1) also. гьалал; 2) n. truth, verity, fact.
. also. хшлав.
adj. sour, tart; acetous, vinegary; acid, acerbic. ТУРШИВАЛ; туршивал квай adj. sour to the taste. ТУРШИДАКАЗ adv
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. mulberry, tree with purplish-red and berrylike fruit.
n. shoe.
adj. full, satiated.
ХЬУН v. eat plenty of.
(-из, -на, -а) also. тух (тух авун).
n. fullness, satiation.
adv. to satiety, to one's heart's content; тухвилелди туьтӀуьн v. underfeed.
n. farm; nursery, place for growing and selling plants also. . къелемлух.
(-из, -на, -а) v. calm, becalm, soothe, solace; quiet, quiet down, settle, still; tranquilize, pacify, appease, placate; conciliate, reassure, comfort
n. lung, one of two saclike respiratory organs responsible for transferring oxygen into the bloodstream
n. family, clan; kin; race; bloodline; generation; class, kind, genus; gender, system in some languages in which nouns are separated into two or more
(-уз, тухвана, твах) 1) v. carry, bear; wear; 2) v. conduct; trot round; drive (i.e. car, animal, etc
n. reproach, reproof, rebuke; admonition, call down, set down; туьгьмет авун v. reproach, reprove, rebuke; twit, chide; objurgate
n. reproach, blame.
(-из, -на, туьгьмет ая) also. туьгьмет (туьгьмет авун).
(туьтуьни, туьтуьна, туьтер) n. throat, neck; lane; туьтуьн хат n. Adam's apple, projection of cartilage in the front of the throat (especially vi
(-ди, -да) n. fluff, soft and fuzzy particle or mass; down, soft insulating feathers; туькдин adj. downy, fluffy, soft, of or resembling down; туькдин
n. salesclerk, salesperson in a store.
adj. plump, full-figured; full, complete, entire, absolute, total; туькме жендек авай adj. cobby, dumpy, squat
1. adj. bitter, poignant, pungent; rough; 2. n. bile, gall.
(-из, -на, -а) also. туькьуьл (туькьуьл авун).
1) n. bitterness; bitter; wormwood, something bitter; 2) n. unpleasantness; disappointment; nuisance; shame
(-из, -на, -а) v. swallow, gulp; ingest.
1) adj. successful, fortunate, prosperous, lucky; 2) adj. comfortable; conventional; decent, respectable; seemly, proper, decorous; 3) v
n. bore, hole; hollow; jag; rent, tear; dump; туькӀвен авай adj. holey, perforated; туькӀвен авун or туькӀвен акъудун v
(-з, туькӀвена, туькӀуькӀ) v. go well.