n. reflector; reverberator; speculum.
n. reform.
n. reformism.
adj. grey-haired, having hair which has turned grey or white with age; grey, grizzled.
n. graying hair.
n. defect.
(рекьи, рекье, рекьер) 1) n. road, street; way, pathway; drive, ride; door; pad; рекьин adj. road, highway; itinerary; viatic, travel; гьуьлуьн рехъ s
n. reviewer, critic; reader.
n. review, critique; notice.
n. prescription; recipe; formula; receipt.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. speech; accent, language; discourse; oration.
(рипини, рипина, рипер) n. awl, bradawl, sharp pointed tool for making small holes.
n. story; tradition.
n. beard, awn, bristle on a plant (Botany).
n. perforation, puncture; penetration, breakthrough; breakdown, disruption.
1) n. subsistence; 2) n. granule, grain; kernel, corn; seed; berry.
(-и, -е, -ер) 1) n. heart, bodily organ which pumps blood; bosom, human chest; core; soul; 2) n. soul, spirit; psyche, mind; heart; bosom, breast; gho
рикӀ-дуркӀун авун v. caress, fondle, stroke; flatter; pet, cosset.
(-ди, -да, ритмаяр) n. rhythm, beat, regular pulse or accent (in music, etc.); meter, recurrent beat in poetry or prose
n. rhyme, similarity of sound at the end of words or lines of poetry.
n. mock, scorn, ridicule, mockery.
(-ини, -ина, -ер) 1) n. bowstring; string; 2) n. drive; gear; homing; transmission.
n. jack, mechanical device for raising great weights; lever.
n. bribe, graft; trick, one round in a card game. РИШВЕТЧИ n. bribetaker, grafter, accessible to bribery
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. role, part, character.
n. novel, piece of long fiction with a plot and characters; romance, love affair. РОМБ (-ди, -да, -ар) n
(рупади, рупада) fruit syrup.
n. shirt, garment with long or short sleeves that is worn on the upper body; casing; jacket.
(руквади, руквада, руквар) n. dust; fug; powder.
руг-руг авун v. shiver, smash up, smash.
ругун ӀӀ.
n. six.
on six time.