(-из, -на, -а) v. masticate; impaste, batter; brake; work.
(-из, -на, -а) v. sob, weep; blubber.
(-из, -на, -а) v. make use of, use; employ, utilize; take, reclaim; exercise; apply; put in requisition
n. appetite, hunger.
n. want, desire; wish; will; aspiration, longing; appetite; mind; pleasure.
adv. willingly, readily; gladly, heartily; soon; in a hurry. ИШТИРАК n. participation, involvement; partaking, partnership; share
n. inactivity, inertia, inertness; passivity, listlessness, torpidity.
(-из, -на, -а) also. иштирак (иштирак авун).
n. participant, partaker; party; partner, member.
also. иштагь.
нер ишун v. blow; blow one's nose.
n. July, seventh month of the Gregorian calendar.
n. June, sixth month of the Gregorian calendar; female first name.
n. thrashing, threshing; milling.
n. rasp, file; rubber, instrument for rubbing or scraping.
adj. fast, quick, wing footed; ready, prompt; lithesome, nimble.
(-из, -на, -а) also. йигин (йигин авун).
n. rapidity, swiftness, speed; readiness, promptitude; agility.
also. йигиндаказ.
adv. readily, promptly, quickly, fast, speedily, apace; amain, in short order, in short.
adj. disorderly, disorganized, slovenly.
n. disorder, lack of order; lack of system.
adv. confusedly, disorderly, helter-skelter, pell-mell; irregularly.
n. mat; rug.
adv. daily.
ХЬУН v. turn over; cant.
(-из, -на, -а) v. turn over, upturn; reverse, invert.
adj. day, journal.
кьин ӀӀ.
n. slaughterhouse, butchery, establishment where animals are butchered for food; massacre, bloodbath, slaughter, battue, slaughter of the helpless and
n. fight.
adj. predatory, rapacious. ЙИРТИЖИВАЛ n. bloodiness, cruelness. ЙИРТИХ adj. scampish.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. shovel, spade.
Ӏ (сари, сара, сар/йисар) n. wool, fleece from some animals; clothing made from wool; thread made from wool
ӀӀ (-а, -а, -ар/са, са, сар) n. year; twelvemonth.
adv. year in year out.
adv. annually, per annum.
prep. during, while, in the course of, within, for, in, pending.
adv. per annum.
also. йиртих.
(-е, -е, -ер/фе, фе, фер) n. night, night-time, period of time between sunset and sunrise.
adv. night after night, night by night.
adv. at night, nights, in the night time; nightly, every night.
adv. in a fashion, after a fashion; slapdash, hugger mugger, hurry scurry; hit or miss .
v. avoid, eschew, steer clear of.
n. iodine, powdered iodine mixed with ethyl alcohol to form an antiseptic solution; nonmetallic element of the halogen group used in medicine and phot
n. fir tree, cone-bearing evergreen tree.
jeez, oho, aha! (cry of surprise).
n. pack.