n. lecture, discourse given before an audience, speech.
n. lecturer; reader; prelector.
n. pit, hole (in a road).
Ӏ (-ре, -ре, -ер) n. eagle, type of large predatory bird.
ӀӀ (-ини, -ина, -ер) n. liver.
n. panther, cougar.
n. flatterer, sycophant; courtier; soother.
v. jade, exhaust; frazzle.
n. liquid manure.
ленг авун v. arrest, detain; stall, delay; retard; keep back, withhold.
n. detention, arrest; delay; retardation; holdback.
n. tray; server; waiter.
also. лента.
n. ribbon; band; sash; tie.
n. wave, swell; tide; wash.
adj. inert, inactive; passive; slothful, sluggish; stagnant.
n. flap; flop; pat; лерпӀ-лерпӀ авун v. slap, smack; slop; splash.
n. wrap; shawl; also. фите.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. carrion; offal, parts of an animal that are cut off and discarded in the butchering process
v. splash, swash, splatter.
n. horseshoe, shoe, U-shaped piece of metal attached to a horse's hoof to protect it from rough surfaces
n. skin; hide, pelt; fur.
n. clothing, apparel, garments. ЛИГЕН n. bowl, basin; washbowl; pelvis. ЛИГИМ adj. tempered, hardened, seasoned
(-из, -на, -а) also. лигим (лигим авун). ЛИГИМВАЛ n. endurance, stamina; staying power, persistence. ЛИКВИДИРОВАТЬ: v