adj. risky, dangerous, hazardous, perilous.
n. risk, danger, peril, hazard; possibility of injury, possibility of harm.
n. wish, desire; request; ambition; expression of desire; expression of a request.
(-из, -на, -а) v. allure, entice, tempt; seduce, inveigle.
n. Bible, Holy Writ, Scripture.
n. living room; drawing room, parlor.
(-ди, -да, -ар) n. cupola, dome; тагъ чӀугур adj. arch, vaulted, convex, curved; ♦ цавун тагъ n. welkin, roof of heaven
[ттагъ]: тагъ авун v. toast; brown; torrefy; ♦ тагъ гун a) v. hurt, injure, torment, afflict b) wind round one's little finger, turn smb
n. bag, sac; pack; briefcase; pouch, satchel, purse.
(-из, -на, -а) v. brand, cauterize; stigmatize; stamp, impress , n. brand, trademark.
1) n. provision, supply; curing; blank; bar; billet; тадарак авун v. store up, lay in store; 2) n. equipment, supplies, necessary items, tools or othe
(-из, -на, -а) v. equip, outfit; appoint.
adj. hurried, rushed; immediate; pressing. ТАДИВАЛ 1) n. hurry, rush, haste; 2) n. stringency. ТАДИВИЛЕЛДИ also
adv. quickly; urgently.
also. тадидаказ.
adv. readily, promptly, quickly, fast, speedily, apace; amain, in short order, in short.
(-уни/-ди, -уна/-да, -ар) 1) n. crown, coronal, coronet; 2) n. canopy.
also. тажуб.
n. tradesman, merchant; also. савдагар.
1) adj. amazing, astonishing, surprising, astounding, extraordinary, miraculous; 2) adj. peculiar, exceptional, special; strange, odd, curious; unique
n. amazement, astonishment; surprise, wonder.
also. тажубдаказ.
adv. in astonishment, in great surprise, in wonder, in amazement.
ӀӀ (-ди, -да, -ар) n. plant, small vegetable growth; seedling, young tree or plant; root; yearling; set
Ӏ тун.
ӀӀӀ (-уни, -уна, -ар) n. bowl, basin; washbowl; pelvis.
Ӏ adj. fresh, not spoiled; newly arrived, inexperienced; recent, new; cool; lively, crisp; green, raw; virgin, unsullied
n. freshness, recency, newness; coolness; verdure, fresh and healthy condition.
n. sorrow, woe; affliction; mourning.
n. funeral, burial, obsequies.
ӀӀ (таюни, таюна, таяр) 1) n. contemporary; fellow; 2) n. pair, couple; match.
Ӏ (таюни, таюна, таяр) 1. 1) n. pile, stack; bale, pack; 2. adj. like, alike, similar; conformable; corresponding; parallel; near of kin
[ттай] (-ци, -це, -таяр) n. foal, colt, cade.
adj. unpaired, odd. ТАЙ-ТУЬШ also. тай ӀӀ. ТАКАБУР n. pride.
n. taiga, subarctic forest of evergreen trees (found in North America, Europe, and Asia) .
adj. definite; determined, settled; certain; definite article (Linguistics).
also. тайин (тайин авун).
n. distinctness.
also. тайиндаказ.
adv. definitely; by all means; in set terms; distinctly, pronouncedly.
adj. indefinite, indeterminate; indecisive; lax, loose; vague, ambiguous.
n. uncertainty, ambiguity; suspense; generality; laxity.
also. тайинсуздаказ. ТАЙИНСУЗДАКАЗ adv. indefinably, indeterminably; indefinitely. ТАЙИФА n. tribe, clan, people; group; race, heritage
n. merit, value; virtue; dignity; quality; timber.
also. такабурдаказ.
adv. worthily.