n. brother in law; son in law.
adj. big, large; considerable, goodly; bulky; massive, enormous; grand, great, gross; wide, feature length
n. size, dimension; quantity; value; greatness, bigness.
adv. more; better; upward, upwards.
n. sail, sheet of fabric used to catch wind and propel a sailboat; velum, membranous covering (such as the soft palate)
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. food, nutriment; nutrition; fodder, forage, food for animals.
n. fruit.
n. fruit, greengrocery.
1) n. hearth; fireplace; furnace; focus, center, hub; 2) n. soil, earth, dirt; land; bottom, bedrock; pavement; 3) n
prep. for; vice; in lieu of, instead of.
also. ерин.
adv. malapropos, inappropriately; amiss; beside the point, is irrelevant. ЕРИШ 1) n. pace, step, stride; walking; motion; 2) n
n. captivity.
n. orphan, child whose parents are dead.
n. orphanage, institution for the care and placement of orphans; orphanhood, state of being without parents
n. answer, response, reply, rejoinder.
n. bailee, trustee.
n. responsibility, accountability, liability; amenability; trust.
adj. responsible, accountable, answerable; liable, chargeable; amenable .
adj. irresponsible; reckless, heedless; unaccountable, inexplicable. ЖАВАБДАРСУЗВАЛ adj. irresponsible; reckless, heedless; unaccountable, inexplicabl
adv. irresponsibly.
adj. lamblike, meek, gentle; unanswered; dumb.
n. pearl.
n. hypocrite, pharisee; prude; goody. ЖАДУВАЛ n. hypocrisy, duplicity, dissimulation. ЖАДУВИЛЕЛДИ adv
n. punishment, discipline, penalty; mulct, fine; plague, annoyance. ЖАЗАЛАМИШУН (-из, -на, -а) v. punish, chastise, chasten; smite, scourge; visit
v. annoy, harass, harry; exasperate, infuriate; nag, badger; fester .
also. жакьракь.