n. machine; tool; carriage; bench. СТАНСИЯ n. station; point; stage; depot. СТАРОСТА n. captain.
n. statist, statistician, expert in the field of statistics, one who specializes in the collection and interpretation of numerical data
n. statistics, branch of mathematics that deals with the collection and interpretation of numerical information
n. statue, three-dimensional work of art that has been created from any of a variety of materials (such as clay, metal, stone, etc
n. strike.
n. record film, verbatim report.
n. stenographer, one who takes dictation in shorthand characters.
n. stenography, shorthand, rapid handwriting method that uses abbreviations and symbols to represent letters words and phrases
n. stylistics.
v. stylize, design in accordance with a particular style.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. style, manner, way; particular way of life (especially one that is luxurious); fashion, chic; vogue; ancient writing instrument; st
n. scholar; exhibitioner, student who receives an allowance; bursar .
n. scholarship, financial grant given to a student to subsidize the cost of education; stipend, regular payment of money, salary
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. table, piece of furniture comprised of a large flat surface supported by one or more legs; board, food and drink
n. capital, metropolis.
n. strategist, one who is skilled in devising plans to achieve a goal (especially a military victory)
n. stratospheric balloon.
n. insurance, contract by which property or persons are guaranteed against damage or loss; assurance
n. hand, pointer on a clock; indicator, pointer; spit, narrow section of land extending into the sea; needle (especially on a compass); switch, shunt;
n. strophe, first of a pair of stanzas (Poetry).
n. structure, building; something created from a number of interconnecting parts; manner in which something is constructed; setup, arrangement, organi
n. student, one who is enrolled in a school or college; undergraduate, university student who has not yet received his first degree
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. chair, seat; stool, bowel movement.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. column, pillar; shaft, stanchion.
(-ди, -да, -яр) n. brother, sibling.
n. brotherhood, fraternity; confraternity, fellowship, sodality.
adv. brotherly.
(-ди, -да, -ар) 1) n. drop, blob, glob; spritz; ounce, sprinkling; bead; 2) n. dot, spot; point; period
adv. any.
adj. plain, homely; shabby.
1) n. question, query, interrogation, inquiry; 2) n. inquiry; query, question; interpellation, act of formally questioning a government official; over
1. adj. unmarried, single; empty; vacant; 2n. bachelor, celibate, unmarried man; single person.
n. solitude, loneliness; oneness, singleness; abandonment.
also. субайдаказ.
adv. lonely; alone.
1) n. proof, averment; substantiation, evidence; witness, testimony; vindication, acquittal; seal 2) n
(-из, -на, -а) also. субут (субут авун).
1. adj. unfounded, baseless; 2. adj. unfounded, unsubstantiated, unproven.
adj. unfounded, unsubstantiated, unproven.
adv. on one's bare word.
n. subject, noun to which the verb phrase in a sentence refers (Grammar); branch of studies; person or thing that is studied or examined; ego, part of
n. plaster, stucco, parget.
also. сувагъ (сувагъ авун).
n. plasterer, one who covers walls with white paint. СУВАГЪЧИВАЛ n. plasterer, one who covers walls with white paint