n. cocoa, powder made from seeds of the cacao tree; drink made from cocoa powder .
(-из, -на, -а) v. mix, intermingle; jumble.
(-из, -на, какат/-а) also. акатун.
(-из, -на, какахь/-а) also. акахьун.
n. cactus, type of spiny succulent plant.
also. какурун.
adj. crooked, awry, wry, hooked, anfractuous; one-eyed; bandy; bent.
n. curvature, act of curving; flexure, act of bending; tortuosity, quality of being twisted; curve, bend, twist
(-из, -на, -а) also. какур (какур авун).
[ккал] Ӏ (-и, -е, -ер) n. cow, adult female bovine (especially one which is raised to supply milk or meat)
adj. unripe, immature.
[ккал] ӀӀ (-у, -а, -ар) n. wintering.
n. servility, subservience, obsequiousness.
adj. servile, subservient, obsequious, menial.
n. calendar; almanac.
n. calligraphy, penmanship.
n. calorie, unit of heat energy; thermal unit.
(-из, -на, калтуг/-а) also. галтугун.
n. galosh, overshoe, gumshoe.
[ккам] n. step, pace, stride, movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down in another place; distance covered by moving one foot ahead of the
[ккам] ӀӀ (-уни, -уна, -ар) n. trap, snare; noose.
n. mind; understanding; reason, sense; wit, intellect.
adj. reasonable, rational, logical; intelligent; understanding, comprehending.
n. wisdom, sapience.
adv. morally.
adj. inadvisable, not recommended; unwise, imprudent; irrational, illogical.
n. unripeness, immaturity; crudity; swaddle.
adj. immoral, unprincipled, depraved; reprobate, wicked.
adj. ripe, mature; adult; virile; mellow. КАМ-КАМУНИХЪ: v. get tired, become tired. КАМПАНИЯ n. campaign; crusade
n. computer, machine that computes, machine that processes data; PC, personal computer .
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. dandruff, scurf, dry flakes of skin that have been shed (especially dandruff).
кун [ккун].
n. hemp, cannabis; marijuana, narcotic substance from the hemp plant.
Ӏ adj. bent, bended; arcuated, bowed.
n. bin; chest, storage box.
n. holiday, vacation.
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. knife, tool with a thin sharp blade that is used for cutting; chopper, device for chopping (axe, etc
n. office, chancery.
(-у, -а, -ар) n. hand, part of the body at the end of the arm.
n. handful.
also. кооператив,.
n. capillary, very small blood vessel.
n. capital, fund, amount of money set aside for a specific purpose; principal, capital sum (Finance)
n. capitalism, economic system based on competition between businesses.
n. capitalist, supporter of capitalism (economic system based on competition between businesses).
n. captain; skipper, padrone, captain of a ship.
капитулировать авун v. capitulate, surrender.
n. capitulation, surrender.
(купӀуни, купӀуна, купӀар) n. prayer, orison, petition or entreaty to god; blessing, grace (said in thanks for food before or after a meal)
Ӏ (-ди, -да, крар) n. business, work; deed, act; doing, affair; transaction, deal; concern; thing; file, portfolio