n. rating, assessment, valuation; rank, grade, classification; discharge; digit.
n. crossing; turn out; siding; meeting; patrol.
n. region, area, domain; locality, district; neighborhood, vicinity.
v. district, zone.
also. ряят.
(рикӀини, рикӀина, ракӀарар) n. door, entry.
n. rocket, rocket propelled missile.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. send, dispatch; refer; forward; shoot; tender; delegate; 2) v. run, direct; conduct (Physics); lead, escort
(-у/-уни, -а/-уна, -ар) n. iron, metallic element (Chemistry).
1) ракь; 2) n. trap; deadfall; man trap; 3) n. trap, snare.
n. slag, scoria, residue of ore separated from a metal during the smelting process; sinter, heat a material to just below the melting point so that it
n. herd.
n. frame; cadre, framework.
(-уни/-ади, -уна/-ада, -ар) 1) n. paint; tint, color; dye; stain; flush, suffusion; 2) n. color; dye, coloring; hue, particular shade of a color; flow
(-из, -на, -а) v. paint; color, dye; blot, stain.
adj. achromatic, colorless; drab, bleak, insipid; waxen, white; рангсуз авун v. decolor, fade, decolorize; blanch, bleach
n. achromatism; insipidity, insipidness.
n. jack-plane, type of tool; plane; jointer.
n. stamp; clatter; brattle. РАПАРГАН n. needle case; housewife. РАПОРТ n. report.
n. brilliance, brightness; magnificence, splendor; lustre, gloss; also. цӀапӀрапӀ.
ХЪУВУН расун.
ХЪХЬУН v. reform; better; right; straighten.
ХЬУН v. encounter, meet; be found; see.
n. racism, racialism, ethnocentrism.
n. racist, racialist, bigot.
n. schedule, timetable; timing; syllabus; table.
n. note, chit; voucher; script; release; acquittance; acknowledgement.
adj. fair, blond.
adj. auburn, chestnut-colored (of hair); gingery, reddish brown; sandy, red-headed.
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. repair, fix, mend, correct a problem or malfunction; sharpen; execute, carry out; impede; 2) v
n. expense; expenditure, outlay (especially financial); consumption; rate; span.
n. accounting; calculation, computation; design; valuation, estimate.
(ратӀра, ратӀра, ратӀар) n. barnyard, barn.
рад. РАТУНИ рад. РАТӀАР рат. РАТӀРА рат.
1) n. handling, usage, treatment; deal; address; quarter 2) n. relations, connections between people or groups; contact, liaison, communication; perti
1) n. relation, pertinence; attitude, sentiment; concern, regard; quotient; rate, ratio; 2) n. relations, connections between people or groups; contac
(-из, -на, -а) 1) v. despatch, ship off, launch; refer; relegate; 2) adv. extra, additionally. РАХУН (-аз, -на, рахух) 1
n. mock, scorn, ridicule, mockery. РАЦИОНАЛИЗАТОР n. rationalizer; innovator. РАЦӀАМ also. рцӀам.
adj. yellow; xanthous; jaundiced, yellowed as if from jaundice.