n. pumpkin, large yellow-orange fruit with tough skin and soft thick flesh; gourd, fleshy fruit; squash, gourd-shaped fruit that is eaten as a vegetab
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. debt, liability; duty, obligation; credit, trust; incumbency, office or position of an incumbent
n. obligation, responsibility, duty; place, position. БУРЖЛУ adj. duty bound; beholden, indebted; liable, responsible
n. pinch, thimbleful.
n. bore, hole; aperture; rift; slit; peep.
n. kitchen garden; market garden.
n. gardener.
n. horticulture, science of plant cultivation; olericulture.
n. bread, type of food made from baked wheat.
n. sheaf; shaft, beam.
n. sideboard, canteen, buffet, snack bar, refreshment room, lunch counter .
n. barman, tapster, bartender; pantryman.
n. shackle, fetters, manacles.
n. astrakhan, curly fur of Karakul lambs (from central Asia); caracul, breed of Asian sheep; fur from the lambs (also Karakul)
n. accountant, bookkeeper.
n. bookkeeping; counting house, counting room.
adj. empty, containing nothing; without people; hollow, meaningless.
(-из, -на, -а) also. буш 7) (буш авун).
n. ranter, tub-thumper, one who speaks in an uncontrollable manner.
n. empty rhetoric, meaningless words, empty words.
n. inoccupation.
n. empty.
also. бушдаказ.
n. saucer, small flat dish on which a cup is placed.
n. emptiness, vacuum; inanity.
please, if you please; you are welcome, don't mention it (used in response to "thank you") .
v. command, direct; order; require; tell, say; bid.
n. backbite, disparage; calumny, slander. БУЬГЬТЕНЧИ n. calumniator, libeller, scandalmonger. БУЬЗМЕ n
n. crystal, transparent mineral (especially a type of quartz); type of clear glass.
adj. uncultivated; uncultured.
n. lack of culture.
буьнжуькь авун v. mash; squash.
(-из, -на, -а) also. буьнжуькь (буьнжуькь авун).
n. blind man.
adj. blind, sightless; eyeless.
n. blindness, state of being unable to see.
pron. all.
n. larva, nymph, early wingless stage of an insect (Entomology); maggot, larva of certain flies; grub, larva of some insects
n. bugaboo.