v. rob, plunder, maraud.
n. courage, bravery; gallantry, valiancy; spirit, spunk.
also. къуччагъдаказ.
adv. courageously, hardily, boldly.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. bird, fowl, plumed or feathered animal.
adj. double, twofold; duple; duplicate; twin; binary.
adv. in pairs, two by two.
adj. parallel; overlapping; collateral.
n. double barrelled gun.
n. bird fancier.
n. aviculture.
къуй Ӏ.
ХЬУН v. decay, waste away; ease, loosen; weaken, wilt, droop.
(-из, -на, -а) v. enfeeble, weaken; extenuate; relax, loose; abate, attenuate; dilute .
n. eye.
(-уь, -е, -ер) n. wheat; corn.
(-уь, -е, -ер) n. shoulder.
adv. shoulder to shoulder.
(-е, -е, -ер) n. hare, any of a number of rodentlike mammals with long ears and long hind legs designed for leaping (related to the rabbit)
adj. dull, blunt; obtuse, of an angle between 90 and 180 degrees (Geometry); .