n. foible, weakness; feebleness, infirmity; looseness, limpness; impotence. ГЪУЬРГЪУЬДАКАЗ adv. weakly, faintly; meanly, in a poor or lowly manner; fl
(-е, -е, -ер) n. hunt, act of chasing and capturing game animals; rut, annual period of sexual excitement in some animals; readiness; appetite, desire
n. hunter, huntsman, tracker, one who chases and captures game animals .
(-ре, -ре, -ер) n. moth, type of nocturnal flying insect similar to a butterfly; mole.
ӀӀ жеч гьа! do tell, really; upon my soul !, you don't say so.
Ӏ (гьада, гьабур) pron. it.
adj. very. ГЬАД also. гьяд. ГЬАДА гьам.
ӀӀ n. storey, floor, level in a building (alternate spelling for story); stage.
Ӏ 1) n. air, atmosphere; 2) n. atmospheric conditions; weather, sky; 3) n. climate, weather conditions; surrounding conditions
ӀӀӀ n. motive, reason; tune; motif.
adv. free, gratis, buckshee, free of charge; on the house.
also. гьавайда.
n. annoyance, molestation.
1) adj. free, buckshee; unpaid, exempt; 2) adj. useless; futile; impracticable, unprofitable, inutile, otiose; valueless, worthless
n. swimming pool; pool, reservoir; basin, drainage basin, catchment area, catchment basin.
adv. therefore.
n. courage, daring, bravery, ability to face danger without fear; audacity, boldness; resolve, firm decision
n. appearance; fact; phenomenon.
n. necessity, essential; indispensability; obligation; need, requirement; poverty.
n. lavatory, toilet; cloakroom, closet.
n. corn, maize.