(-ре, -ре, -ер) n. jay, any of a number of noisy birds belonging to the crow family and having striking blue and white plumage
n. scrubber; scraper; knife; rake.
(-из, -на, -кихлиг/-а) килигун.
(-и, -е, -ер) n. dog, canine, carnivorous animal from the family Canidae (especially the domesticated variety commonly kept as pets, trained to hunt,
n. villainy, turpitude, infamy, wicked or immoral act.
adv. meanly.
n. sinciput, front part of the skull located at and directly above the forehead (Anatomy); crown, top part of the head
(-ез, -ена, кичич) v. mottle, spot, speckle.
n. dread, anxiety; fear, phobia.
adj. nervous, apprehensive; spooky; timid. КИЧӀЕВАЛ n. fear, fright; horror; concern; terror. КИЧӀЕВИЛЕЛДИ also
adj. nervous, apprehensive; spooky; timid.
кичӀерар гун or кичӀерар кутун v. frighten, scare, alarm; intimidate; spook, startle.
ӀӀ shoo, go away!.
Ӏ n. Saturday, seventh day of the week; Sabbath, day of rest and religious observance among Jews and some Christian sects
n. cashmere, fine soft wool of the long-haired Kashmir goat; fabric made from the wool of the Kashmir goat
n. sultana, raisin.
n. bronze.
n. ceruse, pigment made from white lead; parget; white. КИЯР adj. bay, sorrel, chestnut, having a dark reddish-brown color
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. stone, pebble.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. tick, small parasitic bloodsucking arachnid which can sometimes be the carrier of infectious diseases; mite, insect which feeds on
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. class; classroom; status; section, department; genus, category; kind, type .
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. club, recreation centre.
n. flower bed, garden-bed, bed.
n. button; knob; snap; tack.
n. coalition, voluntary joining together, agreement made between two or more parties to work together toward a common goal
n. codex; code; lawbook; corpus, collection (of writing, knowledge, evidence, etc.).
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. coke; coak.
n. college, council; board, management committee.
n. collective, group of people.
n. colony, settlement; plantation.
n. command, order, direction; headquarters; team, crew; brigade, company.
n. combine, harvesting machine. КОМБИНАТ n. combine, industrual complex. КОМБИНЕЗОН n. overalls, overall
n. comedy.
n. commandant; manager; warden, keeper.
n. comet, celestial body with a luminous tail.
n. commissar, commissioner, government official.
n. commission, document that grants certain powers; committee, group of persons appointed or elected to act upon some matter of business
n. committee, standing commission.
n. compass, instrument that indicates magnetic north; mariner's compass.
n. set, suite, group of items; kit, complement; series.
v. complete, make up; recruit.
n. compote, stewed fruit in syrup.
n. compress, bandage, pledget.
n. conveyer; transporter; conveyance.