also. лента.
n. ribbon; band; sash; tie.
n. wave, swell; tide; wash.
adj. inert, inactive; passive; slothful, sluggish; stagnant.
n. flap; flop; pat; лерпӀ-лерпӀ авун v. slap, smack; slop; splash.
n. wrap; shawl; also. фите.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. carrion; offal, parts of an animal that are cut off and discarded in the butchering process
v. splash, swash, splatter.
n. horseshoe, shoe, U-shaped piece of metal attached to a horse's hoof to protect it from rough surfaces
n. skin; hide, pelt; fur.
n. clothing, apparel, garments. ЛИГЕН n. bowl, basin; washbowl; pelvis. ЛИГИМ adj. tempered, hardened, seasoned
(-из, -на, -а) also. лигим (лигим авун). ЛИГИМВАЛ n. endurance, stamina; staying power, persistence. ЛИКВИДИРОВАТЬ: v
Ӏ (-еди, -еда, -ер) n. clay; mud, ooze, sludge; silt, fine particles of sand and other earthy matter which are carried and deposited by water
ӀӀ n. blueprint; bluing; blue.
n. lilliputian, resident of Lilliput; very small person, dwarf.
n. firth .
also. n. lemon, oval fruit of the lemon tree having a yellow rind and juicy sour pulp; lime, small green citrus fruit with juicy sour pulp
n. lemonade, beverage made from lemon juice and sugar mixed with water.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. jack, mechanical device for raising great weights; lever.
n. ruler, flat tool used for measuring distances; straightedge, piece of wood or metal with one perfectly straight edge for measuring straightness of
n. mirage, illusion.
n. hawk, war hawk.
n. lyric, poem having the form and musical quality of a song; lyrics, words of a song.
n. leaflet, flyer, broadside; leaf; follicle.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. felt, nonwoven fabric produced by matting fibers together by heat and pressure
n. litterateur, literary man, man of letters.
n. literature; letters.
(-ди, -да, литрияр) n. liter, metric unit of capacity.
(-ре, -ре, -ер) n. dove, pigeon.
1) n. label; mark; identification; score; notch; 2) n. sign, token; omen; 3) n. foretoken, prognostic; 4) n
adj. engaged, betrothed.
n. gun-layer; pointer.
also. леэн.
n. logarithm, power to which a base must be raised to produce a given number (Mathematics).
n. logic, reasoning.
n. slogan, motto, catchword; war cry, battle cry.
n. lottery, raffle; draw.
n. lotto.
(-а, -ар) n. wing, anything resembling a wing in appearance or function; aerofoil, wing of an airplane; leaf; fender, mudguard; flank v
(-уз, лагьана, лагь/ лагьа) 1) v. say, tell; observe; 2) v. blow upon; 3) v. sing, make musical sounds with the voice (often with musical accompanimen
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. brood, group of young born or hatched at the same time (especially of birds); covey, flock of birds; pack, group of animals (espe
n. jamb, upright section of a door frame or window frame; shoal, school of fish; flock, herd; slope; joint, marijuana cigarette (Slang)