright days yet / there’s another day coming / a good time will c
Lit. The world is not without good people. / Cf. All the keys hang not at one man’s girdle. Свет не без добрых людей
1. to be blind слепой; 2. to live the hidden life вести затворническую жизнь
bax dünya işığı görməmək
as old as the hills старо, как мир
to lose the ground under one’s feet / to be (to get) out of one’s depth / to feel one’s last hold slipping away терять (потерять) почву под ногами (ли
one doesn’t care a straw for anything / one doesn’t care a rap / one doesn’t care a hang about anything else / one snaps his fingers at everything els
to cut one’s cable / to hop the stick / to lay up one’s heels / to go away / to take the ferry / to go hence / to go home / to go behind the eternal c
to know nothing about the happened events / to be unaware не знать, что происходит вокруг себя
to depart to God / to pass to a better world / to go to heaven / to pass on into another world / to tip off one’s heels / to go to kingdom-come / to d
an old bird / a downy bird / an old stager / a slick customer / a knowing old bird / an old hand / a tough customer (an experienced, wordly-wise man)
* a range of vision мировоззрение
bax dünyanı başına yığmaq
to hound someone to death / to drive someone to his (her) grave / to be the death of someone / to nag someone to death / to worry someone to death / t
1. bax dünyanı başına yığmaq; 2. to flood smth. with (to fill smth.) наводнять (переполнять)
to drive someone to his (her) grave / to nag someone to death заедать век / заедать жизнь (всячески вредя, создавать для кого-либо невыносимые условия